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Should the blood point cap in each category be removed?

Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

There's a blood point cap in each category for both killer and survivor.

Survivor categories: Survival, Boldness, Altruism, Objective

Killer categories: Devotion, Brutality, Hunting, Sacrifice

Should the blood point cap be removed?

Should the blood point cap in each category be removed? 48 votes

GibberishSeiko300OnryosTapeRentalsBlueberryKaanaMiriamGDimekTragicSolitudeAven_Fallenmusstang62MrPenguinanonymous31337PurgatorianScary_Punk_GhostThePolicextr4meBubMickey07WishIcouldmainSOMENINJANAMEBooba 33 votes
rhaElusivePukkaAvilgusdugmanNathan13 5 votes
TapeKnotXsashagreyXChurchofPigSyntheticDivisionAdjathaUssu 6 votes
Mat_SellaAwkward_FiendNoOneKnowsNovaselflessnea 4 votes


  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    To reduce the grind and so those who loop the killer a bunch, fix most of the gens, or do the most altruistic actions don’t suffer. And so killers who don’t necessarily chase much or interact with pallets won’t be left from well deserved blood points

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,147
    edited November 2021

    Yes, the category caps need to go.

    If a killer decides to chase one person all game, that survivor may get a ton of boldness points but won’t get anything for objectives, meaning they don’t actually get as many points as they could otherwise, which is not that survivor’s fault. Similarly, the survivors doing the generators during all of that can max out on objectives, and get no boldness or altruism, which they also have no control over.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I don't have a problem off hand with removing the caps, but I said Maybe because that sounds like a change that might have unintended consequences.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited November 2021

    "Unintended consequences"

    "Oh no- we made everyone TOO happy and satisfied with Dead by Daylight- we need to increase the grind again to compensate!! Quick- add an additional two more perk tiers for a total of 5 levels, and the first two will be worse versions of the perk as it exists now. Raise the BP costs for all perks and rarities, and decrease the spawn chances for any and all BP Bonus Offerings especially Escape Cakes / Survivor Puddings / Party Streamers, we want to see as few of those used in daily matches as possible! While we're at it, remove the BP rewards for the archives and reduce the amount of BP you get from finishing daily challenges!! That'll really show them we mean BUSINESS!!!

    ...And while we're at it, let's nerf Pig for equal measure just to be safe. Can't have this community get too comfortable now, always gotta keep the grind at maximum so even veterans with thousands of hours won't have a hope of getting everything. Yup. Alls well ends well.

    Y'know what guys, I think we did a pretty good job so far." -BHVR, on the topic of avoiding "unintended consequences" when addressing the grind in Dead by Daylight, probably

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Playing a full round of Dead By Daylight SHOULD involve the survivors doing a variety of things. You shouldn't be able to have the best looper on the team run the killer around for the full length of the match, and you shouldn't be able to have half the team sit on gens unmolested the whole time. Players should have to take the time and risk to save each other, and heal up damage the killer does. And then, right at the end, you get a big, creamy bonus if you manage to escape.

    Now, that's not the way things work, and all too often the '1v1 balance fixes' have enabled one survivor to just run the killer around for the whole match, leaving the others to do nothing but hold M1 on gens for the whole match. And that's a bad, boring system, but it's the one we're stuck with. Survivors shouldn't then be rewarded for ignoring 75% of the game's mechanics. If you want the full BP score, play the full game. Trade off looping. Go in for stealthy rescues and timely heals. Have everybody take a turn on generators as needed, even your SWF team's 10,000 hr ringer. THEN you'll deserve the full 32k.

    And if you're fine with a regular 15-20k, keep complaining about how this killer or that killer isn't fair in 1v1s, so you can keep 3/4ths of your team on generators for the entire match and never have to worry about healing, unhooking, or playing interference.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,147

    So it's the survivors' fault and they should get less points if the killer decides to throw the whole match and chase one player all game, and doesn't down them so the survivors have no way of healing because nobody else is injured?

    If you want to "trade off looping" as you said, then you can voluntarily try to get chased, sure, but that doesn't mean the killer has any obligation to actually go for you.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,459

    ^ This. Recently had more than one killer throw the match chasing me, and other people tried to get between us and he just refused to switch targets, even if I ran circles around a gen being worked on.

    Also, when it's a Nurse who does this, I get no points despite being chased all match because she's too far behind, chase doesn't proc. The BP return is even worse if it's The Twins, running Victor around doesn't count as chase period.

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    The bloodpoint cap was added because people could farm bps forever in a match. I dont care if this gets removed but it would be nice

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,740
  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,557

    The Objective score specifically should not have a cap, if someone is working hard to ensure the gates get open, they should be rewarded for that.

    You can run the killer for 6 minutes, it all means nothing if no one is pushing objectives because they're scared or what have you.

    Altruism and Boldness can be exploited, survival is...well survival.

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    Oh. i thought it used to go forever but thats just what i have heard

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,459

    I don't know if players ever used to be able to earn an unlimited number of BP in a match, but that's not the question here. The thing this poll specifically is asking about is removing the 8k limit per category but keeping the 32k max.

    Personally, I like that idea. It's so easy to max out one category and get nothing in the others, especially the Survival category. If the killer is chasing me and I max out Boldness and I have a feeling I won't get a chance to do anything else in the match, I'll just... stop. I dunno if the killer realizes why I stop or if they think I've just given up, but if I'm not earning BP, then my time is being wasted. I know other people who are the same way. Fun is fun and all, but in this game trying to get the perks I want on a character just takes forever even if I'm as efficient as possible.

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 580

    The blood point cap per category needs to be removed but the total should still be capped at 32000. I don't think people should be rewarded to much for farming give the bp per trial cap.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Eh. Maybe. I think 8000 per category should really be a soft cap - scoring events past that should get cumulative reduced returns, so there's not really a maximum but there's a limit to practical gain from drawing things out.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    For me it's mostly OK, even if it's would be ridiculous with killers like Doc or Legion.

    At least they should maybe add this effect to the Bp category offering, or uncap the categories for prestiged characters.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687

    Just increase the caps to like 15k or something so realistically you won't hit them in a game, but they'll still de-incentivize farming

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Double it and in turn maybe double bp gains for any actions so you're gaining more at the same speed as before.

    As much as I'd like the idea of removing the cap completely, I fear that farming would be extremely common and the game would quickly become boring due to such.

    SOMENINJANAME Member Posts: 294

    Yeah, it could be abused, though I do think they should raise the cap to at least 66666. Its a little more than double, which isn't too high.

  • zedalert
    zedalert Member Posts: 24

    And this limit of 1 million blood points should also be removed.