K so huntresses is some wanna be twins now cause this atrocious build

Usually I enjoy and respect huntresses but now lately from what I been experiences between their tunneling ways/camping/slugging greed they went to bottom of list + hate for me and I much rather be slug by twins since its kinda what they are made for, this build of corrupt invention/bbq/iron maiden and whatever 4 perk maybe ruin(which i dont care about ruin), so you cant really go in a locker to hide from bbq when someone is unhooked becoming exposed and one hit or waiting on corrupt invention as of most likely they will assume and go to the gens that is close to them and none ofc wanna do that and rather be at a far gen from killer as possible and wait out corrupt
It is awarding them some rather lame and easy kill and this is worst on small maps where the gens are abit distance yet pretty close. The only slight counter to bbq/iron is shadow step but still that is just lame especially when I wish to make my flashbangs. Tbh I rather be face camped instead of facing this very disgusting build
corrupt/bbq/iron maiden... iron maiden...
you're complaining about iron maiden
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Survivors: Nerf camping it’s annoying.
Also survivors: BBQ is annoying because the killer is coming away from the hook to come get me.
Is there anything that can please y’all?
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That's a standard Huntress build. Maybe you've finally climbed enough in MMR to start seeing serious killers.
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Twins aren't made for slugging/camping/tunneling.
just wanna point that out.
no good twins player will slug any more than they absolutely have to due to 8 seconds of stun if they downed you with Victor.
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Maybe they're an Inner Strength enthusiast, lol.
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It's time to nerf Iron Maiden.
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This is the reason why i use Distortion sometimes.
I don't know if Iron Will can help against Iron Maiden but against Huntress it's best to avoid lockers.
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I mean, as a Dwight main I'm okay with this nerf.
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Iron maiden hasn't left my huntress build for 2 years its not starting now
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"I'd rather be face camped than face this disgusting build"
So you'd literally rather be denied any chance to play than play against a Killer who is bold enough to use perks that complement each other....!
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Calm spirit can avoid notifications of you exiting a locker if they have iron maiden. However, calm spirit is very niche and situational to bring for those specific scenarios.
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Does it still give a notification bubble also that is why yes I want a change to flashbang to make it during the gen progression, cause crap like iron maiden is really annoying. Also it makes trying to avoid bbq annoying though that can be counter it trying to be up close to the hook and killer hear your breathing wont work
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Oh no sorry if you mis understood me, I met if i dont scream will they killer still get a notification bubble if am using calm spirit?
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Iron Maiden is pretty much a standard perk on many Huntress builds, but the Exposed status has nothing to do with it. Huntress players use it solely for the faster reload speed. At 4.4 movement speed, if you're in a locker across the map and get hit by IM, a good Huntress player isn't trekking across the map for you at that point, since the Exposed status will be long gone before they get there.
I legitimately can't believe anyone would complain about that perk. It's still largely trash, only good for the reload time for 2 killers.
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That's literally the standard Huntress build, don't know why just now you're complaining about it.
You don't really need to hide from BBQ. Just hide behind some cover to not get sniped and you're good. She moves at 110% so if she chases after every BBQ aura she's going to waste tons of time.
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I sure do if my 3 swf escape while i be face camp so be it yes i much rather being face camp till i die compared to this corrupt/iron maiden/bbq slug feast.
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Iron Maiden... How are you complaining about it
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Flashbang, or prevention of trying to avoid bbq after someone is hooked.
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That's the point of the Perk, to stop people from interacting with Lockers.
Post edited by Mandy on9 -
They won't change flashbangs or Iron Maiden. Besides flashbangs are crap to be honest. Everytime a survivor used it on me it has failed because you can see them drop it and has time to look away.
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Wait so you are also playing in a 4-man and still complaining about Iron Maiden? Beautiful.
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Ok let me make this clear for you since you cant seem to understand and making assumptions, I dont care about anything killers do in SWF, its a problem in random queue? Hopefully you understand.
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Oh if you see my ytd videos the way I use them its different, I practice enough to know how to use it well vs flash lights which i cant stand.
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It is irrelevant if you hate being found by BBQ.
Iron Maiden counters lockers so that's why people run it. Just like your flashbang perk counters some things the Killer can do.
You are running your perk because it is useful to you, the Killer also gets to have tools that are useful to them.
Sorry if 1 in 10 Huntresses are running Iron Maiden and are going to counter your build.
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I'm not making any assumptions, it's just your post was quite poorly written and left it ambiguous.
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The point is that iron maiden now forces bbq to be more powerful , yes to counter flash bang too and inner circle though I dont use inner circle but my point am trying to get on with a combination of corrupt iron maiden and bbq your trying to avoid being to any close gen that ofc the killer will easily go to because they know your not able to do the far ones close to corrupt. On a very small map its even worst its almost no counter play then.
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Tbh I have not seen anyone use them effectively. Not saying you know how to just using my own experience, because if I see a small metal.canaster in someone's hands I tend to avoid them lol.
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If you see someone go down, you have time to get closer (to be within 40m range) OR even further, to make the trip over to you take a long time (remember, Huntress is slow)
Or you could run one way for 4 seconds and go the other way.
Not to mention you get a massive warning through her humming radius if she does come towards you.
That's at least 3 counters for BBQ, not requiring a locker, which you can use when a Huntress has Iron Maiden.
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You won. I gave someone else funniest post I've seen award just about an hour ago.....You now have the funniest ######### I've read in awhile.
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This is a pretty weak build for huntress (though common). The only reason you would want to run a build like this for huntress, iron maiden in particular, is if you're trying to focus specifically on hatchet throws, but there's way stronger builds.
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Why thank you but you can keep it with your apparent sarcasm
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Iron maiden is fine, just avoid lockers
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Calm spirit, I think was the idea.
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To not use my flashbang or for people who uses inner (i dont use that however) that is why as I posted earlier about changing all locker perks to just activation after you do the requirement which is cleanse one bone or 50% gen , only head on I think should be a locker perk
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That's literally the most standard build of a huntress and there is nothing wrong with it. I don't get your point.. there are perks that hide you from BBQ, you can hide behind a gen or be near the hooked person to avoid it.
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Oh other than shadow step that will work instantly, are you talking those perks that require you to do something first to prevent your aura from reading. anyway the main point is corrupt + iron + bbq makes it easy for huntress to get wins especially if a tiny maps where the gens are a lil apart but not too far from each other, the intent is to try wait out corrupt in a locker but you dont wanna past that 60 seconds being a locker for birds to chirp alert her to you so you decide to go for another and ofc iron ruins that idea, who likes doing gens close to the killer? I am sure no one dont.
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I genuinely don't think it's a standard build. If you actually count how often you reload the time savings aren't that great. You'd be much better off bringing an Infantry Belt
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Yes, my bad.
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This, pretty much.
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all good.
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Why are we trying to hide from/counter BBQ? Especially on a killer you can hear coming from 40 meters away? Just position yourself on the gen accordingly so she can't snipe you from across the map. As far as Corrupt goes, never wait it out. It's a very low percentage strategy on most maps if the killer has a brain, and then you're going to be starting the game with someone on a hook and zero gen pressure. Just be aware of Corrupt and know which gens need to be done after the initial ones.
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Your made that they perks have good synergy? That's the point running two separate perks to make up for weakness
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It’s illegal to have counters to strong perks. Let’s nerf everything that makes something unfun for survivors whether it’s objectively not good or not.
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Can you recomend him to git gut and complain of more serious dreads than iron maiden 🤣
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Can you learn its 2021 and git gud is so dry on saying, but ofc if you think that makes you look good ok. if you dont see corrupt with iron and bbq broken oh freaking well stop acting as if you dont complain about dh/boones and what not why dont yo git good and deal with them.
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Your really craving my attention it seem, since you want it so badly why dont you stop whining on trickster when you use a op broken lame spirit.
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If you actually think that Corrupt, BBQ, and Iron Maiden is a "broken" perk set-up, then no offense -- but that speaks volumes about you and not the perks.
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Whatever when that new boon totem come and slugging is no longer again watch how you all complain about it ha. bt + 3 boons cant wait.
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What would I possibly complain about?
I've been playing the game for a year and a half now, and I have been downed by being exposed by Iron Maiden a total of ZERO times over that period. Corrupt is a solid early-game perk for killers, but it can be waited out, or you just move to gens that aren't Corrupted. I usually counter BBQ by moving inside of the range, or hiding behind a generator, or since I run Spine Chill on most builds, when it lights up, I move to a safer area. And while I've been a Rank 1 survivor, I'm the first to admit I'm mediocre/decent at it at BEST, and I've never ended a match saying "I/we got wrecked because the killer had -- gasp -- Iron Maiden!" -- or BBQ, or Corrupt, or all three.
If you were complaining about a pre-nerf Undying/Ruin/Tinkerer build on a mobile killer like Blight (which while OP, was still beatable), then you might have people agreeing with you, but you're literally complaining about a solid, but nowhere near unbalanced, killer build that shouldn't be an issue if you know how to play around it.
And if you think when I play killer that the new boon is going to bother me, then think again. I rarely slug, and I assume everyone is running Unbreakable anyway, so I pretty much make sure to get my hooks when I down people to get my pressure. If survivors want to run the new totem Boon perk against me, it'll be a waste of a perk slot for them, so I'll count that as a win.
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Lmao imagine still thinking Spirit is OP after she just got nerfed that removed the one thing that made her BS. Get a grip, it’s clear you want Spirit gutted and unfun to play as.