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Upcoming Legion buff Idea

Szarman Member Posts: 247
edited December 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello everyone! As we know, devs announced that Legion buff is coming in the future. In this post I want to show you my ideas, how he could be buffed. So lets start


movement speed

  • Feral Frenzy Movement Speed is 5.6 m/s (was 5.2 m/s)


  • Feral Frenzy fatigue is now 3 seconds (before 4 seconds)
  • Tunnel Vision while in fatigue is significantly reduced

power gauge

  • Power Gauge starts recharging while in Fatigue
  • The Legion can start Feral Frenzy when the gauge is charged above 33%

killer instinct

  • Killer Instinct changes its range with Terror Radius, But it does not fall below 24 meters
  • Oblivious no longer protects you from Killer Instinct.

(So if you have Undetectable Status Effect, Your Killer instinct is 24 meters range instead of 0 meters.)

There are lots of perks now, that give Oblivious/Undetectable status effects. These perks actually not work on Legion, because when survivors dont hear your terror radius - you don't have your tracking tool. So with this change Legion will be able to use more perks and make more fun builds.

That's all for power changes. Now we are going to change the addons!



  • Reduces Feral Frenzy recovery time by 2/3 seconds(From 2/3.5 seconds)


  • Hitting a survivor highlighted by Killer Instinct while in Feral Frenzy applies Blindness status effect for 60 seconds
  • Hitting a Deep Wounded survivor while in Feral Frenzy applies Blindness status effect for 60 seconds and Oblivious status effect for 10 seconds


  • Hitting a survivor highlighted by Killer Instinct while in Feral Frenzy applies Mangled status effect until healed
  • Hitting a Deep Wounded survivor while in Feral Frenzy applies Mangled and Haemorrhage status effect until healed


  • Hitting a Survivor highlighted by Killer Instinct while in Feral Frenzy applies the Incapacitated Status Effect until mended. This effect persist for 15 seconds after completing the Mending action,
  • Hitting a Deep Wounded Survivor while in Feral Frenzy applies the Incapacitated Status Effect until mended. This effect persist for 25 seconds after completing the Mending action,

(Survivors can still mend themselves, when they have Incapacitated status effect)


Before: Increases Killer Instinct Detecion range by: 4/8/16 meters


  • Increases Terror Radius while in Feral Frenzy by 4/8/16 meters
  • Decreases Terror Radius while outside of Feral Frenzy by 2/4/6 meters-

With new addons you have bigger detection range but also bigger terror radius with Frenzy, so survivor have more time to react. Another advantege of these addons is decreasing terror radius while outside of Frenzy. So survivors have more time to react for your frenzy, but less time to react when you are outside of it.


Increases Feral Frenzy duration by 1/1.5/2.5 seconds


Before: Reduces the fatigue of Feral frenzy by 0.2/0.4seconds


  • Increases the movement speed of Feral Frenzy by 0.15/0.25 m/s

Instead of nerfing them I decided to rework them. These addons would be definitely useful on The Legion.


Before: Reduces the fatigue of Feral Frenzy by 0.6 seconds


  • Reduces the fatigue of Feral Frenzy by 0.5 seconds


  • Increases mending time by 1.5/ 2.5 seconds


Before: Reduces the Deep Wound timer of all survivors by 5 seconds


  • Reduces the Deep Wound timer of all survivors by 5 seconds
  • Allows The Legion to see the Deep Wound timer of all survivors.

Old version of this addon was only useful when using Frank's Mixtape. Now you can use it without Frank's Mixtape, for information.


Before: Hitting a Deep Wounded survivor while in feral frenzy, shortens their Deep Wound timer by 5 seconds.

  • Hitting a Deep Wounded survivor while in feral frenzy, shortens their Deep Wound timer by 5 seconds.
  • After hitting a Deep Wounded Survivor in Feral Frenzy, you suffer from additional weapon wiping animation that lasts for 3 seconds

(So 3 seconds of cooldown + 3 seconds of fatigue = 6 seconds of overall cooldown)

I needed to add addtional cooldown, because you can start Frenzy when it's 33% charged. With this bigger cooldown Survivors are able to make more distance.

Feral Frenzy is not recharging during the "weapon wiping" animation

GIF that showcases how double fatigue looks like:

SOURCE: Dat360NoScope/Youtube


  • Terror Radius affects the entire map
  • Any Pallets you vault are immediately broken.


Before: While using Feral Frenzy, the Repair Progression of Generators can be determined by the intensity of their Auras.


  • After vaulting a window or a pallet while in Feral Frenzy your power gauge stops draining for 2.5 seconds
  • While in Feral Frenzy Auras of Pallets and Windows within 12 meters are shown to you.

Give me your thoughts, I hope you like these changes.

Post edited by Szarman on


  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    I like these changes. Really all we need is increased speed and reduced fatigue and that is exactly what these changes are.

    Would like more add-ons that focus on opening up new builds and synergies, but if this is what we got for the legion update I’d think I would be happy.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I appreciate the effort you put into this, but they didn't say they were buffing legion.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited October 2021

    Tat, I reckon you have a line to Almo so you might know something, but that does not mention a buff.

    They say specifically Legion is on the list to look at. That language does not necessarily mean a buff. They just "looked at" slinger. How'd that shake out for him? Ghost face got an add-on pass that was an overall nerf you could argue.

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Thanks for your comment! I'm happy you enjoy these ideas. If you want, you can write your addons ideas, I would love to read them!

    They said they are going to look at him. Though they didn't say its 100% a buff, It will probably still have more buffs than nerfs. I'm sure they will change fatigue to 3 seconds, Change bad addons, maybe they will nerf duration addons, they will probably rework fatigue addons. Time will show. Thanks for your comment

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,233

    I like these changes quite a bit! Doesn't go over board, buffs what needs buffing and reworks some of the more annoying stuff. I'd be sad to see the Broken pin go, but what replaces it looks pretty solid!

    To this, though: Why would that be relevant? They "looked at" Slinger because he was obnoxious and unfun to play against, not because he was weak and needed buffing. He does, but that wasn't what the point of their changes were. Legion isn't in that spot so there's little reason to assume they'd be overall nerfed, or even given the same treatment as Slinger where they're shuffled a bit so they're the same strength with a little more caution. Needless negativity, not constructive to this conversation.

  • IWFreak
    IWFreak Member Posts: 252

    Looking at your suggestions, I would still make Killer Instinct work with Legion's TR, but just have a minimum range (of for example 32 or 24 meters).

    That way you reduce the double stat listings of the Killer Instinct add-ons.

    I also have the same suggestion for Spirit. Sine her TR and her Husk's TR are not the same. Make them the same, so you can play with more perks to augment her power.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Needless negativity or a reality check? The ghost face point stands, that addon pass is considered a nerf by many. I'd qualify the pig's add-on pass a nerf as well, even after it works.

    I'm saying that they did not explicitly spell it that they were due for buffs. This is not negativity, it is the reality of the statement they made. When you employ deductive reasoning and look at the other stuff they've done, it's fair to think it might result in net nerfs.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,233

    I was gonna answer that and then realised I was getting too in the weeds arguing with you when that's not the point of my initial comment and especially not the point of the thread, so I'll end with this: Coming into someone's idea thread and saying "cool but the devs aren't gonna do that" is needless negativity. It's not helpful, it's not constructive, and it's only arguably even halfway accurate.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I would say that correcting misinformation is always constructive.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    If I'm reading these changes right, this would break Legion.

    Here's the thing about Legion. Multi Stab Frenzy downs are uncounterable. They just are. They are technically possible right now but... they... well they used to take ~62s to do, as of Tuesday they now take 48s. So prior to this patch, no one bothered because they were no where near fast enough. Your changes will make them take 20 seconds. That's really fast for something the Survivor can't stop.

    The rest of the changes are a mixed bag for me. Some are great, some are questionable... but I can't get past the fact that you're bringing back Old Legion which got reworked for very good reasons.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    it's a decent set of changes but i feel the need to point out that legion's primary problem of 'once people are injured, then what' isn't addressed at all with any of them, and in general with the 40 --> 32m KI adjustment the base info gathering of frenzy takes a major hit, even if it can then work with other things

    it's possible that the return of the multi-stab downs would be the thing in question but devs probably won't do it + survivors would hate it more than spirit

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    "Killer instinct is no longer the same as terror radius. It now has 32 meter radius."

    Oh, I would love this change. Hysteria would be so good at him.

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Thanks for your opinion but i think u are wrong. Why are u using maths when there can happen a lot of things in the game. First of all survivors are not standing still. They are making distance. There will be very few situations in which you will be able to use Feral Frenzy when its 50% charged. Especially when u have only 5 seconds usage of it and when you fail you will be punished very roughly.

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Thanks for your thoughts. If you think that this frank's mixtape and stab wounds study would be broken i wouldn't say so. After changes we got from the last ptb Stab Wounds Study buff made downing in Frenzy better. But it's still not as good as it could be, especially now when there are boon totems and it's way more difficult to keep ruin in the game that was helping this playstyle a lot. I think being able to use Frenzy at 50% would be okay. Not broken, but helpful. You are not even be able to use frenzy at 50% to hit someone. I think on 75% in most cases. That's still takes some time that can be used by survivors to repair generators.

    Thanks for your opinion! I'm glad you like it

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247


    • Stab Wounds Study nerf: Now when hitting a Deep Wounded survivor in Frenzy, you suffer from longer fatigue
    • Frank's Mixtape buff: You can activate Feral Frenzy when your power gauge is charged above 33% (was 50%)

    These changes make these addons more balanced when used alone. Especially Frank's Mixtape will be way useful now while using it on its own. Also additional Cooldown on Stab Wounds Study allows survivors to have more counterplay against Legion that downs in Frenzy

    Give me your thoughts! :D

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247
    edited November 2021


    base kit

    • The Legion can start Feral Frenzy when the gauge is charged above 33%

    With this change I wanted to make The Legion feel more smoother. You have more options that you can choose. Run earlier but shorter or Run later but longer. It all depends on your knowledge if you can get to a survivor in this time or not. But if you fail you get punished with fatigue and need to wait for your power one more time

    Addon changes

    With this Base Kit change, that I just showed you, I had to change Addons that allow The Legion to down in Feral Frenzy. I changed them back to as they are in current version of DBD, but they are slightlty chagned for balance purposes.

    • Frank's Mixtape nerf: When you hit a Deep Wounded Survivor you suffer from addditional cooldown animation that last 2 seconds (during this animation your Frenzy is not recharging)

    I had to make an additional cooldown for this addon because now u can use ur Frenzy earlier but for less duration. With this change survivors will be able to make more distance, creating a situation in which u will not be able to use your frenzy that early.

    • Stab Wounds Study buff: Now it also allows The Legion to see The Deep Wound timer of all survivors

    In the current version of DBD this addon is only used with Frank's Mixtape. Without using Frank's this addon is pointless. With this change I want to give players an opportunity to use this addon whenever they want without thinking they just lost an addon slot. It's still not the best addon but it gives some decent information that can help you out in a match.



    • Hitting a Deep Wounded survivor while in feral frenzy, shortens their Deep Wound timer by 5 seconds.
    • After hitting a Deep Wounded Survivor in Feral Frenzy, you suffer from additional weapon wiping animation that lasts for 2 seconds (So 2 seconds of cooldown + 3 seconds of fatigue = 5 seconds of overall cooldown)


    • Reduces the Deep Wound timer of all survivors by 5 seconds
    • Allows The Legion to see the Deep Wound timer of all survivors.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    What about making the iridescent add-on that break pallets base kit (without the terror radius increase)? Many killers have add-ons that make them viable. Would it be crazy to make base kit viable... and only enhance it a bit with add-ons? You could go down that road and then create add-ons like Plague/ Huntress/ Myers "where you sacrifice part of your kit to get something else".

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Hmm that's an interesting idea but I think it would be kinda unimmersive. When it's an iri addon people aren't using it that often, but in base kit it would be kinda weird to see a teenager destroy a pallet when vaulting on it.

    To be honest It's hard to say if it would be broken or not. That would be interesting, but I would like to keep it as an addon to be honest. Still, thank you so much for your comment! :D

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    The devs said they wanted killers to be viable with add-ons and not base kit, so i can understand the other point of view also. Have a nice day.

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Hey, @Almo . Could you give me your opinion on these changes?

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247


    Base Power:

    • Increased Feral Frenzy Movement Speed to 5.6 m/s
    • Blood Pools are now visible in Feral Frenzy.

    Killer Instinct:

    • Killer Instinct changes its range with Terror Radius, But it does not fall below 24 meters
    • Oblivious no longer protects you from Killer Instinct.

    (So if you have Undetectable Status Effect, Your Killer instinct is 24 meters range instead of 0 meters.)

    Addon Changes

    Frank's Mixtape Nerf:

    • Increased Weapon Wiping animation to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds)
    • Added a GIF that showcases how "double fatigue" looks like