Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Cross-Progression for Windows store/Game Pass

Member Posts: 90
edited November 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

With the recently announced cross progression for the Epic store, allowing players to move from Stadia or Steam to Epic (or the other way around), if they so wish (progression between Stadia and Steam as been possible for quite some time already), can we please get the same for Windows Store/Game Pass as well?

I started playing DBD when the game came out on Game Pass, and I honestly didn't expect to continue playing the game as much as I have, for as long as I have now. By the time that I started buying my first DLCs and skins, I already had so much time and effort invested in the Game Pass version, that I didn't want to throw it all away and start over on a different platform, and I still wasn't completely sure that I'd keep playing the game long term.

Now it's been over a year, I own all of the DLCs, bought a bunch of skins, I have skins that you can't get anymore, I have several skins from Stranger things (as well as the DLC) which very soon won't be possible to get anymore etc, which means that currently I'm pretty much stuck on this platform, there's a 0% chance that I'll abandon all that to move to a new platform at this point.

There are issues with being on the Windows Store version, such as every single update in over a year, except from 3 of them, I (and others that I know, plus lots of posts on the forums and reddit) have been forced to completely re-download the full game. Sometimes, Windows Store just bugs, and won't let you uninstall a game, or keeps throwing you an error when trying to install a game that can take hours of googling and trying different solutions until you finally manage to solve the issue etc.

In the past year, I've easily spent over 100h just re-downloading the game after almost every single patch, finding solutions to when the game won't uninstall so that I can re-download the game again, or solutions for when the game just refuses to download in the first place. And that's only the issues I've had with DBD in particular, I've encountered other issues with the Windows Store of course, but luckily I haven't seen those issues with DBD specifically so far.

If you can announce the game being available on the Epic store, and have cross-progression available at launch, can you please add it for those of us who are "stuck" on the Windows Store/Game Pass version of the game as well? I'd imagine that the vast majority of us that have been playing the game regularly since the game came out on Game Pass, would gladly move to a different platform if given the option.

I realize that there may be some people playing on Game Pass, who hasn't actually gone ahead and bought the base game, which could be problematic. There's 2 easy solutions to this though. Solution number 1 (which is of course very unlikely), just give them the base game for free when they move their progress to Steam/Epic. Considering the issues we've had to deal with that's unique to the platform we play on, it would be a cool gesture, especially since there's never been a Windows Store/Game Pass only BP code giveaway, but there have been codes that did not work on our version of the game, but worked on Steam/Console. Or solution number 2, require them to own the base game on either Windows Store, or Steam/Epic (whatever platform they are trying to synch with). I already bought the base game as well, so that I can still play if I decide to pause my Game Pass subscription for a while, so personally it doesn't matter to me either way.

Please, can we get an update on if this is planned at all currently? If it is, can we get some form of ETA on it? I love the game, but I'm tired of all the Windows Store/Game Pass specific issues that keeps happening. Allowing us to move to a better platform would be greatly appriciated!


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  • Member Posts: 3,389

    I am in the exact same boat. Dunno what I'm gonna do when it's off gamepass. God knows I don't want to actually own anything in the windows store.

  • Member Posts: 90

    Yeah, unfortunetly that ship has sailed for me, but I have no intention to ever buy anything on the Windows Store again, not unless it's the only option, or the Windows Store manages to fix their many issues.

  • Member Posts: 162

    They not only should do this because I could see the issue, but also they just need to do damn console cross progression to pc.

    Will they do that? Probably not, probably just money hungry and forcing people to spend money all over again.

    But PC users get all the glorification, and i'm on PC but there's an obvious blatant ignoration for them.

    Also, maybe they should just stop updating the game so much to fix stuff and just hold it off for major updates... because there was one point where I was getting an update literally every single time I launched the game and i'm on Steam, but it's still annoying as hell.

  • Member Posts: 90

    They did update us recently on the console progress, saying there are some technical issues they're working on, but they haven't given up on it.

    The other stuff are legitimate complaints, but they're better suited in a different thread than this one.

  • Member Posts: 162

    I just thought I would throw those issues in, as it can be comparable to the issue you're having.

  • Member Posts: 90

    Bumping this, as I would really like an official comment on this. Being kept in the dark on if this is planned or not doesn't help anyone. If it's not planned, I would at least like to know that, and what justification there is to treat us differently than all the other PC platforms. If yes, there's no reason to not tell us, other than if the answer is "yes, at some point, when we can be bothered, it might happen in a month, might happen in 7 years, who knows".

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,601

    The only cross progression that's been announced as being in place is between Steam, Stadia & shortly Epic Game Store. We have stated that there are currently issues that we are addressing with Switch Cross Progression....we have not announced that cross progression will come to any other platform, and we have no news about other platforms at this time.

  • Member Posts: 90

    Yeah, I'm aware of that, which is why I made the post. Someone, somewhere, has made a decision on if cross progression for Windows Store/Game Pass is planned or not, which is a very different statement than not having announced it. I'd rather get a clear yes or no, than no official word on it either way. If the reason that there is no official word on it, is because the answer is no, I would appriciate an explanation as to why not. If the answer is yes, there's no reason to keep us in the dark. Not saying anything is not an answer.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,601

    There is no yes or no answer. Right now all the information that we can give has already been given, and we have no further information to share as to when or if cross progression will come to any other platform other than we've already mentioned.

  • Member Posts: 90

    Yeah, but that's the reason that I made the thread, to get a yes or no, not a "no comment".

    The answer is either some form of yes, no or we don't care (which is basically a no, that can become a yes if enough people make a fuss about it). I understand that it could be something that's being worked on, but might be hitting similar issues as the cross-progression with Switch, and rather than being upfront about it, the devs have chosen to not say anything incase it takes longer than they planned, or it ends up being completely abandoned, as that could potentionally have a bigger negative impact than not saying anything at all. I much prefer a dev team that is upfront and honest though. I'd rather get a "we're working on it, but we've ran into issues, we'll update you when we have more information", even if it ends up being a no in the end because there's some issue outside of their control that they can't fix, instead of just waiting in silence for what could be days, could be years, with no new info on the issue at all.

    Again, if the answer is no, I would like to know why not. If the answer is yes, I realize that the current situation could be similar to that of the Switch issues they're facing, but that's a good enough answer to me cause at least I'll know they're working on it. The only "not acceptable" answer is "we don't care", as in they haven't even given it a thought yet, and have no plans to even look into the possibility of making it happen. I have no idea how long the game will be included in Game Pass, but at some point that deal is going to run out, and BHVR is going to be in a situation where people want to continue playing on their accounts, but they don't want to buy the game on Windows Store due to their many issues. It would be nice to have a clear answer one way or the other as soon as possible. If the answer is no, there's no point in continuing playing the game on the Windows Store version unless you're willing to be stuck on that platform, you're better of just cutting your losses and move to a different platform as soon as possible instead, before you've invested even more time and money. If the answer is yes, even if it's going to take some time, we can relax, knowing that we'll eventually be able to move to a better platform, and our time and money isn't being wasted. If the answer truely is that there's been no thought put into this at all, it's high time to do something about it, so you have enough time to solve any potential issues with making cross-progression work before the game is removed from Game Pass.

    I realize that you can't currently make a statement one way or the other, and I appriciate you taking the time to reply, but I guess what I'm asking is if you can pass this issue to someone that can make a statement? It is important, because those of us on Game Pass/Windows Store that would love to move to a different platform, deserve to know if we're gonna be stuck here, and if we're just wasting time/money that we could've been better of just abandoning all of it and just move to a different platform as soon as possible instead of "hoping for the best", spending more time and money on Windows Store/Game Pass only to never get an answer, or getting a "no" 3 years from now.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,601

    We have no statement about this at all at the present time, it's not about passing it on. That's what I am trying to explain to you.

  • Member Posts: 90

    Well, the only conclusion that I can draw from that, is that either the answer is "No, but we're not gonna say that, because we don't want backlash for it" or "We don't care, we haven't bothered to even look into it and we have no plans to do so at all".

    If the answer was yes and that it was being worked on, but you don't want to announce it yet, you would still be able to pass it on, and it could have a small chance of having an impact on an announcement coming sooner rather than later. You make it sound like there's basically no hope for it happening, at least not with current plans. There's no one to pass it on to, because it's not happening. Meanwhile, we're still stuck with either accepting that we're stuck on a sub-par platform forever, give up hope and move to a different platform, just stop playing all together, or hope that one day, maybe, BHVR will change their minds and let us move somewhere else (or that Windows Store finally fixes their issues, eventhough it's been years and nothing has been fixed yet, so not very likely).

    I can't help but feel like I've wasted lots of time and money on the game now. All other major PC platforms gets cross progression, eventhough they're already on a far superior platform, they get free bp through codes that does not always work on Windows Store, they get access to the PTB, they can turn off crossplay without having to wait in queue for hours to get a game, and they don't have to deal with all the unique issues that happens with Windows Store only. I guess we're just second-class citizens, while people on Steam can buy DLCs cheaper on other sites than us, and people on Epic will be able to buy the game, auric cells and DLCs cheaper as well, due to Epic taking a lower cut (unless BHVR decides to charge the same and just proffit more on Epic store). Great.

  • Member Posts: 3

    If you wanna talk about wastes of time, this thread is a prime example. How much time did you spend writing these essays when the mod clearly specified they don't have any plans for this type of cross progression? You're not gonna get a wave of people to support this because not that many people play on the Windows Store. Thus, it'll likely be the last platform to ever get this functionality. I'm saying this as someone that plays DBD on the Windows Store exclusively too.

    Btw, I have never had to re-install the game for an update, and every code for BP has always worked on the Windows Store version of the game as far as I can remember. Yes, the Windows Store and Game Pass apps aren't perfect, but maybe spend some time figuring out why you're having these issues except blaming it on everyone else. As much as I'd love to get cross-progression between Xbox/Windows to other platforms, I will not be holding my breath. It is BHVR after all, even if they confirm it it'll be years til we'd see it (see: Switch cross progression).

    Have a good day. :)

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