Please get rid of flashlight clicking

I had a match where this Feng and Mikaela kept clicking the flashlight in my face and it literally caused me to get a migraine. It got so bad to the point where I had to sit AFK facing a wall so I could get away from the flashing lights.
Flashing lights trigger migraines for me, so going against something like this is not pleasant. Please remove this unnecessary feature.
As much as I hate to face it, toxicity is a part of the game and changing the weakest item in the game would be kind of overkill to me
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I advice you to ignore them or leave the lobby if you see a flashlight user.
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Saw in a post you play dbd since 2018, when flashlights produced a higher intensity beam before their graphic rework on the effect they produce for the killer and the visual they have, not sure why just now it’s a medical problem for you and not before, and if we get into things that produce lights, you can also complain about doctor shocks, nurse blink balls, gen explosions after you break them, the visuals of Lery’s…
There are many many things that “produce light” in the game that aren’t flashlights, it’s not a game made for light-sensitive people and if we wanted to make it accessible half of the assets would need to change and the game aesthetics would drastically change.
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All they have to is code a flashlight to always consume a minimum of one charge when activated.
That is it. Flashlight is fixed. Boom.
This has no effect on trap removal, zombie blinds, or killer saves. Those features (which take a minimum of second anyway), would be totally unaffected and the flashlights' base function remains unchanged.
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What if you want to call the attention of a team mate or distract the killer to make them chase you or lose someone from sight for a bit
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Then pay the one second charge. You can still do that. You just can't do EIGHT SEVEN TIMES like you can now. This would actually give batteries value. Flashlights already have ten times the shelf life of Medkits and Toolboxes as they are currently implemented.
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There’s just no positive reasoning for that and removes important game mechanics, just because “killers can be sad on how they interpret it” isn’t a reason, by the same logic there should be penalties to killers too such as slugging, camp or tunnel, which are game mechanics but the other side can hate it or interpret it in a toxic context.
You bring an item to get positive boosts and not to carefully use it because you could pay a high price for nothing.
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1. I played mainly survivor back in 2018, so I never really had to worry about flashlights.
2. My migraines are only triggered by fast flashing light so the gen explosions, Doctor's shocks, Visuals on Lery's, etc doesn't bother me because it isn't really fast.
3. I rarely ever experience flashlight clicking. But when I do I usually don't mind it, but this was really fast and straight into my eyes from breaking pallets and vaulting windows, where I was locked into an animation.
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Give flashlights the Slinger treatment. You shouldn't be able to click a button and instantly have the flashlight shining at max brightness. They should have an actual animation.
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Nothing I said stops you from doing anything you said. My suggestion just presents it from being spammable for minutes on end.
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I’ve had migraines once too. Speaking with doctor had let me known they’re not just triggered by strong or fast lightings but with a mix of stress or anger held for long, tried to do more research now and don’t see there is a more specific type of migraine that triggers just by a flash spam, sounds like a different type of illness I’m not aware or have enough knowledge
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Im down but only if facecamping gets eliminated too.
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No one does clicking for over ten seconds, “wasting minutes” on it sounds good on the killer side because they aren’t doing gens, doesn’t it?
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You perfectly portrayed everything thats wrong with the game and the community.
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There needs to be an option for the game to turn off visual effects for other players, like In FF14.
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Being tunneled and facecamped gives me migraines
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You only need one of them to be an <EXPLETIVE> about it. It only takes two Survivors and a Prove Thyself to bang out every gen in about 5 minutes.
My point stands. A one charge minimum per flashlight activation retains ALL basic functionality without any loss of usage, but limits click-spammers (especially ones with macros).
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With videogames in general, you can’t remove toxicity. It’ll always exist
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Love this idea
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That's what emotes are for.
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they removed mori spam so it is fair to remove flashlight spam
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And its wrong to try to atleast reduce it???