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Feedback and Suggestions

Developers: Anti-Looping Counter Perks for Survivors

Developers, there current isn't any anti-looping counter perks for survivors, and this would be a perfect place to develop new perks for survivors, because none exist.

You have killers like Nurse, Nemesis, Pyramid Head and the Artist who all have powers that go directly through walls, windows and pallets. The Doctor and Deathslinger also have similar issues. Yet there doesn't exist ways for survivors to counter this type of game play. For these killers, survivors best strategy is to hold "w" and run to the furthest corner away from the other survivors. It's a very uninteractive playstyle for survivors.

A new survivor with these type of anti-looping counter perks would add a new dimension in gameplay for survivors and I'm sure that survivor would sell like hot-cakes, because there's a lot of survivor players that would love to do something other than hold "w" against certain killers.

Just a couple of ideas:

  • A perk when if a survivor jumps through a window, for 30 (Or whatever) seconds, killer powers cannot pass through walls, windows and pallets in a 32 (or whatever) meter area.
  • A perk that if you hide in a locker for 10 (or whatever) seconds, you gain a token. You can press the activate key to stop killer powers from passing through walls, windows and pallets in a 32 (or whatever) meter area.

I'm sure there are plenty of other ideas out there.

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  • Member Posts: 2,752

    Those really don't work against anti-loopers. If a killer misses one attack, they have an infinite number of additional attacks they can use. Against killers that can't hit through walls, pallets and windows, those work great.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    I think the devs want to go in the anti-loop direction, though. The original intent of the game was hide-and-seek. Then it became apparent that chases were the fun part and looping became a core part of the gameplay. But the game wasn't designed around looping, the maps aren't balanced for that. And I doubt it's easy to balance maps around that, either, because if maps are designed around looping, then it only takes one survivor who doesn't know how to loop to quickly waste every resource on the map.

    There are some things we're seeing in the past few killers (and the upcoming crow lady) which are really telling: 1. They don't want survivors looping pallets. See Nemesis's tentacle whip, Pinhead's chain, and the Artist's traps. 2. They want killers to be able to pressure more than one survivor at a time. See Nemesis's zombies, Pinhead's chain hunt, and The Artist's crows.

    Not to mention, the new exhaustion perk Overcome really supports the idea that the devs want the "hold W" playstyle to be the meta.

    This "hold W" problem is not something to be fixed with counter-perks. It's a core game design problem. It's a map balance issue. And from the devs' perspective, it doesn't seem to be a problem but a goal. Which is unfortunate for us.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    The forums are pretty much all killer players, so of course there is going to be killer bias. This post isn't intended for them. This post definitely is for the developers of the game, who are a lot less bias and want to make the game fun for both sides. The developers know that the "hold w" meta is not fun for the survivor base and I'm sure they're trying to come up with ideas to change this.

    Making the maps smaller and adding more jungle gyms isn't going to fix the "hold w" meta against killers such as the Artist, Nemesis, Pyramid Head, The Doctor, Deathslinger and Nurse. What will happen is survivors will just run around the outside of the map or killer kill rates will skyrocket and nerfs will ensue.

    We've already seen the Developers start to add anti-aura perks, because there wasn't any before, it an untapped font for perk ideas. I'm sure we'll see some more anti-aura perks. Counter anti-loop perks are bound to follow.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    Isn't there literally a new perk coming soon that is a anti-looping perk?

  • Member Posts: 952


  • Member Posts: 153

    This thread honestly i wasnt going to respond to because the premise is flawed. You're upset about a subset of killers that heavily rely on their powers to be even remotely efficient.

    I do take issue with claiming the devs have started to introduce anti-aura perks. Distortion has been around since Jeff/Legion release. Lockers exist and have ALWAYS hidden auras. The only aura reading that was considered broken enough to nerf into oblivion was ironically a survivor aura perk with OoO.

    Im gonna finish this rant with why your premise is bad. You're complaining about not being able to do anything against these subset of killers that can ignore walls/terrain. Yeah? So what? If you try to loop a nurse on a short wall you're derpy. If you constantly get hit by PH, Nemesis tentacle or deathslinger then stop playing predictably. You balls rush to a pallet you are an easy target, you run behind a high wall in a straight line with no feint or deviation you're an easy target. Stop trying to neef killers you seem to struggle against and attempt to justify it.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    This is worse than DH, hell no

  • Member Posts: 530

    Cool idea bro

    I would also add about a perk that imposes speed or acceleration on someone when you healed him or took him off the hook

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    I'm not upset as a subset of killers that heavily rely on anti-looping powers, in fact I only consider the Nurse OP and needing a total rework. (The Artist may end up being OP, but we'll wait and see).

    Looping is meaningful because if a survivor beats the killer at looping, then they gain time for the team, if the killer beats the survivor at looping, the team loses time. If you hold "w" as a survivor, then you always get the same amount of time just because of how fast each killer and each survivor moves.

    With anti-looping killers, there's not really a way to gain time for survivors, or reduce time for killers. It's bad design.

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