Summoning phase rework idea to prevent camping

This mechanic would apply only when there is more than 1 generator left.
Once a survivor is hooked :
- if the killer is in chase within 25 meters, the summoning progression rate is 100% (same as today)
- if the killer is staying within a 25 meters range without being in chase, the summoning progression rate is slow downed to 33%
- If the killer's distance from the hook is above 25 meters, the summoning progression rate is 175%
This would encourage the killer to move away from the hook and it would force the survivors to go for the save faster as they wouldn't be allowed to optimize the hook progression time by doing gen as they do today.
It would then prevent face camp as gen rush would be easy (33% summoning progression) and reward a high mobility killer : the survivor is saved but 2 survivors are not on gens, even 3 if the killer is in chase.
Also, it would add a good dynamic to the trials.
Maybe increase the camping regression to 50% or even 75%. But also nerf the killer away speed to 125%.
This would make it a bit more balanced imo
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While it would be a good idea, i don't think something like that should be implemented in the current game, because at high MMR, proxy-camping is one the only viable strategy for some killer with no mobility. This idea would even further widen the gap between high tier killer since they all have some sort of mobility power, and the no mobility lower tier killer.
I also have some problem with the range requirement because that would mean that on most small map/indoor map, there is a chance that you will patrol close to the hook without paying attention, slowing down the hook process (even more so on map like the game or midwhich).
Also, the main problem with the "meta" strategy of this game is that they feed into each other, survivor "genrush", so the killer camp and tunnel to secure their kill, but since they camp the survivor need to genrush to avoid giving other kills for free. That's why your idea is good but won't be ideal for the game unless we do something to incentivize both side to change their actual meta/optimal way to play.
But if we are strictly speaking about the toxic facecamping then yeah it is a pretty good solution.
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For a bilion time: Devs tried it in the past, didn't worked because Survivors could abuse systems againts camping like this. No.
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How can you abuse it ? lol
There is no way to abuse it. Read and understand before posting.
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1) 25 meters is HUGE distance. That's not even considered camping. Maybe small proxi camp at +20m distance.
2) Very easy. You need to be in chase to not get punished. So all Survivors need to do is lose line of sight with the Killer. If you see a 2+ Survivors and you know there are there but just hidden or blocking the chase start why you should get punished for it when they are near the hook?!
3) Camping is SOMETIMES a must it you want to play right or you have no other choice. For example: Endgame. Both exits open. You didn't see anyone with BBQ. So what should you do now? Patrol random opened exit gates ?! Go to corner of the map and stand still looking into wall? Hah.
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1) can set a different distance, just need to find the right spot
2) Well a standard killer is going at 4,6 m/s and survivors at 4.0. If you loose them in 3 seconds because they went behind a rock, sry but the problem is on your side, not the survivors'.
3) I have said : "This mechanic would apply only when there is more than 1 generator left."
You embarrass yourself, read and understand what you read before posting...
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How about we just teach Survivors to check if the Killer is around before unhooking?
Teach Survivors to do gens when someone is Camping to make it a bad choice for the Killer. Aka Teach to Punish Camping.
BHVR could add such advice to the loading screen! That would be really good.
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For the first point i agree but to counter a face camper, you need to gen rush and checking if the hooked surv is camped (if they are soloQ and don't have kindred....) is a huge waste of time.
Even playing at high MMR, sometimes you cannot properly gen rush because some of the survs waste tons of time to go near the hook and to see that the killer is hard camping...
I know, kindred is a must in many situations, especially at high MMR where you see a lot of campers.
Many survivors have no brain...
Another exemple, yesterday, i played in duoQ on Azarov against a trapper. Killer was trapping one side completely, leaving the other side with 3 generators totally free.The two other survivors did the 3 gens on the free side...
We still managed to win the trial but with an added difficulty just because most players are M1 bots.
So asking bots to understand the basic "if the killer is camping, gen rush", it's pretty hard. Survivors with 4k hours still did not understand...
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Well camping is a strategy for killers and I do agree with the changes that you come up with but it create problems as well.
Now let's take endgame for example. In endgame, if killer got someone on hook and both gates are being powered the killer has no choice but to camp so they can do their objective which is to kill the survivor.
I feel like in end game once the survivors get off the gate then it should regress, as to keep the game fair for both sides.
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That's why i have said those changes would apply only till 1 gen is left then the regression is 100% whatever is the situation, same as today.
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Alright that seems fair. But I still think the gates should have that change.
How I would change the gates
Once you're 25 meters away from the gate it'll regress 100%. (Speed of rank 1 ruin)
Staying near the gate will regress 50%
Tapping the gate lever multiple times so it doesn't regress, would cause it to short out and lose 10% of it's progress.
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You are right, those 99% gates are non sense... especially when you have blood warden...
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This should just be a Monstrous Shrine rework.
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If camping will be nerfed they have to nerf loops as well.
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Honestly, i have started to play killer without sweating, i never camp, never tunnel and try to get 2 hooks on everyone or most of them before the first kill and i have a blast.
The survivors i face are good but not try harders, they know they can go for saves without any risk so they do it and globally my trials' fun has improved a lot and i can actually play the game, no need for camping.
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Slowing down the hook timer isn't a good idea, but making to go faster while away is better. Camping doesn't need to be punished, there needs to be a reward for leaving the hook
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Nah I don't camp because it's boring. Maybe only with bubba because it's fun lol. But if you are not waiting for me to be far from the hook or, at least, chasing someone else, and you are saving after few seconds I'll definitely tunnel that guy. Even if you have bt doesn't mean you can disrespect me and save immediately after I left the hook. I'll definitely come back to put him back on hook. It annoys me when they save so quickly. If the killer is nearby he have no reason to not come back. A Feng did that and she practically killed her teammate doing so. I used not to come back if I was nearby because, you know, I thought it's toxic if I will do that, but no. It's their fault if they have no idea when to save. BT is for camping, not to save immediately I make 2 steps from the hooks.
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Well i don't feel it's a disrespect. Sometimes some survivors are greedy, forcing gens or trying a flashlight saves while injured. If those survivors are P1, i will definitely punish them and hook them to P2 but if they are P2, i will hit them down and leave if others are still P1 or P0.
I'm trying to give them as many saves BP as possible and in the same time granting me with as many hook BP as possible.
If survivors see that you are fair, they will try more things and do more mistakes for the fun, especially if they know you won't kill them if everyone else is P0.
Survivors notice it pretty fast and in one or two hooks they determine if you are an unfun player or not. For now, i have had mostly good survivors appreciation, many ggs at the end of the trials even when i 3k them.
And when they use BP offerings, they never waste them as they all do 15k+ unless if they did nothing the whole time i was chasing others, which happens sometimes but the problem is on them not on me.
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Why prestige matters?
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Not prestige, hook phase. In english maybe you call it S1, S2, S3 i guess.
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It makes sense now.
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Makes the game more interesting in my opinion.
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So what you're saying is loop the killer near hook so two other people have extra time to push gen progress before someone absolute has to make the save? Yeah that's a hard pass.
This is the consistent issue with these ideas around dealing with camping. Any system you design to fight camping with a mechanical debuff can and will be abused by a plurality of players in a way that is at worst punishes the person on hook and at best just means survivors don't really get a tangible benefit. Also this wouldn't prevent hard camping as those players do not care how long it takes you to die on hook as long as you die. Someone who camps as their only strategy isn't concerned with bloodpoints, MMR, and most certainly not a hooked survivor's enjoyment.
Your suggestion also places the hooked survivor at an extreme disadvantage should the killer just play normally and not camp. Which means you're actively penalizing the hooked survivor for no real reason.
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What is wrong with ppl on this forum ? Do you understand what you read ?
Honestly, on this thread you are the 3rd person unable to understand a simple sentence... it's concerning.
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Wait … what :I ?
Yes … let’s nerf loop …. I have another idea …. Remove generator and survivor movement …. And make noed an basekit ….
dude … you cannot nerf the loop …. It’s an gameplan element …
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1) yeah, killer shouldn't get punished for chasing survivors if they go near the hook. you said "same as today" so i assume that's what the current hook timer is then right?
2) i like to say that if survivors are also close to the hook it should not be slowed. (Ex: if killer radius 5 meters, then survs would be 10 meters). because you can know they are close to the hook, waiting. you can see them run back and forth from a farther distance. basically their proxying and your defending the hook, but now your getting penalized for them proxying.
3) im not too sure the timer should be faster if the killer is away. survivors should be able to let them hang for a bit to finish healing, gens, totems. thats on the assumption 175% is faster than the current hook timer.
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1) Exactly
2) Good idea
3) 175% faster than today time. Maybe it's too high idk. It needs some testing.
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They nerfed pallets before.
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Lmao, disrespect? What? How can you be personally offended by someone unhooking a person while you're still nearby? And why would you not punish the person who "offended" you by unhooking, rather than tunneling the person on the hook who had no say in it?
It all sounds like a terrible excuse to just tunnel and camp/proxy camp. This is just your twisted justification, rather than admitting that you can't get wins without it, you blame others for your ineptitude, lol. Sucks to suck I guess.
And on-topic; I do mostly agree with what OP said, the numbers might need adjustments, but camping (and tunneling for that matter) really shouldn't be the most efficient way for a killer to win. I understand that it's sort of required at the top-end of gameplay, especially if you're against a 4 man swf. I don't however think that's a good justification for not implementing something like this, if anything a broader rebalancing allowing for killers and 4 man swf's at the top of gameplay to be more even without needing to tunnel and/or camp is a much better solution for that issue. Basically, I wish that the game was balanced as such that the most efficient way for a killer to play, is similar to when a killer is running Devour Hope. They hook, then run straight for the next kill. Maybe something like giving killers a movespeed increase for X amount of time after hooking a survivor, combined with a heavy slowdown on the hook timer if the killer stays nearby without being in a chase, thereby making it much better if they try to find a survivor and get into a new chase as quickly as possible, rather than camping which pretty much guarantees that the other 3 survivors will be able to gen rush all gens if the killer camps and waits for the person on the hook to die.
I don't think that the hook timer should move faster if the killer runs away from the hook, that's going to have a minimal impact vs swf's, but could have a huge negative effect on solo-q, which are already heavily disadvantaged, where many more will start dying on hook or get to 2nd stage the first time they're hooked, because their teammates are more focused on hiding from the killer, cleansing totems, opening chests or doing gens instead of actually unhooking people. The best solution is giving killers who doesn't camp a buff, while punishing killers who does camp, without those changes hitting solo-q players much harder than swf's.
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Great ideas there, the speed boost after the hook would give a better map control to the killer. Actually it is a really good idea.
And the camping penalty is a must now. I'm a 50/50 player and don't want to camp at all and i hate it when i play survivor to see a killer camping while 4 gens are left...
And a few days ago, i have faced a Freddy camper... he justified it because he has said that we gen rushed him. I have checked his stream, we did 3 gens in 4 minutes, the time he needed to find a survivor and down him.
4 minutes, 3 gens, knowing the gens speed, it was clearly not a gen rush...
Bad killers always find justification to play toxic.
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Yeah, I never camp or tunnel either, unless a survivor is just being very toxic. If they keep teabagging me and clicking their flashlights every chance they get, I'll make sure that person dies and then I'll let the other 3 escape. While I enjoy winning, I get greater pleasure from ensuring that toxic players aren't having a fun match, while I can just have fun and meme with the non-toxic players before I let them escape.
If I run into games where I can't win without tunneling and/or camping, I honestly don't mind taking the loss. I've been matched against a team that's clearly better than me, I'll do my best to get whatever kills I can, but I won't punish a random player by camping/tunneling them, just because I'm not good enough to win the match without that. I don't enjoy doing it, the survivor getting camped/tunneled doesn't enjoy it, I don't learn how to get better by just face camping instead of playing the game, so it's just negative in every way imo. On top of that, if I tunnel and camp my way from what would've been a 0-1 kill game into a 3-4 kills game, I gain MMR, and will face harder teams, that I will struggle even more against, forcing me to tunnel and camp harder to stand a chance of getting 3-4 kills, until I start facing teams that no matter what I do, I have no chance of getting a single kill, which is just frustrating. I'd rather take the loss when I face survivors that are simply better than me, and then I lose some MMR and face a team that's more evenly matched, and I can learn how to be a better killer over time.
I don't understand the killers who are so focused on always getting the most kills the can, no matter what. Camping/tunneling will get you more kills on low/mid ranks, which will raise your MMR, which will eventually match you against survivors that will steamroll you, you'll get frustrated and claim they're toxic, they're cheating, survivors needs to be nerfed etc, rather than admitting that the only thing you're good at is tunneling for easy kills, and face camping. Methods that works well on lower MMR, but will lose you every game at higher MMR if that's the only thing you're good at. I guess getting 3-4 kills makes people think that they're supperior to the players that they were up against, while they refuse to acknowledge that tunneling is clearly very unbalanced and gives killers a massive advantage, especially if they do it right from the start of the game. Any time they do lose, they blame others for it, like if the killer face camps one person to death on first hook while the rest of the survivors do the gens and escape, I've seen a bunch of killers say stuff like "why didn't you save your friend" and "you suck because you didn't help your teammate, you're bad, so I won" etc.. It's dumb. If they win by abusing poor balancing, they think they're great. If they lose, they somehow think that they only lost because the survivors were bad, which of course makes no sense.. No matter what, in their mind, they're great killers and no one can convince them otherwise, lol.
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Exactly, same for survivors that push it to the max to get a win, bringing purple toolboxes/medkits, map offerings and abusing all broken perks (especially CoH).
I mean, once one thing is OP they abuse it to win and then think they are awesome... while they just abuse broken things.
As if there was a one shot down add-on + a 1 hook death perk for all killers and we would all abuse them... ppl in this community are really toxics. Their life might be really miserable to have such a mindset.
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You need to freeze the timer if the killer is 10 meters from the hook
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Stfu. I play how I want. I don't care what you or others say. If I camp, I tunnel or not I'm called tunneler anyway so I DON'T GIVE A ######### about your hypocrite complaints. Get over it and grow up. Instead of complaining on forums you should do something useful.
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Nobody calls me tunneler or camper and most of the times survivors say thx and ggs at the end of the trials...
I'm not the target of your post but i find your reaction immature...
Sure you can polay as you want but tunneling & camping using cheap explanation just participate to add more toxicity in the DbD community, toxicity that is already high enough to my mind.
I guess if we want fair match some players need to show that a non-toxic behavior is possible into the game.
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I'm just sick of them. I play more survivor and from what I have noticed survivors are more toxic than killers. I can understand when you are toxic with reason, but insulting in chat after a normal match with like 2 or 3 hooks without camping or tunneling is a hypocrite thing to call the killer tunneler, clown or others insults. People chose to be like this. Nobody force them to insult. I think that's why there are more and more tunnelers. That's my opinion.
Btw, I play on EU server.
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I agree but you won't change dumb players...
If they think they are awesome because a killer got 3 hooks only while they gen rushed and ended the trial in 8 minutes, first they are babies at the game as they know only one side and their life is miserable to enjoy bullying virtually someone...
And higher is your MMR as a killer, more you will get those toxic survivors.
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Yes, I never intended to change someone. That's kinda impossible. The change comes from inside. From them. Anyway, my MMR is not low or high. I would say it's somewhere between.
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Okay, first of all, you didn't defend against anything that I said against you. You seem to be a very defensive person, yet all you basically did was tell me to shut up. That tells me that you actually agree with some of the stuff that I said about you, no?
Secondly, there's no reason to use expletives, we could have a more sensible conversation without using curse words and caps lock. Not that I'm bothered by it, or easily offended, it just serves no function. You just come off as being very upset and defensive, and if that's your mindset, we're not likely to be able to agree on anything. Instead, you're likely to just disagree with me out of spite, rather than disagreeing based on any sensible reasoning.
Third, I'm not complaning at all. I start by asking you a question, then another question, and then I give you my honest view of your post. Yes, some of the assumptions that I made about you are negative, that however does not mean it's a complaint. I'm stating facts as I see them. You didn't reply to any of my questions though.
Now, to adress the post of yours that I quoted directly. Yes, you can play the game however you want, I never said or impled that you can't. You say that you don't care what me or others say, yet you are very clearly upset, so that's a lie. You do care. The "If I camp, I tunnel or not I'm called tunneler anyway", honestly, our experiences are not at all the same there. I also play on EU servers, and while I quite often get people thanking me for not tunneling, or saying things like "I'm surprised you didn't tunnel", it's incredibly rare that someone accuses me of tunneling. Honestly, the vast majority of the times that anyone does, it's because I actually did tunnel, and I then explain to them that I tunneled one person because they were being very toxic and annoying, or because that person was very clearly using cheats, and at that point most people accept my reasoning for why I did it and they're fine with it. The fact that I do let the non-toxic/cheating survivors escape might help there. The number of times that I have been accused of tunneling when I wasn't, is very rare. Yes, I recently had someone accuse me of tunneling in a game where I got 0 hooks, I have no idea how they could possibly even remotely think I tunneled in that game. There'll always be trolls and morons falsely accusing you of things you didn't do, but that's not a valid excuse for doing it anyway. If someone falsely accuses you of theft, does that make it okay for you to steal things? I don't see how anything I said makes me a hypocrite, so you're more than welcome to explain that. You tell me to grow up, yet you are the one who can't behave in a civilized manner. Then you tell me to "stop complaining on forums and do something useful". I have given my view on how BHVR could nerf camping in a more fair and balanced way, where's your useful input in this thread? And how are you not complaining in your posts here? Who's being a hypocrite here really?
In your previous post that I quoted, you say that you don't camp because it's boring, yet you say that you do camp with bubba because it's fun? If we're being honest here, it does seem like you actually camp/proxy camp quite a bit, you're just not willing to fully admitt to it. I could be wrong of course, if so, I'm sorry, but it seems unlikely. You then come of as being very entitled, basically saying that if the survivors "doesn't respect you" and unhooks someone while you are nearby, it is their fault that you punish the person that's being unhooked, that has no control over the situation, by tunneling them? Why do you pass the blame for your choices, your behaviour, not only to the survivors, but to the one survivor that has no say in when they get unhooked? Why are you annoyed that survivors "unhook too fast"? What's too fast? Everyone needs to get to second hook stage before they're unhooked? Everyone needs to be 1 second away from hitting 3rd hook stage before they're unhooked? You have to be on the other side of the map before they unhook, or you punish the person being unhooked for it? I'm sorry, but that makes no sense at all. If you want to "punish" someone, why not actually punish the person responsible, the one who unhooked when you were still very close? That's a logical argument, and it isn't tunneling, and very much a common and non-toxic thing to do. I call bs here, you tunnel because it's more efficient, it helps you win more games. You call others toxic for unhooking too fast, and then say it's not toxic when you tunnel, because it's their fault? Can you not see how illogical your argument is?
I will agree that yes, most of the time it's dumb for survivors to insta-unhook when the killer is still very close by. That's not a "free pass" to tunnel, and in no way can you blame the survivors for the fact that you're tunneling. They're making it easier for you to tunnel, and you take advantage of that, and then clear your conscious by making up some contrived illogical reason where you pass the blame for your actions onto someone else. Please, have some self-perception. You say that you didn't use to tunnel, because it was toxic. What changed? My guess is that your MMR went up, you faced teams that you struggled against, you couldn't win without tunneling, and then you came up with a poor excuse to pass the blame for you tunneling onto others, and now you feel like you can tunnel as much as you want, and it's not toxic at all.
Why do you care so much about winning? Sure, it's fun, and you get a bit more bp for it, absolutely. I have already stated that I do tunnel as well, if I am facing particulary toxic survivors, but then I try to have fun and meme with the non-toxic players, before I let them escape. With or without tunneling/camping, would you agree that the most fun games are the ones where it's a fairly even match? The kind of games where a small mistake on your part can lead to you getting 0-1 kills, or a small mistake on the survivors part can lead to 3-4 kills? The games were I get 4 kills in 4 minutes are honestly no fun, and the games where I struggle to even get a hook or two are no fun. With tunneling and camping, you can increase your MMR to the point where the survivors are simply much better than you, and you don't stand a chance of winning if you don't tunnel and camp.
Personally, I would rather have a MMR where I get matched against survivors that I have a fair chance of winning against, without resorting to tunneling and camping, instead of facing survivors where I have to tunnel and camp to stand a chance of winning. I also learn more from playing challenging matches against survivors where I simply have to learn how to better predict where they'll go, I have to outsmart them when they're looping me to down them as fast as possible, I have to figure out when it's worth dropping a chase to go after someone else or protect a gen or a hex totem. If you tunnel and camp, all you learn is how to tunnel someone, counting how long until their BT or DS is gone, how to stand still right next to the survivor on the hook, or how to run in a 20-meter radius and proxy-camp. You won't improve in any meaningful way, and you'll never be a good or even okayish killer that way. Why are you more focused on increasing your MMR, instead of focusing on becoming a better killer?
Trust me, you will never learn how to deal with a half-decent swf if you camp and tunnel every game, and you're not likely to get many, if any, kills against teams like that that way either. The only thing that'll happen is that you'll get frustrated, complain that survivors needs to be nerfed, or accuse them of cheating. Stop tunneling, stop camping, accept that you're going to lose matches for a while until your MMR settles on an accurate level for your ability as a killer, and try to learn how to be better. Watch some tips and tricks videos on youtube, maybe watch some killer main streamers to see how they play, try to actively predict where survivors will run, what gens they'll do, look up good builds for specific killers, and actually try to improve. You've taken a short-cut to higher MMR by camping and tunneling, but you haven't learned how to be a better killer on the way there, and now it's frustrating trying to win games, because camping and tunneling isn't as efficient any more.
Also, your last two posts almost look like they were written by someone else. You're much calmer and sensible, and you come off much better in those posts. I fully agree with you in those two posts, I wish your reply to me would've been written more that way. I know that I passed judgement on you in my previous post, and in this one as well. It's not meant to bully you, make fun of you or belittle you, eventhough I realize that it might be interpreted that way. My intention was to highlight the fact that you were passing the blame of your actions onto someone else, while punishing an innocent person, and I wanted to call you out on that bs.
You say that you can't change other people, and while it is true that some people are just way to stubborn to change, or to admit that they were wrong, change is always possible. I've had post-game chats where I played as a survivor, and the killer at first was being very hostile, saying similar things as you did in your post that I quoted here, "stfu, I can play however I want" etc, where in the short time you can chat before you're disconnected, they agreed that yeah, they shouldn't tunnel, they said sorry, and we ended the convo in a friendly manner wishing eachother gl in the next game. I do think that we can have a non-hostile conversation with eachother, I do believe that you can agree that tunneling and camping is toxic, and that you can agree that you shouldn't do it. Camp and tunnel toxic teabagging, flashlight-clicking survivors all you want, if they wanna be toxic, you're justified in being toxic towards them in return. It's not a free licence to punish non-toxic survivor for it, even if you believe that they may be a swf however.
And to bring it back to being more ontopic to the thread again, as you haven't really had any input on the actual first post in the thread other than "If camping will be nerfed they have to nerf loops as well.", what is your opinion on it? Should camping be nerfed? If so, do you agree with what any of us have suggested so far, do you have other suggestions? Why does loops need to be nerfed even more than they are, with the recent trend of only releasing anti-loop killers? That just pushes the game to the point where all a survivors can do is hold W, and there's very little a survivor can do to become better or more skillfull at the game. They can either hide and not be found, or hold W when found. The most skillfull thing a survivor can do currently, against killers where it's possible, is to loop them to take up as much of the killers time as they can before they're hooked, thereby increasing the chance of some or all survivors escaping. I suggested that maybe killers should get a short speed-burst after hooking a survivor, that would buff killers that doesn't camp, to incentivize them not to camp, and make it more efficient to leave the hook and go for someone else, whilst OPs original post deals with how to punish killers that are camping, by severely increasing the time for survivors on a hook to progress through hook stages. Personally, I feel like the combo of those suggestions would have a large impact, both in terms of drasticly lowering the amount of campers, but also buffing killers in general, without buffing the strongest killer, Nurse, in any meaningful way, thereby bringing all killers slightly closer in power to Nurse, which is a good thing. The power-gap between Nurse and all other killers is much too big. That still does not deal with tunneling, which is the bigger issue, as if you tunnel someone out of the game very early, or they dc the first time they're downed, it's a massive advantage for the killer, and the game is honestly not balanced at all for the game being a 3v1 two minutes into the game.