Uninterruptible animations in DBD, and Flashlight abuse. Let's talk about it.

So you're a Killer. You go up against another SWF with flashlights.
They wait until you go into an animation in which you lose control of your character - such as breaking a pallet, or picking a downed player up...... and it is this precise moment, when you cannot control your character, they aim the flashlight at you and blind you. This is a broken game mechanic in my opinion.
If I cannot control my character while I wait for the animation to end, then I should not be blindable or stunnable until I regain control of my character.
This is one small "buff" you can give to Killers, that in my opinion, should already be part of the core game. It makes no sense to force a player into an animation that they lose control of their character, and they cannot look away from the flashlight, but yet they are still blindable by said flashlight. The game should make the Killer immune to flashlight UNTIL the animation is over and the player regains control of their character.
So they have a fighting chance at looking away. This ONE change alone would fix a lot of the flashlight abuse going on, where SWF survivors are hanging around their downed teammate, waiting for you to go into the animation of picking him up, and then you get to just sit there and watch them run up to you and flashlight you.
Or even worse, looping the Killer around a pallet... and when the Killer finally goes to break the pallet... you go into the animation to break it, and they flashlight you and waste more of your time and escape.
Thats like - the only time to blind people, otherwise you will never be flashlight stunned, if its that much of an annoyance, use lightborne.
If they are hanging around a downed player, than go slug.
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No, you could "get good", as I am always told by survivors, and aim at the killer's face when they are actually controlling their character.
If the Killer is looking at the ground while you flashlight him, then that's enough advantage for you. Flashlight's are too OP right now.
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If I cannot control my character while I wait for the animation to end, then I should not be stunnable until I regain control of my character.
Fun fact, this is exactly how it works. You cannot be stunned if you are already in an uninterruptable animation- flashlight + pallet saves work by triggering the moment your animation ends so you can look away just barely, and it requires immense skill.
You can also counter this by just... waiting. Bait flashlights out and then hit them, leaving the other person slugged. Your eyes can be blinded, so you can use them to look around the area and hit them.
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Btw im a killer main, just look at a wall when picking someone up, if you couldnt be stunned when in animations flashlights would suck.
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That's not how it works at all. I routinely get stunned while in an animation for picking a player up. Or breaking a pallet. There is no chance to look away. I am already stunned when I regain control of my character.
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That is actually true, survivors do have to time it to ensure the blind is after the animation.
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That's exactly how it works lol, how new are you to the game
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I swear by Lightborn, man. As soon as someone blinds me, I basically stop playing that Killer until I get Lightborn slapped on 'em.
Too many times I have been blinded by stupid stuff, wasting my precious, limited time.
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I just think that flashlight saves should be validated.
The amount of times I've visibly seen the Killer turn and still get stunned is like, 90% of saves. If I can see them turn on my end, they were probably way out of the range on their end.
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No chance. I am insta-stunned before I can regain control every time.
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If you're stunned while you're in an animation, it will do nothing. The only time this hasn't been true is between patch 1.9.2 and 1.9.2a of February 2018.
You have a very miniscule fraction of a second to move provided they get the time frame-perfect, which it's unlike they will. If they do it too late you can easily look at the ground, sky, or whatever else.
And again, I know it's a complex idea but you can just... Not pick someone up. If you fear someone is nearby for the flashlight save, then bait it out, walk around and check the area, do a little 180 turn just before picking up- there's a multitude of things you can do to help prevent yourself getting flashlight saved.
Or even better, look at a wall.
I won't pretend like I'm immune to it, but it happens rarely and never twice in a match to me. It isn't difficult to counter provided you know how
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The accursed patch.
In all seriousness, I'm not sure if OP is confusing being blinded with being stunned. It kinda sounds like they are.
Also, I really do think flashlights need to be looked at to be more consistent.
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IF that's how it works, then there needs to be a delay to let the player regain control. Otherwise it's the same thing. You aim at the face during the animation and the player is insta-stunned a millisecond after, so in essence it's the same
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Oh believe me I'd have no issues if blinds got the validation treatment. Make it more consistent and the fairest it's possible to be.
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Blinded/stunned is same to me. I can't see.
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Okay, that explains a lot.
Being blinded is no huge deal, being stunned is.
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It is a huge deal, you can't see... people escape.
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If you've let yourself get to that position in the first place then you don't deserve another chance, provided the survivor is skilled enough. There are so many ways to avoid getting to this position that you actually have to put in effort to get flashlight saved a lot of the time.
If you've gotten to that point, you can still move away very quickly. You can avoid getting to this point so easily.
Flashlights are one of the weaker items in the game, and every second they spend trying to get a save is a second they spend doing nothing productive for the team. 4man flashlight squads are the easiest to deal with, because they won't be on the objective ever.
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While you go slug, the downed player has 99'd their recovery and then other 2 survivors are about to pick her up as soon as you walk 10 feet away from the downed player to slug someone.
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What do you mean if I "let myself" get to that position.
So a survivor is running from me and gets to a pallet. If at any point I try to break the pallet, that's it. I'm blinded. My character goes into the pallet break animation, and the survivor just stands on the other side of the pallet and flashlights my face. As soon as pallet is broke, insta blind. More precious time wasted, and now he runs off.
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Okay so.
Being blinded at a pallet has two easy counters. Over time, you'll learn the routes survivors take and can follow them pretty well. Alternatively you can perform the novel concept of listening to the footsteps and breathing of the survivor. Because your eyes are out of action doesn't mean your ears are.
Being blinded while being picked up has another very easy counter, looking at a wall. Alternatively you can bait out the pickup. However with this clarification something tells me you're not even talking about flashlight saves and only about flashlight blinds at pallets, which is perhaps even more telling of your status as a new player. I mean that in the nicest possible way but flashlights are some of the worst items and have plenty of counters.
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Flashlights are one of the best items, which is why I routinely run into Iridescent ranked SWF squads running 2-3 flashlights.
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You know, I've actually baited out Flashie saves as Demo by placing a Portal for a fraction of a second before standing up. He crouches down, puts a hand to the ground like he's picking someone up, and stands up again, and this is a huge bait for the flashie saver.
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I thought this was going to be about people macro flicking the flashlight at the killer.
They aren't doing anything wrong. Just learn to hear where they are going.
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Flashlights would be pretty bad if you couldn't blind killers at vaults and pallets
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I love the titles that always contain the phrase, "Let's talk about 'X'". Could you word it anymore pompous?
And by your logic, then Survivors should never be grabbed when they vault or exit/enter lockers since they can't control their character until the end of the animation.
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I would take that trade in a heartbeat.
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Welcome to the world of video games where people in pvp wait animations to stun or blind you with their power.
Its not a dbd problem, its like that in every video game.
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So you want flashlights to be completely useless because you don't know how look at a wall or bait the flashlight user. Sorry, but git gud is actually the appropriate response here.
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yknow there's this advanced military war tactic that you can do
and thats when picking up a survivor.. you look at a wall
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use lightborn its the best counter for flashlights, literally!!!!!!
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It's not efficient follow killer to use flashlight
but if they succeed only once, still game will explode so its op
If the last minute switch or swf annoys you, I recommand stop playing Killer
survivor queue time is like 10mins now
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If you're blinded and you have a good headset, then you should just listen to where they'll be running. Survivors are not completely quiet, and most of them don't realize how loud they are when they run, especially with the panting and heavy breathing when they run. Also, try to remember the setup you were blinded in so that you don't run into walls or get stuck.
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try pretending to pick up, and then snip the Mikaela hiding behind the corner. (it's always Mikaela who falls for this)
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Absolutely agree. Especially picking up a downed player. Its face camping
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I kind of noticed a lot of people have a hivemind in this community and content creators say flashlights are the worst item. But yeah, they are definitely one of the better items, especially after boons. People just get stuck in their ways and do not look at the context of the game as is, and not what it used to be.
Not that I mind too much as a lot of overpowered stuff I enjoy isn't even on their radar, thankfully.
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Do bones.
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First real important
You do know you can't be blinded if you look up or down right?
If survivors are trying to flashlight save and you look up the moment you regain control they have that fraction of a second to blind you.
Outside of saves a killer can just look down and be completly immune to flashlights.
So unless you want to bring back the flashlights that blind you in 0.5 seconds (trust me you don't want that) i think flashlights are good where they are
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Before jumping on the forums to make a post about something you struggle with or find annoying. Go on youtube and search for tutorials on how to improve against that particular thing. There are so many flashlight-counter videos for killer in general and individual killers that have different baits to play vs flashlights. Like a lot of these people said in response, just look at a wall or slug them and chase the flashlight user away. Flashlights are one of the only things left in dbd that create an interaction between survivors and killers, no one wants this removed, otherwise the game just turns into survivors only do gens and leave, which most matches are anyway.
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You dare question the sacred flashlights?
Don't you know the solution is to just face a wall?
That's right. Even if you are 100m from the nearest physical object, face a wall. Yup. Those are the rules, I didn't make them up.
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For saves:
-face a wall
-don't pick up immediately
-if no wall is around search the area briefly
-do a quick 180 turn before picking up
-run lightborn, or Franklin's, even overwhelming presence or fire up if you're a mad lad
For pallets:
-this usually benefits you anyway as the survivor isn't running away
-stand in front of the pallet and stare down for a while (not up, down) and see how much of their flashlight you can get them to waste
-same perks as before minus fire up
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I would always agree that the Killer has the weaker role against SWF's but flashlights are really not the problem here. A Survivor following you with his clicky clicky is one less working on a generator and that helps you alot. I win so much more games against flashlight squads than i do against efficent groups that just do gen's. You really just have to follow simple rules when you pick up a survivor like facing a wall, look in a different direction where you might expect a survivor or try and fake the pick up to bait a flashlight player out of his cover to maybe get even a second down. Trust me you will rarely to almost never get blind-stunned if you just follow these.
The game has way bigger problems than this..
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That's because the killer's laggy, just like those instance when they get slammed by a pallet and it takes a moment for the stun to play out. Validation wouldn't save them from a blind. Although, it would be a fine addition anyway.
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As killers, we should be able to reject swf or accept it. Turn on, turn off. Same as crosplay. They should implement this feature.
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I get flashlight saves in solo, a mic doesn't affect my timing or aim.
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It's not about that. It's about if someone wants or not to play against swf
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the topic was originally about that
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IMO should probably just rework the Lightburn mechanic onto all Killers but instead make it a thing about Hindering the Killers speed if it's not tied directly to their Power (Inverse Bloodlust).
Remove the Blinded drop and instead have Survivors to try to hinder the Killer using Flashlights and Perks (like Breakout/Sabo/Boil Over) which is a more interactive thing than simply trying to look into walls/using an animation lock.
One major thing to be considered then how Flashlights/Flashbangs work on Killers while pointing them on the Killers body for a lesser hinder and how that can be used in chases.
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Oh booooo hooooo. Killer main mad because he made poor choices on when to pick someone up and when to slug. This is legit why survivor mains don't listen to you. You make dumb posts like these and expect to get respect smh
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I call it minding my own damn business. "No MR evangelical I am not interested in going towards the light."