MMR has lowered the skill level

I feel like MMR has drastically lowered the skill level for survivor, I main Billy, a 4k almost every game currently, and that pattern hasn't change whatsoever in the past 2 weeks. Survivors don't seem to be competent in loops anymore, their pathing is off, they make stupid decisions while in chase. It's usually pre drop or pallet camp rather than looping, and shift w.
I feel like survivors have adopted a more comp mindset and it's hindered their ability to actually have chases well.
Maybe you are vsing people who didn't play against him much.
Back in the day Billy was pretty common but not anymore.
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That's not MMR.
That's your MMR, finally working correctly.
For a long time, during much of the rank days (and for about half of last year) killers had their matchmaking protections completely disabled due to complaints that red-rank survivors were waiting in queues too long.
Keep crushing it and your MMR will steadily reach a point where you start struggling for a 2k.
Every now and then the system seems to crap itself and give you a really bizarro match (I suspect either smurfs or a lobby dodge before I came in) and occasionally seems to be completely offline but for the most part it's sort of decent at getting me where I should be.
If I get several 4ks in a row, I'll generally find myself up against a 6000 hour sweaty SWF boonsquad that flattens me.
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How long do I have to keep getting 4ks to get to that point?
I've been consistently getting 3-4ks with Billy for the past 2 weeks, and I get a team that pre drops and holds w, which is probably the strongest thing you can do in this game, but I still manage to kill everyone or almost everyone.
My MMR has to be relatively high at this point, and if it is and I'm getting survivors who only know how to pre drop and not loop efficiently, I think survivors have had an overall decrease in skill.
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If they are playing poorly as you imply, it could take quite a while before there is a noticeable difference. Beating players below your rating doesn't progress your score as much as better players will.
Devs broke it down for us awhile back, could have sworn I saw a chart mapping it out here on the forum.
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It is simply a symptom that killer is much easier than survivor. With so many anti-loop powers, it is never safe to loop, and with killers that throw projectiles you can't loop.
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damn u right, why didnt i think of that
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I second this.
I'm finding that I'm getting mostly 3 and 4ks, and then getting stomped once or twice*, then getting some close games again.
*the fact I'm playing a lot of Nemi, who I just got, is not helping with this part.
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I'd say its more that they further removed the skill element of match making.
Previous rank system required contribution to pip up or down. It was wonky and if you spent enough time online you would eventually rank up. So it was based on contribution + time spent online.
New MM is did you die? yes/no, did you kill anyone? yes/no. Contribution is irrelevent.
Somehow the latter is meant to be more representative of "skill" but it doesn't take into account contribution at all so you can rank up even when you don't contribute if your team smashes out gens and you get out.
Somehow the new "skill based" match making relies on less metrics related to skill than the previous "non skill based" matchmaking.
Did they just go to the zoo and pay a bunch of chimps some bannanas to cook this one up because I'm really preplexed by it???
Shouldn't a combination of contribution + escape yes/no dictate match making? Pips from contribution dictate how many points you move then escape yes/no dictate + or - direction. If you die but played an amazing game your derank is less than or equivalent to the increase of a poor game where you got out by luck and didn't do much.
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I've found that now too but I had to eat about 30 back to back losses as killer to get there.
I realise the system had to level itself out but holy crap was it rough to play those first few weeks. I basically just gave up on getting any kills in any match, for many many matches in a row.
Yeah I'm average at this game and I'm fine with that but I was promised games against other average players at it took a long time to deliver. It still isn't great. Have to say when they did the first match making test a year ago I had a better time of it right from the get go.
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I gotta turn cross play off or something. Had this immersed console Zarina today running Wake Up, Left Behind, Spine Chill, and Distortion. Immersing all game, escaped with a lower score than me at my expense. So I lose MMR and she rises?
And her case is not unique, almost always console survivors that play like this. Just want the bad console killers but only PC teammates. Hard pressed.
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Nah, whenever i see pc players i know the match is gonna be miserable with them hiding in a corner, or tryharding so much i can smell the sweat
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Especially with powers like nurse being able to down survivors no matter what
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Guess we should both be turning it off then! 🤷🏼♂️
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Yeah, MMR doesn't work for me either.
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It depends how good you are.
One quirk of the MMR system is that (afaik) it resets your MMR if you are inactive for 3 weeks on that killer. Then it reassigns an MMR to that killer slightly below your best killer.
This also means, for example, if you didn't play for 3 weeks (or worse, lost a lot on another killer) and then started playing your best killer again, it would take you a good while to get back to strong opponents. Probably a dozen or so games, maybe more if you were a tip top killer.
Nurse is streaky. Even really good killer players struggle to do consistently well with her. Otz's attempt at a '50 wins with Nurse' streak was one of the hardest he attempted.
30 games? Whoa. I wonder if this was during one of the 'matchmaking is on the fritz/disabled' days, because the longest run I had of this nature was maybe 10 games, on a killer I'd never played before.
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clown op, IMO.
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Bhvr : message received. Billy is over performing. More chainsaw nerfs incoming
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If its not obvious Im joking. The sad part is this is how bhvr will react -.-
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Massive Moron Ranking is working fine for me.
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True i forgot billy trow some chainsaw at the survivor he need another nerf asap
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In my experience, I lose almost every killer game now and survive with a 3 or 4 man escape usually as survivor. All I’m noticing is that killer sucks.
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Ya trying to play basic m1 killers right now is god awful.
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Games are just less interesting. Most players go for the "optimal" strats in a given situation, ie camping someone into 2nd stage or leaving a teammate on hook during end game.
On the survivor side, altruism is punished hard by escape-based matchmaking. And it's starting to show in my matches with teammates frequently making no effort to help with end game save situations.
And why should they with the current incentive structure?
"Oh, you went back into the trial to save a teammate and ended up trading your life for theirs? Congratulations, here's 2 urban evading default Neas, and a Mikaela that for some reason keeps blessing totems when the killer hasn't snuffed any of them."
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Totally agree. I have teammates I can see hiding and creeping around the edges with bond. I have teammates that Pre throw every pallet. Or that run and the first sight/sound of the killer even if it’s a super important Gen to finish and he has pop or something 🤦🏻♀️Or he’s tunnel visioned on someone else. These are players I would report for trolling they’re so bad. .. if they showed up in my game with the old emblem system.But I guess you escape if you hide the entire game. 🤷🏻♀️ The only time I play is if I see some friends to swf with. I’m not the best player by far but I’m pretty good and I get s. For teammates. No one goes for saves everyone is really selfish
emblem = interesting altruistic gameplar
mmr= did you escape? Even if you didn’t do as much as the other player who carried you and died first hook