Power Struggle could use a buff. Extremely rare to pull off

Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
edited November 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Power Struggle, as it curently works, takes way too much luck to pull off. Yes, luck, (and not the in-game kind). If it were to work more consistently and have value, it would need more perks than there are slots to accompany it:

  1. Power Struggle (duh)
  2. Flip Flop (great synergy, but Flip Flop itself needs a buff (1:1 conversion for the first 50%, instead of its 2:1 conversion up to 50%))
  3. Unbreakable (to speed up recovery so Flip Flop has more to convert)
  4. Tenacity (to begin recovery ASAP instead of waiting for the downed animation to finish)
  5. Boil Over (to sway the Killer into taking the most direct route to the hook; especially if that means going through a pallet)
  6. Smash Hit (because Power Struggle isn't a flashlight rescue; there is no other nearby Survivor immediately available to take a hit after breaking free)


If Power Struggle were an exhaustion perk and didn't require any wiggle progress to work, it would reduce the number of perks the Survivor has to bring to even get it to work.

Meanwhile, there's still the very common occurence that the killer doesn't even need to travel through a pallet, or has an alternate route that's safer. This wouldn't be an overpowered change. The Killer can still completely counter Power Struggle even without carry perks like Iron Grasp or Agitation.

Plus, it would also mean that it cannot be combo'd with exhaustion perks like Smash Hit, Dead Hard, or Lithe.

Sure, the Killer spent precious time downing that Survivor and deserves the reward of hooking them and Power Struggle takes that away from them... but so do flashlights! Survive With Friends should be the only ones who get such benefit??

You could argue that a flashlight save requires a second survivor hopping off a gen to even work, but Power Struggle does the same thing. I can't count how many times I go down next to a pallet and, while the Killer spends 10 seconds making sure no one's around and fakes the pick up to bait and double check the area, another survivor or two has shown up to try a pallet drop save; only to get caught and "waste" the pallet saving themselves.


  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    yeah! it could require 30/20/10% wiggle progress and then if you get the stun, you could get 3 seconds of 150% speed or 4/8/12s of endurance.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited November 2021

    Then make Power Struggle activateable when entering a pallet zone instead of simply being in a pallet zone when picked up. That way, the Killer has to take them through a pallet after the pickup for it to work.

    I'm not looking to take away the perk's counterplay. I just don't think that bringing 3 other perks (when it really needs 5 other perks) to maybe get it to work is enough.

  • AnObserver
    AnObserver Member Posts: 747

    "Meanwhile, there's still the very common occurrence that the killer doesn't even need to travel through a pallet, or has an alternate route that's safer. This wouldn't be an overpowered change. The Killer can still completely counter Power Struggle even without carry perks like Iron Grasp or Agitation."

    I mean sure, but now it removes the option for Perk synergy, potentially making it weaker.

    The more that I think about it, it could be an interesting Exhaustion Perk, but it suffers the "forcing of the hand" scenario where the Killer notices that you stop under a Pallet and they are literally in a lose-lose scenario like a Survivor that tries to mimic DS hopping into a Locker. They could have it, and if you continue you're going to have to eat it, or they might not have it, and the time spent contemplating your next action is purely a benefit for the Survivor as well.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I have a saying "if I get power struggled, they all escaping cause I'm done". I've yet to be power struggled.

    But as for the perk. I'd say it needs a buff. The chances of pulling it off aren't that high in my opinion. Idk how to buff it., but I can say I wouldn't want to down a surv close to a pallet then a few seconds later pick them up and get pallet struggled.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,607

    As a killer, I've only been hit by Power Struggle... I think once? It was a pretty memorable moment so I'm pretty sure it only happened the once, haha.

    In terms of buffing it, I honestly just think lowering the required percentage a little would be enough. There are often opportunities to use it where you just didn't hit the right threshold, at least in my experience.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Maps like RPD exist with long hallways that make dodging ranged and dash attacks (like Hillbilly's chainsaw) unfair, yet the map was still put into the game

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917
    edited November 2021

    One: How is that relevant? At all?

    Two: RPD is actually one of the worst maps for billy as its nearly impossible to use his chainsaw for mobility or insta downs given how many sudden turns it has(This applies to all dash attack killers).

    Edit: I haven't played as or against a ranged killer on RPD so I can't comment on that part.

  • WolfyLegend123
    WolfyLegend123 Member Posts: 32

    I have to agree with the original statement, power struggle is rare, and even more so without other perks.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    You said that a buff to Power Struggle would make maps like The Game unfair.

    I said that the devs do not care about fairness when it comes to map design because maps with long corridors are unfair for survivors against killers whose powers need to be dodged.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Oh ######### no,

    I hate power struggle so much whenever I play Oni, or Twins.

    Like what the hell should I do with them? Well, I usually just leave them on ground...

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,682

    ^ this.

    I 100% agree flip flop by itself could and should be 1:1 recovery to wiggle conversion (maybe cap it off at 40% if you do that), but it will never happen with current power struggle because it would be broken, especially if combined with unbreakable.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Would it replace the current meta? I think not, so it is not broken.

  • AnObserver
    AnObserver Member Posts: 747
    edited November 2021

    It and UB would become its own meta. Might have Survivors contemplating if they'd want to use that setup instead of Deadhard as it would need a bit more knowledge on where you need to get downed/if you'll get downed in the right spot, but in terms of overall feel it would feel worse for the Killer than whiffing a hit against Dead-hard and it being "server-validated".

    As it is now, getting hit by it usually requires a lot of added Perks so you gotta respect it when it happens. If it requires zero wiggle progress as an Exhaustion Perk to use the Pallet you were just downed under, then there is nothing to respect about it.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    I said that Power Struggle shouldn't activate unless entering a pallet zone; you wouldn't have to leave them on the ground.

    If you are on a map like The Game and they do manage to stun you because you have no choice but to walk through a pallet, then break the pallet and down them before they recover exhaustion.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    Hop-hop-hop, I have to stop you there, there so much little things and doorways in these corridors that you can't chainsaw people like that... RCPD sucks for Hillbilly.