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The Beast Awakens challenge. Is it bugged?

I have a couple of challenges left from the last rift. I tried it for like 6 matches and I've given up, first with Ghostface and didn't work, so I moved on to Clown. I'm just using Beast of Prey, With ruin, undying and corrupt (so the game last longer, because, lets face it, the challenge is horrible and forces you to be in a chase for 1 minute, which is insane.
Anyways, I'm not getting it, I tried not to lunge (quick M1), I tried to be undetectable for a couple of seconds (maybe it takes time to be undetectable). Nothing seems to work.
Please help, it's one of the last challenges I need to complete them all.
I just did 2 consecutive matches, the first time I did with huntress ran 6+ undetectable hits with beast of prey,
the next match, I must of hit each survivor close to 10 times, undetectable, hoping this would trigger it, it did not.
Going to try Myers and ghostface next but I think its bugged too.
Update: Couldn't Get it with Myers and Scratched Mirror Either.
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I also tried doing it on Michael with tier 1, ghost face with all undetectable perks, and even demo only hitting when beast of prey activated. Challenge is indeed impossible to complete at the moment.
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I guess people didn't have any problem last patch, since I didn't find any post reporting this issue, but probably something happened in this patch and now (for those of us that didn't play last rift) it can't be completed.
Also almost all indoor maps are disabled, so I won't waste my scratched mirrors trying it now, I'll wait for the next update.
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I thought I was going crazy with this challenge. I can't get it either, the only killer challenge I have left from the previous tome.
I know that other undetectable perks, as well as powers, should work with this challenge, i.e. nightshroud, tinkerer, scratched mirror. I've tried just about everything.
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Yup, same here, I played 10+ games with every undetectable perk I could think of. It is bugged atm so don't waste your time.
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I tried reinstalling the game, it's still bugged (I clearly hit them more than 6 times). It says "6 survivors", I'm hoping this doesn't mean DIFFERENT survivors in a single trial and that's why it's bugged?
It's the last challenge I need to complete them all (including current tome and the halloween event challenges).
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Today I went out of my way to actually get six hits while under the effect of BoP. But EVEN THAT did not count!
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Yes, that was one of the first things I tried, I used Clown without tinkerer or any undetectable perks, just beast of prey. I looped around a single pallet until I got bloodlust 1, then waited a few more seconds before hitting the survivor (because maybe the undetectable would take a few seconds to kick in while the terror radius is being reduced, like Insidious) still... nothing. I tried that for like 3 matches (obviously, I had to THROW the match because the challenge itself is pretty dumb, if you get 6 bloodlusts in the same match, you're not really a good killer or your match is going terrible).
Still, nothing. This is currently the only challenge I have left.
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devs pls fix. this is my last challenge from the previous tome and my OCD is flaring
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Does anyone know if it got fixed in the recent 3.4 PTB (if that can be tested, that is, I don'T know if rift is available in PTB)?
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i dont think so
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Just tried to do it, still bugged
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Nope, I tried yesterday with a scratched mirror myers, it's still bugged.
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Yes. This challenge is bugged along with the That's Rude! challenge.
Do not attempt these challenges and keep reporting them as bugged until dev fix
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I tried like 20 times, each one with different killers with or wihout addons, Still bugged, I hope the devs fix that in the next patch notes.
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just chiming in to say I been trying this every few days for about 2 months and as of today I messaged some console players to help me test it and it is still broken. I hit them 10 with BoP active and I hit them 10 times with her addon that makes you undetectable after reloading. Also noted I did 10 times each with hatchets and her axe just bc I was unclear on what it wanted.
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Nah, it's still bugged. But the ticket is in status "Acknowledged" so I guess they'll be fixing this in next patches.
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As of November 28 2021, still bugged.
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December 1st now, still bugged.
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Bro this challenge has been bugged and reported for over 2 months and they do nothin, iv seen like 15 tickets of this error, they are lazy af
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I guess we learnt the lesson, always do challenges when the rift opens. Once it leaves the general public's attention is no longer priority.
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The challenge isn't bugged anymore, Ive just completed it with scratched mirror myers!
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Thanks!!! I completed the challenge with scratched mirror myers.