Please do something about this whole slugged/4k.

Mushwin Member Posts: 4,620
edited November 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

We all know the Killer has won - we do, but I am fed up of having to bleed out on the floor while Killer goes to search for who ever is left in the game and I can't do nothing about it, even Unbreakable is no counter to this. I don't wish to DC due to loosing what points I have esp if I played party streamers etc Why should I have to wait around, bleeding and unable to do anything while Killer seeks out others and even if I manage to get up, downed again. I am not saying all Killers do this but I am getting fed up, waiting until the Killer decides then to down us all, and hook us all when all I wish to do is move on. I get it you won.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
