Do survivors mental pokes get to you?

supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,611
edited November 2021 in General Discussions

Like macro flashlighting. Dropping pallet and tbagging. Running at you with bt up. Ds into headon stunning you. Flashlight blinding at pallets. Ect. Do you roll your eyes or get annoyed? Personally on a good day i don't really care what they do as long as 3 gens don't pop in like first chase. Now on a bad day i might roll my eyes and just try to play normally. But if they force ds onto me i won't say if were down to the last 2 gens and im given the opportunity to tunnel the annoyance let them go. What can i say i aint perfect lol. Hbu?


  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I usually nod back or do a cheeky spin. That seems to confuse the ######### out of them and they just stop.

    Flashlight macros otoh make me laugh uncontrollably. They feel so silly.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    The first two - yes. For a long time I did my best to ignore it, but now I've embraced the rivalry. Particularly since the flicky flicky macros tend to give me an actual headache. If a survivor does this, I'm going full villain. There are few things more schadenfreude-tastic than camping out a teabagger until they DC.

    Running at me with BT up - thanks! I'll smack you one and find another target, then come back for you. You just wasted a powerful perk that could have let you escape safely.

    DS/Head-on - It's irritating, but it's fine. It's just using the perks as intended.

    Flashy blind at pallets - see #1. Headache. You are now my #1 target.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    No. I'm too old to bother about it. If they want boring game, I can always give them, if not, lets play nice or fair or whatever u call it.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    I try not to let it get to me, but sometimes I do get frustrated when it happens.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    What gets me is when players can dish it but cant take it.

    Tea bagging every pallet is an open invitation to proxy camp that second stage if you ask me, so that's why I dont do it myself. Because I value my life lol

  • Sonyaire
    Sonyaire Member Posts: 8

    Most of it doesn't bother me. Some stuff like running up with BT is really funny, as I'll just mentally count and down them when it expires, since many survivors do this when they're not near any pallets or windows. Only thing that really gets to me is getting hit by a late 59 second DS, it's much less common ever since the DS change, but sometimes it might happen in a really close game and I don't even realize they would still have it up, and it can be rough to deal with.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Not really, no. I actually just abused a survivor who was using an exploit to troll me. On Dead Dawg Saloon, by the gallows, apparently they can walk up that cart somehow. I wasn't sure how to do it, so she was effectively invincible. I just baited them by pretending I cared, so they kept staying up there and leaving their team in a 3v1. After I killed them all, she had to leave, and once I downed her... She rage quit. I cannot imagine a queueing late for survivor into a game where you didn't play into a penalty into another queue. They wasted so much time to get under my skin, and unfortunately for them, I just didn't care...

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Not really, theres nothing you can do about it and they only do it when they know they are safe.

    If anything the map layouts is what pisses me most

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m more annoyed at myself if I get hit by a headon or flashlight save, they’re not that hard to avoid normally. And if someone is following me around while I’m chasing a different survivor instead of doing gens I’m glad, it means I’m keeping two people off gens for the price of one chase.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    I'm gonna be honest, they used to aggravate me a lot and make me feel bad, especially when I performed poorly. Fortunately that hasn't been an issue for quite awhile.

    What changed for me?

    I used to play with a very specific mindset where I'd restrict to certain play-styles. For example, I would actively avoid tunneling, and literally run to nowhere to avoid camping, even if I had a hook between 3 of my last generators. I noticed that the taunting was getting to me mainly because of these self-imposed restrictions that stressed respecting the experience of my opponent, but I wasn't getting that respect back.

    Now I fully support tunneling and even camping if it's done constructively, like in my above example where I'd be pressuring all my gens + the hook by camping.

    Once I let go and focused on tactical efficiency more than the feelings of others, the game became a lot more enjoyable for me.



    It used to, but now I think of survivors as objectives more than people (akin to moving generators) and I'm not as bothered as much.

    I won't bad mouth anyone or put them down in post-chat, but I'm also not going to make special exceptions for them in my game-play anymore and instead focus on being as efficient as possible within the confine of the games core rules.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685


    I remember playing Halo back in the day, if someone has the ability to repeatedly beat you in firefights, AND take the time to teabag your corpse in between killing the rest of your teammates, they have to actually be legitimately good at the game to do that.

    Someone teabagging me on Halo 3 NEVER annoyed me to the extent it does on DBD, and it is for this reason. You earn your teabags on Halo 3.

    On DBD you just get the sense some people like the feeling of winning and/or having the upper hand, and only play this game because of the unfair advantage it gives them. This is why, quite often, the ones who teabag relentlessly will D/C as soon as the game turns in your favour, or they will usually be long gone by the post game lobby, as the game didn't go there way.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    Eh not really. It is really just a mindgame and sadly a lot of people see it as toxic or mean when it isn't all the time. Using a flashlight as intended isn't really toxic, it is using it how it is supposed to be used, similar to healing with a medkit or doing a gen with a toolbox.

    If someone is running at me with BT, I just ignore or wait it out, running at me with DS? Ok i'll just eat it, now you don't have it when I actually need to tunnel. Flashlight clicking at me? Hey, they aren't doing gens lol. After time you just realize the solution to most stuff is just staying calm and handling it correctly, and most of those clicky people aren't even toxic, they do it to get your attention.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226
    edited November 2021

    If there's an in-game reason to do it, I'm not annoyed - or if I am annoyed, it's very in-the-moment and not something I grudge over. If the action has no purpose other than to taunt, I'm annoyed, because I don't like the kinds of people that behave like that without being provoked. I don't want to play the game with someone who doesn't want me to enjoy it.

    If the taunting gets really egregious, I either make sure the player dies ASAP or completely ignore them, depending on what I think they want. Usually clicky macros are better off avoided until the late game, and you can trust them to waste time trying to get your attention, while people that stop to tbag at pallets are easy to catch.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Not really, I only get tilted when survivors think that playing that role is hard and they are screaming at you for saying that it is not hard play.

    I have really good hearing so if I get flashed at all pallet I can still follow them by ear.

    If they force body block with BT, I will just wait the time and tunnel them out, I mean that is what they wanted.

    Macro spam is slightly annoying but not enough to get a reaction out of me.

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    does anyone else get a slight headache from the macro flashlight?

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    Not really. Its just a game. Aint going to take it that seriously and get triggered off the stupidest of things.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513


    a saying of mine is "a t-bagging survivor is a survivor losing distance in chase"

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    I tell them to get a life. I'm usually playing with brown add-ons and lower tier killers, so they're complete clowns with no self-awareness when they tbag out the exits.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    Nope. I just return the favor and make them miserable; every game, I am always prepared for the survivors to be a misery squad and I build accordingly. if I'm wrong, I play normally. if not...i'm prepared.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    Not really. Why would it? It's a game.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,827

    it was funny because the other day I had a Laurie jump in and out of locker and I was able to smack her down. I think she had DS lol. 😂

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    The only thing from this list which is somewhat bothering is the flashlight macro. Not because it annoys me, but the sound is not really pleasant for me.

    Some things listed are even counter-productive. Like going for DS and Head On, they lose their DS and dont gain much distance due to Head On AND I know that they wont have Dead Hard available. Same for blinding at Pallets, the Survivor would make more distance if they would just run away. But especially if they do it while injured without Iron Will, it is just a free down most of the time.

    Running at me with BT just results in me tunneling this person out. IMO if someone runs at me or bodyblocks when I clearly try to go for another Survivor, I will just tunnel them. They are basically asking for it.

    But overall, it is not really annoying. I dont care for the most part.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047


  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Running at you with bt up

    Everything else I don't care, but this infuriates me since I always do my best to not tunnel... for those who do this I make an exception.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763


    I faced wannabe flashlight bullies many times, and eventually you just learn to ignore it.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,877

    I don't know why we're using the term "mental pokes" to refer to rudeness. But, yes, if people are rude to me, it bothers me.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    The flashlight clicking sound is super annoying to me. If I'm in a match and there's one or two that just keep the entire match doing that, I'll just AFK in a corner. I get to have a 10 minute break, while they are punished with a boring match (they can't even farm points because I turn the character to a wall) for trying to be annoying. Win-win.

  • Most of it doesn't bug me bc they're sabotaging themselves to be cheeky. The only thing that legitimately frustrates me is when survivors don't just leave. I've made various posts/threads about it, but that's the one thing where it's just the inverse of killer's facecamping. It's purely done out of pettiness and spite from the survivor's side, there's no other reason to linger in the exit gates when the entire team is there or already escaped. They just want to hold you hostage in the game as long as they possibly can and rub it in that you lost. They specifically will wait the entire duration of the endgame collapse to try and force you to come push them out and pay attention to them doing it too.

    Wasting my time and deliberately trying to be petty & spiteful? Every time it happens I switch to a killer/build that is far less merciful, and tunnel as ruthlessly as I can.

    Maybe the only other thing would be flashlight spam/macro clicking, if it's going on the entire game. If BHVR wanted to stop it from happening they easily could just by making it so activating your flashlight always uses up like, 1 charge. Does nothing to the intended use of the flashlight, only stops people from being able to BM with it.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I ignore flashlight people. If theres more than one (3 or more items) i bring Franklin's. I know personally how irritating it is to have my item drop so I share the love. If you come at me with BT i will follow you then drop your ass.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Maybe 75% of people who clicky clicky and teabag DC the second you hook them. I suspect there is a self-esteem problem in play.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    A bit. Not because of anything the survivors are doing or the actions themselves, but the mentality behind it. I know I'm losing, and that's fine; it's miserable if it's a game where I'm matched up against people way outside of my skill bracket (I haven't even gotten halfway through getting meta teachables, let alone unlocking them on who I want to play) but at least that's over quickly.

    It's the people who can't just take their win and leave, they have to rub it in and drag it out as long as possible. Who aren't just satisfied that I get a short, dull match; they have to make sure that I actively don't have fun or get to move onto the next round.

    Clicky-clicky and teabagging and waiting at the exit gates aren't just bad manners, they're people actively out to stop the other side from possibly enjoying it. And that turns something that would be dull but quick into frustrating.

  • MajiJo
    MajiJo Member Posts: 12

    It didn't bother me at first but after playing for 3.5K hours it does make me just not want to play Killer. Primarily because the majority of people who BM are good enough at the game or are completely carried by the Meta. (And that goes for both sides, I've had NOED Killers never down anyone or lose the match because they kept chasing me despite me never BMing them and then Facecamping and hitting me on hook like I committed a warcrime.)

    But the reaction it usually gets out of me is "Okay..?"

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Yeah, these are the worst. What I'll do is go stand right by the gates, off to one side and...wait. Eventually they'll realize that I'm not futilely running in after them to get teabagged and will leave - upon which I'll sometimes manage to down one and then it's fun times at shenanigans.

    At least we have AFK crows now.

    The game that actually made me quit DbD for several months was a SWF consisting of 4 Blendettes was either a Swamp map or Haddonfield.

    After I killed one early they got to 1 gen left and then decided to play hide and seek. I literally couldn't find them. It took me over an hour to get bored and DC.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    I'm not bothered by them doing it, it's the fact that they can get away with it is what is annoying. Cause in most fighting games if they T-bag you can still win even if it is hard but in Dbd you just lose no matter what.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    Macro flashlights are funny I like spamy stuff like that it's like a guy spamming voice lines in overwatch in a way

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Rapid flashlight clicking shouldn't be a thing. There's no good reason why turning your flashlight off doesn't come with a cooldown like every single killer power. Or, at the very least, have turning it on consume a bunch of charges up-front, but doesn't consume any for a couple of seconds while it's on. So if you're just clicking for attention, you drain the battery super quickly.

    Tea Bagging would be less irritating if survivors hadn't successfully whined to get the Devs to remove the updated smooth-movement animations out of the game. Survivors actively made the game look worse just to preserve their obnoxious two-frame dips.

    The thing that annoys me the most, though, is when all survivors have made it to the exit gate, they're all full health, and they refuse to leave until the killer walks over so they can teabag to their heart's content. The Exit Gate area really needs to be more like a revolving door, where only one survivor can go in at a time. That way, if they want to waste the killer's time to taunt by not just leaving, there's actually SOME danger.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,131

    Nah, I've been around the block too many times for that stuff to tilt me much. I'm not saying being toxic should be tolerated, but DBD toxicity (at least in match) is pretty tame. Stupid, but tame.

    And as others have said, it's just the other side wasting their time. As a killer, I am more likely to target you for being a terrible teammate than for giving me the bags.

  • Karmerdinger
    Karmerdinger Member Posts: 2

    I don't have much to say about flashlights and teabagging but offerings to Haddonfield feel like a declaration of War.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,327

    They used to really upset and annoy me. These days, I'm too jaded to care, lol.

  • xili84
    xili84 Member Posts: 130

    I think this is the best way one can put it. The action itself is meaningless. But for me also it is the fact that the 4man SWF Thinks they are a god or something similar, when all they did is just abuse all the game mechanics that has been thrown into their lap on survivors side. It's like making 2 people fight, but one has a gun and the other a knife. The guy with the knife gets shot, and then the shooter acts like "YEEEEEEH I OWNED THAT GUY"... THAT is what I hate the most about those people. The complete self-unawareness.

    Whenever I play solo survivor and the killer has no chance to get kills, cause everyone is using their meta perks to max efficiency, I feel so bad for that killer, cause I know exactly what is happening. It is not because me or the others are playing good or pro, it is because we are abusing all the advantages we have as a survivor team.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    Some people gets off on it, so.... as a decent person i pretend not to see it. but imo its weird.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Only flashlight macros. Partly because it's genuinely painful and partly because if they really lean into it you're going to get a head start on plying their butthole because they won't be able to immediately run if they don't turn off the macro quick enough >:)