K so huntresses is some wanna be twins now cause this atrocious build

Usually I enjoy and respect huntresses but now lately from what I been experiences between their tunneling ways/camping/slugging greed they went to bottom of list + hate for me and I much rather be slug by twins since its kinda what they are made for, this build of corrupt invention/bbq/iron maiden and whatever 4 perk maybe ruin(which i dont care about ruin), so you cant really go in a locker to hide from bbq when someone is unhooked becoming exposed and one hit or waiting on corrupt invention as of most likely they will assume and go to the gens that is close to them and none ofc wanna do that and rather be at a far gen from killer as possible and wait out corrupt

It is awarding them some rather lame and easy kill and this is worst on small maps where the gens are abit distance yet pretty close. The only slight counter to bbq/iron is shadow step but still that is just lame especially when I wish to make my flashbangs. Tbh I rather be face camped instead of facing this very disgusting build



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