Stop cross play between pc and console if we don't want to play with the PC player

I mean if I don't like playing against pc I can't turn off the crossplay but I still want to play with Xbox and switch because the oc lag to much against a console, the hit pass killer pc against survivor console but when it's pc against pc the hit same place doesn't hit the survivor, so please add the possibility to turn off cross play just with PC (no more cheater, no lag, no 360 or moonwalk, ...) It's better
This would be way more trouble to do than it's worth. I actually cannot think of a single competitive crossplay game that allows you to pick and choose like this.
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You know there are hackers on pc who can bypass cross play right? Plus bhvr I don’t think can afford doing this with their playerbase.
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But Most say yes for m&k Support...
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I'm not a console player and haven't owned a console since the PS3. That said, back in the day you could buy keyboards and mice for consoles. Is this not still the case?
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Yea but you cant Use IT for playing dbd
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I want a matchmaking option that only queues me against people who’s legal name does t have a vowel in it
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No lag or 360?
you realize both are very much possible on consoles as well?
cheaters will just bypass the crossplay lock so…
i guess no moonwalks it is. Which is pretty much not affecting gameplay at all…
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You cant Use m&k without using 3rd Party Software to Play dbd
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Oh. That's really silly.
BHVR should fix this.
Apparently you can't use these with DbD.
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Without official MnK support you need to buy XIM adapter for MnK to work on dbd and it costs 80-200€ and even after that you have to manually do all settings in it for DBD unless you can find presets for it somewhere online already and then hope it works fine.
In short, its not just buying mouse and keyboard and plug it in
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Yes you can plug in a M&K into console however DBD does not support it. Meaning you plug it in to type GG EZ faster.....That's it.
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To my knowledge each game you play has to allow support for M&K. Right now Fortnite for example allows M&K on console as per usual DBD does not.
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Agreed. Can't think of a reason they wouldn't allow but I recall a interview or something and them saying they are not even thinking/working it.
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Last Dev/Q&A Stream i think
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If you thought queues were long now, if you had to option to block pc you’d lose out on the majority of the killer base. Thus long ass queues.
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Sounds about right.
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This or give us console players mouse and keyboard support until then I'm playing the bare minimum I have to. Get 18k Shards and quit for a few months/years.
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I don't have anything against PC playerbase in general except Nurses that 360 like gods,Blights that down you and start having a seizure with their sensibility, Huntress and trickster with precise aim, and oni and billy lunges that seen to go 360 on corners and walls and hit you everytime... Y'know, things that console players have more of a hard time to do..
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Playing on Switch, I tried turning cross-play off at night (I had instant killer queues with cross-play on) a couple days ago, and I couldn't get a lobby. After an hour I gave up. You'd think there might be enough Switch survivors and no Switch killers that I'd get something, but nope. I had to turn cross-play back on. I'm stuck playing against people I can hardly touch.
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Apex and I believe CoD don't limit by format but by control type; so only PC players using controller would play against console players, unless you were in a party with a M+K using friend.
PC still has massive advantage with the FPS difference and the sorry state of console performance, but this would be a good middle ground I feel.
They would also still get to use all those mods that make the game brighter etc but don't think theres much you can do about that without seperating PC and console altogether, which as you say isn't ideal as console (I believe) makes up the majority of the playerbase in DbD.