Hawkings Offering Refunds are Completely Incorrect


Seeing tons of people posting about getting 600k-Over 1 Million for saving up 20-30 offerings, but me and several others with HUNDREDS of offerings only get 100k? What is actually going on?

Something is seriously wrong and the bloodpoints were not distributed correctly whatsoever. I've ranked up several Killers and Survivors to level 50, collecting a total of 100-200+ of the offerings and not once did I use them because I was saving them/didn't like getting sent to the map.

100k bloodpoints. That was it. That's all I and many others received.

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  • Zyie
    Zyie Member Posts: 90

    There's already a post about that here:

    But yeah, seems to have happened to a bunch of people. From my understanding, anyone who had 1 or more offerings, should've gotten more than 100k. That didn't happen though, instead some got millions of bp, whilst others got 100k... Yet another bug.

  • tonyae
    tonyae Member Posts: 1

    I was really excited to log onto dead by daylight when my friends messaged me saying they got almost a million blood points only to be really disappointed with the base 100,000k that I received when I know I had plenty of hawkin IDs :/

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    I've received 600.000 BP, it means that I had 200 offerings ?

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,097

    I only got 100K even though I know I had atleast 2+ offerings on each of the 13 characters I have maxed out with perks and I had the offerings on other characters as well. I definitely had over 20 offerings that would equal 100k, I should've gotten more BP. It sucks that they removed the offerings without notice so couldn't take note of the exact amount before they were removed as proof for what I should've actually received for compensation.

    IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 77

    Attached image feels appropriate, because...what bloodpoints?

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 627

    I have all the characters, including the survivors of the third prestige. My main has 30 to 50 map offerings, and about the same for my favorite survivor, and I only got 1,100,000 blood points. Is 100k given for each offering? I don’t understand how the remuneration was calculated

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,681

    I literally had over 1000 of them, 400 on my main alone. Got 100k BP.