How to fix Dead Hard

steamed_hamzzz Member Posts: 248
edited November 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Make is so after you use it you can’t interact with windows or pallets for a couple of seconds, and for a couple of seconds after you’ve used it

This way it can still be used to avoid a lunge or special attack but it can no longer be used to create distance to make it to a safe pallet or window, which is the real problem with the perk

survivors making mistakes only to rectify said mistake by DH’ing to a pallet is BS, as is getting hit validated the second someone vaults a window

adding a short cool down between pallet and window interactions would make the perk a lot more fair

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    Sooo... Make it a bad perk? No thanks. We already have a lot of those. DH is fine.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718
    edited November 2021

    Press E and hold W. If that doesn't work just D/C. I see it all the time when I played.

    BHVR took 5 years to nerf Decisive Strike. Not in my lifetime but interesting idea. BHVR could not come up with an idea like you just did. That's why I quit.

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    There is nothing to fix lol. You just want it to be nerfed.

  • steamed_hamzzz
    steamed_hamzzz Member Posts: 248

    It’s in literally every game I play as killer by at least 2 survivors, often 3, sometimes even 4. It most assuredly is not fine in its current state, it might as well be renamed to “mistake fixer 3000”

    ran into a wall? Poor pathing? Misjudged the killers speed? Never fear! Dead hard is here to fix your mistake and help you reach that pallet or window in time!

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718
    edited November 2021

    It would simply help more competition to be put back into the game. But Survivors would throw a fit, better keep it yes good sir. Killers must be bullied and lose as often as possible. Never nerf the Survivor meta.

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    Meta? DH in my view is a mediocre perk at best. You miss DH, you are dead. It is quite easy for me as a killer to counter 80% DHs.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I wouldn't mind this as a nerf, but it kinda kills it which I don't really like

  • steamed_hamzzz
    steamed_hamzzz Member Posts: 248

    You can’t “miss” though if you use it preemptively to create distance to make it to a pallet or window before the killer even has a chance to swing, that’s the real issue with the perk

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    A lot of people that talk about Dead Hard have little to no idea regarding its optimal use.

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    What you are saying is very situational. DH as a standalone perk is an ok-ok perk. If players choose to use it to dash to the nearby pallets or vaults, it is their gameplay strategy or tactic that they have with DH. Does not mean that they can do this everytime. Catch them out in the open and see for yourself how far their DH takes them.

    If you talk about reworking pallet positions and no. of pallets in game, then we can have a more agreeable discussion.

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    Can't you Just get behind them and fake a hit? Shake your head, whatever.. DH isn't even that big of a deal, and I'm not that good with killer.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    The survivor said DH wasn't META LMBO! Dev's should buff it for double the distance. That guy needs all the help he can get!!

  • steamed_hamzzz
    steamed_hamzzz Member Posts: 248

    It’s not situational, it’s literally how any good survivor will use the perk. Only noobs who’ve just started the game will save their DH for when they run into a dead zone and wait for the killer to swing

    If you’re playing against a good survivor who knows how to loop perfectly then they’ll never be caught out in the open and they’ll always use their DH preemptively to make to a pallet during chase

    picture it like this.

    you’re chasing a survivor to a pallet, you’re slowly catching up, under normal circumstances you wait until they’re almost there to lunge, closing the gap and just catching them at the end of your swing.

    Now, let’s bring DH into the equation.

    you’re chasing a survivor to a pallet, you’re slowly catching up, they then preemptively use DH for extra distance. Now there’s literally nothing you can do. You can either

    A. Lunge, but because of the extra distance they made your attack won’t reach them

    B. Continue holding forward, but because of the extra distance they made by the time you’re in lunging distance they’ve already made it to the pallet.

    it’s a lose - lose situation for the killer

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    This change just seems like a case of good on paper but terrible in practice.

    I'm not really sure I agree with this idea until we see it in practice.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Except that his idea completely makes the perk worthless in any scenario. Exhaustion perks exist as a tool to create distance between the killer and the survivor. Removing the distance making aspect from any exhaustion perk is essentially destroying the exhaustion perk.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Issue here:

    Why not remove the exhaustion recovery too? Exhaustion perks create distance, Dead Hard no longer creating distance means it's no longer an exhaustion perk. It could still have a similar cooldown, but it shouldnt be part of the exhaustion pool if it doesnt create distance. At which point, you can combine the i-frames of Dead Hard with Sprintburst to have a god-tier survivor.

    This is why you cannot nerf dead hard.

    As for "rectifying a mistake" by dead harding to a pallet: The survivor just used 2 resources, a pallet and an exhaustion perk to avoid 1 single hit. That's fine.

    As for windows, there actually already is a downside: Using DH too early or too late causes you to either med-vault instead of fast vault, or give the killer the oppertunity to hit you.

    If you nerf dead hard like that, killers like Nurse, Wraith, Spirit and Blight also need a nerfing for similar reasons.

    Dead Hard isnt a perk issue, it's a map issue.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    DH+WOO is sooooo good @_@

    If you haven't tried it, I'd suggest it.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    I'm watching ScottJund on TWITCH. He literally just said DEAD HARD was BUFFED so there is NO REASON to not run it. :)

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    DH has 100% become the most annoying perk for me when playing Killer. Played a game the other day where all 4 survivors had DH. Holy hell...the number of second chances they had... Having to be on their ass before swinging is one thing, I can deal with that, but if they don't take the bait, and you swing, hit validation gives them a massive window to pop DH and escape anyway. Then you catch up, finally ready to end them, and what happens? They throw down a pallet as you smack them and hit validation once again gives them another chance. By this point in time gens are getting popped, healthy survivors are coming in to take hits, now DH is back up again, like... I'm a casual gamer, i don't get tilted or rage at anything, but that game...that one tested me. It was exhausting putting in so much effort at loops, mindgaming, chasing, etc...just to see the survivor get away time and time again.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    So what. A lot of killers I see use Ruin/Undying, POP, BBQ, ect. Does that mean we should nerf those perks? DH is perfect right now.

  • Entinaty
    Entinaty Member Posts: 165

    I can see the annoyance of DH but with no interaction with windows or pallets would be nerfing it into the ground. Although using Ruin, Undying, Pop and BBQ isn't really a good argument to make since the Ruin Undying combo was nerfed and is at its weakest due to new boons, Pop is laughable regression at best since it involves kicking gens and is only primarily useful on high mobility killers and BBQ has multiple counters.

  • Maliken
    Maliken Member Posts: 166

    It shouldn’t be fixed, rather completely reworked. It’s rewarding survivors when they made a mistake in the same manner they complain about NOED

  • Maliken
    Maliken Member Posts: 166

    I hate Dead Hard because it’s yet another perk that the killer has to respect on whether or not the survivor has it equipped or not. Waiting out a Dead Hard wastes time. In the same vein that you risk a DS if you down someone too quick off a hook and risk Unbreakable if you leave them. It makes you feel cheated by what is a ridiculous second chance perk.

    Killers have a second chance perk too, it’s called NOED and you’ll see plenty of posts on this forum complaining about it,

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    Yeah, okay. I'm certainly not at the top, but I'm a pretty good killer. I just don't have any problems with DH and that is me being honest. DH is fine. Try again.

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    I do t know what killers you be looking at bbq is awful now because of shadow step… also the killers have to go with them perks is because the gens are flying with efficient players. Dead hard is insane I use it all the time when I play survivor it’s kind of annoying that it’s so popular now even with the buff it’s even more popular from my last three days of playing killer I only seen one sprint burst and three lithe everything else was dead hard the perks need to be nerfed in some way 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Why nerf a perk that is not broken/useless? That would further limit the decent perks available.

    The people should be asking for weak/useless, niche perks to get buffed instead. So that way it incentivizes people to run varied builds, and not the meta combos.

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    Than why not buff the other exhaustion perks and nerf dead hard also don’t forget overcome that is problematic I’ll be deffo use that too on survivor the distance you get on that is insane

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267
    edited November 2021

    The only nerf dead hard needs is the immunity it gives survivors from getting directly hit by an M2 attack, such as huntress hatches etc. And going through trapper traps. But other than that the perk is A ok. The distance is the point of the perk. And sprint burst is still stronger than dead hard, and overcome. Since it can 100% be useful in every scenario.

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    I like that nerf what you suggested but my problem with dead hard is the way you dead hard to a window or a pallet ya sprint burst gives you a bit of distance but you do have a chance to get the survivor.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    It doesn't matter how many people use the perk... It's fine.

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    It does matter why is it used the most out of all exhaustion’s? It’s because it’s insane I never use the other exhaustion’s because they don’t even compete to dead hard sprint burst gives you distance ya but dead makes you miss a hit it makes you get to a pallet quicker same as a pallet and that extends the chase even longer. There’s a reason why I only use it because it’s insane what it can do in the right hands of an efficient survivor

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,726

    Dead hard should be nerfed but I think OP’s suggestion takes it a bit too far.

    I’ve always felt like it’s two perks in one, in a way: i-frames, and extra distance to make a pallet/window.

    I feel like the easiest solution is to just remove the i-frames as this removes part of the second chance aspect of it and also removes stuff like DH over a bear trap (and also makes the hit validation eating killer powers not be a problem anymore, since now this would just be a down regardless) but still allows it to be used for distance which is already very strong by itself and would still make the perk worth bringing.

    I don’t really understand how some people still say it doesn’t need to be changed at all. There’s a reason why it’s used as much as it is.

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    I know that’s my point it’s used all the time it’s kind of annoying tbh can we see other exhaustion’s pls

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    the only issue with dead hard is that behaviour messed with it all, it was fine as is but now, I hit as they dead hard but appears to me as it does and I get attack cooldown, they get to run off and get an extra few precious seconds to create distance, therefore wasting more of my time and I lose more gen progress with other survivors on gens.

    blocking windows or pallets or whatever after using dead hard is not the issue, the whole point of dead hard is to either avoid a hit or reach a window/pallet. It just needs to be put back to what it was like before.

  • vanhoya
    vanhoya Member Posts: 57
    edited November 2021

    Not sure if anyone has made this suggestion but here is a quick idea: Split current Dead Hard into 2 perks,

    Perk 1: 0.5 second immunity activated like current Dead Hard.

    Perk 2: short speed burst like current Dead Hard.

    Each should be an Exhaustion Perk.

    Just a thought.

    Post edited by vanhoya on
  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    As a killer I find it annoying too. 90% survs bring that to games. However, DH is actually perfectly balanced as a perk in itself. Any further nerf can totally make it useless. We dont want that now do we, for our surv friends?