Lightborn should be a hex

I personally think that light born should be a hex or something like that its annoying when u decide to bring your best flashlight and to your demise they have lightborn and then your best add ons have gone to waste
Nah, I outplayed you by bringing Lightborn. Skill rules above all else, Sugma... Sugma what? Ayy.
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I mean I cant really argue with that but it is kinda annoying, like maybe they can add a thing where if they are holding a survivor u can still get the flashlight save cause it kinda busted
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Hexes are (theoretically) for perks that swing the game extremly hard to the killers favour and survivors have to be able to get rid of.
Not being able to use 2 item that are conciddert the weakest and a couple of perks doesn't strike me as a extreme advantage survivors absolutly need to be able to get rid of.
Annoying sure but that's about it
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So you decide to bully the killer, but get outplayed by Lightborn? That's on you, bud, the perk is fine.
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Ah yes I sacrifice 1 out of my 4 perk slots for a mediocre perk when I could just bring infectious when it does an arguably better job against flashlight saves and gives the locations of survivors around you. You see how inefficient that is? Bringing a perk that only denies one of the weakest items.
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Is it skill to bring lightborn when you see someone with a flashlight? xD
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When you bring 4 Flashlights I bring Lightborn and Starstruck to troll you, as simple as that.
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This is why you last second switch and "outplay" the killer I guess.
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Its my personal opinion dont expect u guys to agree
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They swap last second, they get tunneled and face camped. Can't risk them shining bright light.
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So a killer should always be able to counter survivors pregame, but not survivors?
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Bingo, Jo. Now we are vibing, bro. Lightborn is our lord and savior, amen.
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Haha can't argue about that.
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No I don't think so, I mean it's a perk that I could bring something better in and it's not that big a deal.
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Last second switching has to go
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Flashlight are not here for bully it’s an game advantage dude… ignore toxic clickers so nope your arguments of light born would stop bullies aren’t good and whatever you can just … face a wall
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franklin's is better anyway against flashes because that way they waste more time trying to flash you and going back for their item, if they realize you have lightborn they will just stop trying
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Lightborn a hex........never.
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No. My eyes can't handle the blind effect (thats why I prefer I could make the screen black instead of what we have now). So I run Lightborn on every killer.
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I gave up one of my four precious perk slots to avoid Flashlights, but you cry about your item? At least you still have all four perks!
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Flashlights should be a boon
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Only in that you should be allowed to stomp on people who are carrying them.
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it's an outdated perk where the counter to it a few years ago was bringing odd bulb + intense halogen to make blinding faster. personally i think it has no place in the game right now considering how weak flashlights are right now. iirc, with lightborn, it takes 5 seconds to blind, and there aren't any animation lock that lasts that long.
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Run lightborn, but still try to avoid flashes. That way they think they just missed, and they keep trying.
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Apart from picking up a survivor. Which is where most flashlight saves are made.
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I agree, but buff it so it makes flashlight users exposed until the Hex is cleansed and they can be instantly moried.
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Flashlights should be a boon then
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it takes 3 seconds for the pickup animation to end.
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Make all perks Hex perks.
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2 survivors last second switched but I already had lightborn equipped. They wanted to blind me so much lol.
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So... how are survivor getting flashlight saves when picking up then?
I can't look away fast enough.
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Nah, Lightborn only messes with flashbangs and flashlights, and its as easy to bypass, just dont bring 4 flashlights into the lobby as almost 99% of Killers who use it is because they saw an abnormal amount of those in the lobby, especially if they think its a premade.
On the other hand, you can always equip 4 yellow flashlights with no addons, trick the Killer into believing he is going to get bullied by the evil SWF™ so he equips it, you are esentially making him play with 3 perks.
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if you have lightborn, you have 2 seconds to look away and avoid the blind
heres a vid that's 2 years ago but still relevant i feel
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Why do you assume he’s bullying the killer?
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So long as Flashlights are reliant on animation locks, no. Even then, if it was a Hex it'd have to Expose Survivors that try to blind you or something.
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No. Turn the killer into hex. When you cleanse a baby killa they go bye bye and match is over. Ez.
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NO am siding with killers here, as a survivor main I hate flash lights period and they should be deleted, I myself been running light born + star struck so when yall wanna try do clicky clicky when am carrying someone and I one hit your exposed behind or your trying to shine it on me after i kick a pallet and get slap then you deserve it and that is 2 fresh fish on the hook for me. when another survivor clicks it at me when am a survivor it annoys me and makes me not wanna help you. Leave lightborn alone thank you.
Post edited by LeonxJiwoon on3 -
Yes. Let's make an awful, almost useless, perk even worse. Good idea 👏
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Honestly I'd say if Lightborn needs fixed, then finally deal with Iron will also and Sloppy butcher (give it a timed duration on its debuffs like 60 seconds so it has some interaction with Vigil) Because these perks overshadow a lot of perks in their similliar categories all because they have infinite duration and zero counter play, it's bad design.
That said I have no idea what I'd suggest to make lightborn more viable, maybe instead make it also blind the survivor if they blind you, so the flashlight still works but.. it'd be funny to watch survivors make a choice to blind but at a price.
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the aura reading is really nice. If someone stuns you with blast mine you'll be able to find that survivor!!!
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Sensitivity on console, even at 100%, isn't always enough. And I've gotten blinded while facing walls with the survivor out of my line of sight. No, Lightborn shouldn't be a hex. I have Lightborn equipped 100% of the time because ever since dedicated servers the game has been broken and flashlights will blind even when they shouldn't.
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Yea, that can be nice. But how often do people run Blast Mine? And you'll get the Aura reading like 4 times if you're going against good survivors, because they will know that you have Lightborn, and they know what it does
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that's why I try to fake it but eventually survivors will know I have lightborn.
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No. Turn the games program files into a Hex, if cleansed the files are immediately uninstalled. Get good.
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Why else would he bring a flashlight? To see better in the darkness?