For all those survivors that have an issue with camping and tunneling, I challenge you!



  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    You state none of it is necessary and then go on a tangent to describe how you, camp, slug, tunnel, etc. Who said it is the survivors fault, it is how you are supposed to play it is the games design. Just because you are very experienced and most likely making better choices of when to use these tactics, you are still using them.

    Even face camping is part of it, even though you don't try to play the end game by the sounds of it. In the end game and hovering around the hook is the only true viable option. It isn't for the 1k, it is to pull the survivors into the map by having them try and save.

  • lavars
    lavars Member Posts: 312

    The whole problem is that in the first games you play as killer, even after two weeks of main killer you still won't get the view of the problem.

    It starts step by step and only gets worse.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Or perhaps killer should realize with sbmm 2 kills is the average and 4k,as 4 escapes, should happens 1/50 matches

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    You got how camping works, actually the area you patrol is not really up for you to determine. Also, whether or not to engage in the chase or to cut off the second person you see based on how the survivor positions themselves determines how smart you play it. Sometimes it pays out, sometimes it doesn't. You want to dictate how one should play, yet win lose no matter... I play both sides, I have been camped and tunneled.

    Those that believe they can tell others how to play, should go and experience it for themselves.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    Exactly this. Survivors hypocrisy is unreal.

    Basically they want you to do everything you can to make sure they have fun, while simultaneously not caring one bit if the killer has fun. Facts.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Go do the challenge and see for yourself how often you get a 2k, 4k and a 4 escape? It literally has nothing to do with the outcome, by your logic we should all face camp with NOED because that would end up more often than not with a 2k?

    It is about the behavior displayed and the entitlement that claims one side needs to go out of their way to ensure the fun on the other, while it is 100% one sided and hypocritical.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    No offence intended, but this did make me chuckle...

    "I don't care about my kill rate, but I'm going to immediately tell you all what my kill rate is" 😂😂

  • SadLegion
    SadLegion Member Posts: 222

    Damn. I would really like to set up a camp as Bubba, this idea is neat

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    That's how I play and have fun so

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    It is totally rude and unnecessary I agree. Although I grew up getting punched in the face by my mother and I have trouble imagining how someone could find words more painful than a face punch :P

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Love that quote dress up doll,pmsl.Puts it in perspective adults getting tilted at essentially cartoon characters.If you need to vent play as plague and vile purge them repeatedly while on the hook.🤮😀😂

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Your words of your childhood hurt me more than when some beta loser punched me in the face.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Hahaha you got me there XD it's okay though it's just my culture, constantly beat your kids to a bloody pulp then wonder why they run away and get married in another country and don't send you $$$ anymore

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 937

    I refrain from camping and tunnelling most of the time, I even regularly go out of my way not to do so. And I do have to say that in my experience, I also find the majority of players are not very appreciative of it, even if it's clear that camping and tunnelling would have been an optimal play for me multiple times in a given match and likely would have allowed me to kill them all, which I might not have ended up by not doing so. Like, I can be Leatherface, get a down and hook in basement within the first minute of a match, never camp it, and people will still not seem to appreciate that I just handed them an actual game from what otherwise would have pretty much been a guaranteed boring and easy win for me. The Steam profiles of killer players that regularly camp and tunnel are chock-full of angry or otherwise disgruntled comments from players that died to them, it's clear that most players realize how effective camping and tunnelling are and that it takes a person going out of their way to play "nicer" when they actively refrain from doing so.

    And yet it is not common that survivors will say thank you for the fair play, or well played. Sometimes they even do the hole waiting/teabagging/flashlighting in exit spiel, although that is not all too common either. I do often give the last survivor hatch and do usually end up getting a "ty" for it. I also often get "gg". It also has to be kept in mind that many players will leave before the round has concluded, so they won't even be there anymore to say anything (you can check whether they are still there on the game details screen btw.). Positive comments about people being good/fair killer players also aren't rare on profiles (although not nearly as common as negative comments, but this has to do with less people playing "nice" as well).

    Anyway, while I frankly don't understand why people are not more appreciative of my fun, fair and dynamic playstyle (I myself often make a point of saying ggwp or ty for fairplay if a killer played well and in fun ways), it's not like I play like that in order to garner gestures or comments of appreciation. Yes, part of the reason why I play like that is because I know camping and tunnelling can be boring or frustrating for players on the receiving end, and I'd prefer if the people in my killer games also had a better time, but ultimately that's just a plus - the primary reason why I play like that is because it is much more fun and engaging for myself. Chases are what's fun to me, and chasing as many players as many times as possible is the most fun I can get out of a round, it's the most interactive, engaging, skill-based aspect of the game. Killing people is not fun in and of itself, I don't care that I don't kill as many survivors as I possibly could playing that way (and I still average between 2 and 3 kills).

    So yeah, that's my tip: If you prefer not to camp and/or tunnel, do not make it contingent upon whether your opponents appreciate you for it. Also keep in mind that even if players don't outright thank you for playing in fair or fun ways, or don't even understand or recognise that you did, they will still have had a better time, so if you care about people having a good time, you can still be glad you play in such ways.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237
    edited November 2021

    So if I understand the thread properly, people are deciding to face-camp because a somebody on the survivor team has pressed a button that makes the character animation crouch, or flash a flashlight?

    They don't really know what the survivor is trying to say with these actions. There is a simple way not to get tea-bagged at the gate, and that is not to go. Go around the map looking for pallets or doors to break.

    The players that do it because they think it is fun, then well, there will always be people in life like that. It is why there are so many bad things in real life. If that is the only source of fun in your life, then my heart goes out to you. Things must be really hard in your life.

    I myself will never play like that, I can normally get at least a 2k without camping, most the time more, after all when you have got two out, even the last gen and gate is harder for them. I enjoy the chase, sometimes I get beat but most the time they are just runners that drop every pallet on the way. I get more XP. more BP, more pips. Maybe killers that camp should try it, but don't just give up after the first few games, it takes practice like all games and sports. Or not if you don't care, no skin of my nose.

    I have just played a game with one of my lowest killer to do a challenge with basement hooks, I didn't pressure gens, I was not even interested in kills. Of course I had no choice by to proxy camp basement, it was no good going too far away. There was one toxic player that tea-bagged around the map. I wanted to apologise for the camping so I let them do gens and opened the gate, letting them leave. Even then this player tea-bagged. I just though how stupid he was, he would have left laughing, thinking that I was actually chasing him and he lost me, thinking he was so good, when I did not want to go to far from basement, then when he comes against a killer on a higher level, he will see he's not so great. It did not worry me, I got my challenge done, my BP and moved to the next game. It was not me with the problem, the same as the end chat when survivors and killers get salty. This survivor obviously felt threatened and wanted me to be wound up and chase him, maybe he had a bad childhood, maybe this was his only thing in his life and wanted to feel like he was in power.

    Post edited by Voodoo101 on
  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    I say none of it is necessary because none of it is. Life goes on, and so does the game, if you choose to not be frustrated and have that frustration dictate your actions. There's no tangent, I directly responded to your commentary - blanket statements like "camping is good" are inherently nonsense, because as you admit it's contextual and requires choice.. and if you facecamp, you already lost. No matter how effective a facecamp event is, you've been outplayed and genuinely have not learned or applied the skills necessary to do better.

    There's no real point to "playing the end game" unless you're on your back heel the entire trial or going for a meme. If you're not getting at least 2 hooks per gen by the time the gates are powered, you've already "lost" - salt about it will just lead to poor choices and stagnant mindsets.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    So were keys, old DS, old BNP, old infinites, yet yall cried about them

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2021

    You do not understand the thread and my point at all, it is stating that those that complain about how the killers play should try and playing as the killer while following their own advice and see how the survivors respond or how many times they have to lose potential pressure and allow the survivors to reset.

    You make assumptions about my gameplay or that of others based on zero evidence. I even stated that I try to play nice and go out of my way to play as people like you claim you should. The treatment you receive though is identical to when you play as sweaty as possible. The fact of playing killer that it is about snowballing at least if you want to play the role well. You act that the style you do is by definition better, yet that is also simply untrue. Meet a very strong team and other tactics that you might disapprove of might actually result in more points, more xp, more pips and all that.

    You claim: don't go to the end-gate, is also completely missing the point being made. It is not about whether or not you are triggered by it or not, whether you can handle it or play around it. The whole point is to showcase that you can play as nice as you want and will get zero recognition for it, while making your games harder by deliberately not using tactics for the enjoyment of others. If you want to do it for yourself, that is all fair and just as valid as those that want to play basement bubba or be a 4 min Gen Rush SWF squad.

    Play as you want, but why do you feel guilty for trying to do a challenge? Why do people try to tell people they are playing wrong by using a tactic that they don't like, while at the same time not doing anything in their power to return the favor? Your opponents aren't concerned about your fun, be it killer or survivor... so who are you to tell people they need to consider the fun of the other?

    I will face camp by your definition if I get a hook in a great 3 gen, especially if it is in the basement. I will do so when the last gen pops, because that is what you are supposed to do in order to lure the other survivors back into the game and stand a chance to down them. The end-gates are safe zones, a killer has no business being there and is why the BM happens there.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2021

    If you facecamp and it is effective you haven't been outplayed though... if it is effective it caused you to win. Just as if you play stealthy and your team escapes. There are more than one way to approach a game, there isn't one specific way to play as it is about the efficiency of it and whether or not it works. It is contextual, because there is no blanket strategy that always works. If you are capable of turning a single face camp into a 4 man kill streak, you most definitely outplayed the survivors. You did not apply the skills necessary to do better? You have been outplayed? No you used a different strategy that requires a different set of skills, good survivors can save get all out or at a minimum get 3 out. If the win condition is loosely defined, does it really matter how you got there?

    There is no point in playing the end game according to you, but unless the game actually concluded... it is part of the trial. If you snowball and pull it back at that point it is just as valid as slaughtering everyone with 5 gens left. It might have been a more challenging trial, but isn't that the point of a game?

    Who are you to define what skillset someone needs to develop or how good they have to be at your way of playing? If they want to play in a different manner and achieve the victory... that sounds to me like a valid manner of playing.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    A facecamp's effectiveness is entirely dependent on whether survivors give you kills - you're not doing anything, you're barely playing. Getting carried to a survivor escape is, similarly, not your doing: you're not being effective, you're just given opportunity through privilege. At this point, I can't tell if you genuinely believe the nonsense you're saying or if you realize you're just lying about what's necessary and have to stick with it.

    There is no "set of skills" to a facecamp or tunnel. Saying there is leans this toward the "you're just dishonest" idea, much less basing an entire self-deluding ideology about a video game around it.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I don't do this unless there is 1 gen left or endgame has started.

  • cantelope
    cantelope Applicant Posts: 343

    I like how the point of this thread had nothing to do if the other sides actions bothered you but the hypocritical notion that killer should care about survivors feelings while survivors don't.

    And now there are these huge essays that have nothing to do with anything and like 90% of the posts completely dodge the point to justify the behaviour to begin with. It's great.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2021

    Efficiency is dependent on the end result is it not, is it the most effective manner... no slugging everyone and 1 hooking is the most efficient manner to win, but that isn't always a viable option either and is also dependent on survivors flaws.

    I don't know if you understand the concept of macro decision making and game sense, but there are most definitely times where camping, tunneling, slugging and all that are the best and proper choices to make; showcasing ones skill in the game. You call it barely playing the game, but people don't need to take the most difficult strategy to play the game, actually meta gameplay usually is all about using the easiest, most efficient and optimal playstyle to win. Believing that one side shouldn't do it, while the other side can do it is one of the main reasons of the challenge I set out.

    Camping most definitely requires skill, as 2 survivors can easily save if you mess up. It might not be a skillset you acknowledge or deem being good at the game... it doesn't mean it requires none at all.

    The fact that you call tunneling no set of skills required, while the act of tunneling is chasing a survivor... means that according to you nothing requires skill. If you tunnel and are effective it even indicates that you are ending the chase so quick that even with no pressure being applied to the other members of the team, that it results in you winning.

    Is the W survivor meta, pre-dropping pallets, pallet camping really all that skillful or also a showcase of barely playing the game? Like I can acknowledge the survivor that manages to get additional value out of a loop being a better gamer, but does that mean that the one that doesn't loop in the same manner is barely playing the game or doing it incorrectly?

    Not all strategies are equal when it comes to skill cap or skill floor, but they are still valid. Why should killers not use the easier to execute strategies, while survivors use theirs?

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Efficiency != Effectiveness

    You're talking a lot of theory but have presented little in the way of practical game-sense yourself, especially when you're still self-deluding that camping requires skill, coupled with a continued pretense that "what survivors do justifies what killers do, regardless of personal stagnation of either side" - that's a lack of decision-making or personal culpability, not an honest assessment of what situations you find yourself in. If you rebut with something in good faith, you'll be worth talking to - till then, ta.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Regardless of your strategic choices the effectiveness is always reliant on the other side. Knowing when and how to use the tools available to you will make you a more effective killer overall and simply not utilizing some of these tools decreases your effectiveness as a player.

    I am also not claiming that these strategies are the end all be all of killer gameplay and need to be used mindlessly. Doing that can be punished, just as much as spreading the pressure amongst the other survivors.

    The reality of the game is that going for 12 hooks versus equally skilled players is simply not at all effective and actually relies heavily upon the survivors messing up as well. You can claim that it is purely based on your skill, but if you expect every killer to play at such a level and forgo the less nice tactics for some obscure reason.

    Additionally the actions of one side does not need to justify your actions. Yet the point of the whole thread is to highlight that to expect the other side not to play a certain way for your enjoyment is the true lack of personal responsibility. It also showcases a lack of empathy or understanding for those you face, which is why I challenge people to put themself in the shoes of the other.

    You are judgemental about the choices and actions of others, claiming they have zero skill, are barely playing the game and just need to get good? Yet by the same notion, why would that not apply to survivors, do you bash people camping pallets, running forward, etc. The notion that you must do the most mechanically skillful play at all costs isn't effective, quite the contrary. Do the most efficient action showcases your skill just the same, even though it might be easier to do. Game skill is not just about being able to execute mechanics.

  • LiquidPhat
    LiquidPhat Member Posts: 40

    What's considered winning? Because when I play killer, winning in my book is having fun regardless if I get a 4k or not. It's playing Michael Myers and knowing I jumped the hell out of survivors from the comments in the end. But that's just me.

    And vice versa for survivors, whats considered winning? I don't mind if I die, I just like getting a decent chase in and trying to make sure my other teammates make it out alive. If not, then at least we tried right?

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    well, you seemed to care about it. you were gathering data, right? I do see your point, though.

    I honestly do care more about fun, but knowing that I'm winning within the game's rules is still nice.

    also, I figured you'd ask anyways.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I play both roles, and at 6k hours I understand the mechanics enough that I don’t have to rely on those two playstyles to get kills.

    I’ve also been very vocal when it comes to Camping because I believe there is room to improve the hook mechanic surrounding it.

    Maybe the challenge you should be aiming at is those killer players who for no reason idle at the hook at the beginning of the match. Because instead of actually chasing and defending gens (you know.. playing the game?) they would rather not learn how to play the game.

    Also, your job is not to protect generators, it is to pressure survivors off of them. So if you are camping and tunneling, good luck pressuring them. Kind of ironic how you talk about the two but seem to understand very little about them.

    Last thing I will say is, the reason survivors complain about Camping is because they virtually cannot play the game on a hook. Since the counter to Camping (currently) is to do gens, one can understand why that might be classified as UNFUN. You don’t have to accept it, but if you play killer (as I presume you do) then you would know how easy it is to do it.

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322

    I understand the aspect of frustration from killer side but....

    Only getting 1 kill versus kill someone fast or camping him until death while he can do 0 in game is just meh.

    A killer who only gets 1 kill, still has about 15 - 20 k bloodpoints.

    Maybe most guys are over their MMR rate where they should be? If you need to tunnel or camp, maybe let MMR drop so your games are better.

    I think to play the game you shouldnt deny the enemy the whole game. Whataboutism doesnt help here too.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    I think I got the snark, and I do appreciate snark. 😋

    I just also wanted to help answer your question.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2021

    Change the way someone else plays instead of changing the manner in which you play... very solid advice. Tell me how does that work out? I try playing nice... and yet meet only the sweat, trash talking and most BM in those games that I do. So... why would I be motivated to learn to play without these playstyles while they have proven to be powerful tools.

    You have 6k hours in the game, yet are struggling to face players that use these tactics or can you outplay them? How many full teams with individuals with similar hours do you meet or people that have 4x the time spent. It is a common occurrence for me to see multiple survivors with literally 4x the amount of hours I have in a single lobby and they would still be on one third of yours.

    You state that good luck pressuring them while camping and tunneling, yet the whole reason people apply these tactics and it gets complained about is because they work. If you tunnel at the correct time and do it quickly enough, there are enough generators still up and running that warding the other three survivors off them before they complete them becomes significantly more easy. When you get a camp in the middle of a 3/4 gen area creates a pretty decent area in the map to defend and ward them off the gens.

    The argument that one should just play as a 6k hour veteran seems detached from reality, people keep claiming this is a casual game. Yet to play killer you have to match the equivalent of multi year veterans? I play both roles, I face people that camp and tunnel often enough, frankly I am not even that good of a survivor... yet I manage to protect my teammates in many cases as a solo queue survivor. Sure I have matches where we royally throw the game, but it has little to do with the tunneling or camping and more our lack of coordination.

    The grand speech of a veteran, knowing the mechanics through and through... yet fails to comprehend why less experienced players feel the requirement to apply these tactics. Mind you I also do not believe that mindlessly doing so and by default deferring to them will make you successful, yet they are powerful and required tools to use at times.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Didn’t expect you to answer the question about the killers who (again) IDLE at the Beginning of the match. Just shows how disconnected YOU are from the issues that are brought up on here.

    You basically don’t understand the why survivors have an issue with Camping and find it Unfun. You just want to apply your own made up reason. Got it.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    oh. my bad.

    but, yes, I do see some possible hypocrisy from my statement.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989
  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    If you want to speak only about one aspect and scenario of camping, then you are trying to derail the conversation I am trying to have here. This is a topic I brought up and the fact that you deny every other form of camping and tunneling, where they are viable tools to be used. I am not trying to make up my own reasons, this is the topic I brought forth based on the experience I have when playing 'nice' and why I apply tactics as camping and tunneling after usually two games of trying to be nice. I express that those that want to complain about these things should try doing it, because I do understand the frustrations as a survivor.

    In my 500 hours of playing with most of it being on the killer side, though most likely a good 100+ on survivor I have not face camped at the beginning of the match because frankly it would lose me the game. Yet I am called a camper, tunneller, baby killer, noob, etc. because guess what... I do use these tactics when suited. Those that actually would play the killer and try to play nice at any decent level while maybe not at your 6k hour mark will know why and get far more understanding of why killers do it. The less experience the killer has the more likely they will do so, the harsher they are losing and getting destroyed, the more likely they will do so.

    You claim to know the game that well, yet fail to empathize with those that don't have the hours you do. The survivors are the poor sods here?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited November 2021

    No, actually it is you who think survivors out to just try out killer simply because you excuse “whatever” type of Camping. When in reality many of the instances where a killer is camping is due to poor skill/just want to BM (see post about idling at the hook).

    I never said there was only one form of camping, in fact if you knew my track record you would know that I have also defended killers who played against survivors who flock at the hook. You weren’t clear in your message (OP) and that isn’t my problem.

    Maybe next time don’t pigeonhole every survivor who complains about Camping (you know the type you yourself wouldn’t like) by telling them to go play killer. As if some of them don’t already.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2021

    I am not clear? I did not specify any type of specific camping, you however try to pigeonhole it into your conformity! All I stated is that before you complain, go play the killer, act as you request and do no forms of camping, no forms of tunneling and experience that aspect of killer.

    You act like asking people to walk in the shoes of those that one demands to not tunnel and camp, go experience it yourself and then come back to discuss it is a wrong thing to do? It creates a better understanding and the fact that you mister 6k hours feel so entitled to tell me a 500 hour player, to just get good and that there is no reason for it. Showcases the exact behavior that I mean, you want me to see your point of view, yet you claim all the knowledge and fail to speak to me on the premise I setup. You are just derailing the entirety of the premise that I setup to fit your Facecamp at 5 hooks scenario.

    You come into the topic I created and ignore the majority of my parameters. Know your track record... man you ignored the posts in this exact topic that I made myself. I have specified in a post 2 above your original one and others, camping with a 3 gen, end game and all the likes and not specifically and only face camping at 5 gens.

    Get your entitled 6k hours and stop trying to twist the topic to suit your agenda. I at least ask people to play as they preach and to look at their own gameplay... you however believe it is suitable to demand others to change how they play. With your infinite knowledge... why do you think I use these tactics and many others?

    Post edited by Kalinikta on
  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited November 2021

    Keep calling people entitled but let’s not forget that you are challenging people to go play killer because you yourself lost and because your ego is too big that you can’t take it when survivors t bag you and click their flashlight. 🙄

    Sure I’ll go do what I have already been doing I guess 💅 Please. Many people who have complained about camping (like myself) have and are still playing killer, and do not need to rely on those playstyles to win.

    Do I camp? sometimes Yes.

    Do I tunnel? Sometimes Yes.

    Do I force it upon survivors so that I can barely get my 1k? Hell no.

    Playing nice and strategically using those playstyles are two different things. You don’t have to “play nice”, but you also can’t complain if gens fly and you are heavily relying on playing like that.

    Your parameters would suggest that people who complain about camping do not play killer which isn’t the case. NEWSFLASH Many people play and are equally invested in both roles already. They also understand that Camping and Tunneling can be a strat but that they can also be a form of BM. Period.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2021

    I need to research your track record, yet you fail to read the posts and clarification in this very thread, but you believe I should have done research on your 4.5k posts to know where you stand. This is why I call you entitled, you engage in a conversation with me and comment on me 'if you did research' and wave your 6k hours, while you don't even bother reading the actual thread you choose to participate in.

    I am challenging people, because it showcases the necessity of these tactics and the fact that it is part of the actual game design. Naturally as with all of these things, people will use it to the largest extend or in incorrect manners. Yet that is no different than what you see in survivor gameplay.

    Since you have difficulty following the conversation, let me showcase it point by point:

    My ego is to big and I cannot handle the actions of survivors:

    Let me quote it directly from the very first post... we starting out great here.

    "It is hilarious that people are so dead set on the teabagging aspect of the comment, while not understanding that it is about the hypocrisy of those that dislike tactics because of the argument 'it is not fun for the other side' therefore do not do it!

    Teabag away, click away... I really could care less about it. It is about the idea that killers need to conform and consider the 'fun' of the opponents while clearly that is not the same for both. All these arguments I keep reading on: camping isn't fun for the survivors, tunneling isn't fun for the survivors. These people are those that I challenge to play nice and see how that feels. I play both sides as well, I understand the frustrations of both and I personally see no issues in people tunneling and camping when they feel the need to do so, just as I understand that survivors focus on gens and camp pallets, etc."

    I also specified in further discussion in this very thread that it is not about the end result or ones ability to handle the actions, but the intent behind them. I have been playing games for many years, the act of crouching or clicking the flashlight has nothing to do with my ego. Even the final result of me losing and getting zero kills at times, is a totally acceptable outcome in my books. My entire argument is that the request and demand that other people play differently is hypocritical based on what they face consistently. You can be the nicest killer and there won't be any change on the actions of the survivors, frankly usually these are the games I get the most provoking end-game chats.

    Somehow my inflated ego cannot handle playing nice, yet I still try? The gens flying and all that is when I start up the game and try to play 'nice' and not when I utilize the tools of camping and tunneling.

    You camp and tunnel, they are strategically to be used:

    Congratulations you are showcasing the fact that it are valuable tools in our belt to be used. Even you as a 6k hour player use them, but is trying to tell me off.

    Here have another quote where I specified and clarified, before you even made your first post:

    "I am also not claiming that these strategies are the end all be all of killer gameplay and need to be used mindlessly. Doing that can be punished, just as much as spreading the pressure amongst the other survivors."

    All you have done here is actually validate my point.

    My parameters would suggest that people complain about camping do not play killer...

    I make no such claims and it is once again you filling it in to suit your narrative.

    The challenge is simple:

    • Pick a killer
    • Play the killer
    • Play nicely, never camp, never tunnel

    You yourself admit that you use tunneling and camping when you play. It isn't simply about playing killer, it is about the playing nicely and see how the survivors respond.

    If you want to address the tactics used, while they by your own accord are to be utilized strategically as well... now that is the dilemma now isn't it. You claim that many people know what I am stating, yet somehow even you make statements like:

    "Do I force it upon survivors so that I can barely get my 1k? Hell no."

    So... you are against end-game camping as well as 5 gen face camping? Is the fun of the killer at all in this consideration of gameplay or is only the survivors enjoyment important?

    If you want to address the ability of camping and tunneling, you have to be able to replace it with something else. If you try playing nicely as I challenged people to do, maybe they would understand the flaws of getting rid of it all together and it would create a better conversation? Though nah... lets ignore all the legit strategical usages like in every other post and just suggest broken mechanics or the removal of it all together. Your claims that many people know it doesn't seem to make its way onto the forums and the discussions.... so maybe people should actually accept my challenge.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited November 2021

    Oh I read your post. I also read the parts that you added after the comments.

    I never said you should research my track record, I offered it after you assumed that I only recognize one form of Camping, which is untrue.

    Point is. I wasn't trying to derail your post, in fact I was trying to bring light to the fact that many people who already complain about Camping... ALSO play killer and understand it's unbalance. That's it.

    You find it to be a necessity, and I disagree with that also. Because I understand that much of the results of a much weigh on Map RNG, and also set ups. We don't have to get into those details, but what I am suggesting is that many killers (not all) Camp because that is what they know. Meaning that rather than learn the game (Hiding stain/Mindgames/ Drop chase/ Etc) they would opt to that playstyle because it's easier.

    Sorry that I didn't follow your entire thread through it's entirety, I am not going to read every single comment you reply to.

    Also, when I said I "don't force it upon survivors" I never said Endgame, I don't know where you are getting that from. What I meant was I don't down my first down and roam within a 5 meter radius around the hook to get my next target. Like your next sentence "Is the fun of the killer important?...." What kind of question is that? What does that have to do with the Camping that I am referring to? If a killer face-camps there is only one person who is not having fun: The survivor on the hook.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2021

    What does the killers fun have to do with it... god... read my very first post again. That is the hypocrisy of the situation. You claim to not want to derail the topic, yet fail to understand what is stated in the very first post. I even quoted it for you again. Literally you are ignoring the topic and trying to twist it into your narrative.

    Camping isn't fun for the survivor, great... now what? Let's get rid of it as many suggest and go do the challenge. Which means you avoid these unfun tactics all together.

    That is what the challenge is about. The hypocrisy of this attitude that killers have to consider the fun of their opponents. Yet survivors don't play that way either, even when it is blatantly obvious that the killer isn't camping or tunneling.

    People act all high and mighty, you don't want to force it upon survivors and yet... you condone it at some point in the game. However is it ever fun for the survivor? If they did 2 gens or 3 gens and then land on the hook. You might only be bothered by at 5 gens, but that isn't the only time people have grievances.

    You state that most people play both sides, my challenge is open for all.

    Post edited by Kalinikta on
  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    I don't play killer very often anymore, but when I do, I actively refuse to tunnel and/or camp unless I'm forced to (BT Bodyblock, Attempting to blind, doing a gen in my face, hook sabo, etc).

    If a survivor has just been unhooked, I'll let them run off to go heal but that's the only free pass they get. If I come across them after that, I'll slug them and continue patrolling for the extra pressure.

    Being tunneled and being camped are about as unfun for survivors as being genrushed is for killers. It's boring, it's frustrating and there's absolutely nothing you can do to alleviate that feeling.

  • Actually, I play like this (no camping or tunneling!) and still get 3-4ks! :) it's actually fairly easy, and I think it makes it much more fun for BOTH sides!

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    Last time someone acted douchey to me (And I always play clean), one of his survivor teammates called him out on it. It's not all bad.

    Sure, it's not all good either, but that goes for killers too. I've had some douchebag killers as well. But this thread making some weird connection between tunnelling/camping and toxicity is just... I'm not sure what the goal of this topic is.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I have a major issue with camping and proxy-tunneling as survivor, because it completely prevents you from playing the game as survivor.

    When I play Killer, I will not face-camp and proxy-tunnel at 5 gens because it's much worse than some survivor t-bagging at the gate, which I could care less about. If I'm down to 1 gen and 4 survivors, then sometimes, I will sort-of proxy-camp, but not even really then.

    I'm the exact person you put this challenge to and I do it every time I play killer. I don't get butt-hurt about someone teabagging at the gate. In fact, it actually makes me giggle inside a bit because it doesn't bother me. If survivors are clicky-clicking flashlights, I ignore them.

    And you know something, I have far less survivors teabagging at the gate than I have Killers face-camping and proxy-tunneling me when I play survivor. Isn't that crazy that out of 5 players, 4 players tend to be less rude to me than 1 player is.