This is why flashlights need to be limited in matches

Notretsam Member Posts: 129
edited November 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

First, I honestly don't know whether to post this here or not but I honestly can't remember the feedback form I used a long time ago, so please direct me to where I should post this if this doesn't go here, but it's a suggestion that I think is long over needed in the game.

The title says it all, limit the number of flashlights to 1 and 1 only in each match (none in chests), playing killer is tough enough without having to look out for 2+ survivors with flashlights when you hook.

Yes, I can use Infectious Fright but I can't use it when it's not on my loadout, and survivors switch to flashlights in the last 15 seconds in the lobby.

Yes, you can look down or up, or towards a wall but against SWFs, the survivor you down will always position themselves in the open, as they know where their friends are hiding.

If you played killer you know how frustrating it is going up against survivors with 2 or 3 flashlights in a match, it can help you win as survivors are not doing gens, but usually, they're really good survivors and there still gens being popped.

The video below shows perfectly what I mean and not the only time this has been happening, think survivors are bored and know they have it super easy, so they bust out the flashlights and try for blind saves, as that is fun to them but to hell with the killer who just wants to have fun too.

So that is why I think flashlights need to be limited, if 1 survivor tried to blind you at a time, then fine but 2 is usually going to get you if they time it right, and they're usually good at it.


  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    limiting flashlights to 1 per match would help with that and yeah, I saw that post and must admit I never even considered that, it is certainly more important to resolve but as I said, limiting the number of flashlights in a match would help with that as well.

  • AnObserver
    AnObserver Member Posts: 747

    I don't think that Flashlight were problematic in this case.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Watching the video a couple of quick notes

    • I noticed you’re standing still while placing Freddy’s snares. Try placing them while moving, it’s a lot more time efficient.
    • You left a survivor at a dropped safe pallet because you didn’t want to get blinded. But if you break the pallet and they blind you they’re actually just wasting their own time for the most part since they could instead just run away and get more distance from you. So think of them using the flashlight in that situation as wasting their own time and flashlight charge for no particular reason (other than maybe the bloodpoints it gives.)
    • There were a few times in a row where you swung at someone making an obvious fast vault through a window. If they’re that far away and clearly making the vault don’t swing, it just slows you down.
    • Around the 5:30 mark there’s a section where you seem confused over where to go or who to chase. You had already abandoned chases at some dropped pallets, not broken them, then looked at a generator for a few seconds while deciding if you wanted to kick it, looked around some more, and still weren’t trying to get into a chase to pressure anybody. That’s losing a lot of valuable time, just go with your gut and act on that, it’s better to do something suboptimal than nothing at all.
    • Back to pallets, if a pallet is clearly a safe pallet go ahead and break it. It helps create a dead zone in the area for later in the match. If a pallet is gameable then you can leave it up, but the safe pallets you gain a benefit from getting rid of, assuming you can’t quickly catch a survivor by not kicking it.
    • If someone is trying to flashlight you while you’re already carrying them you can look down to avoid it normally. It seems like you were a little confused over how to avoid getting blinded while carrying someone toward the basement. Also if for whatever reason you are sure you won’t reach a hook you can manually drop a carried survivor by tapping the R key. Sometimes that’s useful when you’ve had two or three survivors blocking you, you can hit them, drop the carried survivor if you know you won’t get to the hook, then chase the survivors you just injured.
    • You’re swinging at survivors after they already vaulted a pallet. Again, that’s slowing you down.

    The video seems to be cutting out about halfway through here unfortunately. Thanks for posting it! I think my main advice is you might want to rewatch your match, look for places you missed hitting survivors or seemed to not be doing anything specific, and keep those things in mind when you’re playing. Don’t stop moving, always be in a chase if you can, place snares as you move with Freddy, and clear out safe pallets to create dead zones.

    And remember, if you are chasing someone and another person is following you with a flashlight that’s a good thing! It means you’re keeping two people off the generators for the price of one chase. Just keep an ear and eye out for them and chase them off before you pick up the downed person, look at walls when picking people up if possible, and while carrying someone look at the ground or moonwalk to the hook if they’re trying to blind you mid-carry.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    sorry but I didn't read this, this thread isn't about critiquing my gameplay in video, I know I played badly but that is not why I posted, flashlights need to be limited to 1 per match for all survivors, the video is there to visually show why flashlights need to be limited.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Ok, no worries if you don’t want to read what I posted. I did talk about flashlights too though.

  • AnObserver
    AnObserver Member Posts: 747
    edited November 2021

    They didn't get a single flashlight save in that video and were actively messing around with you wasting a tremendous amount of time. Your video is an example of MMR not picking a good matchup and how flippant Survivors will be if they're in the lead. Flashlights were just the icing on the cake. Had they brought Toolboxes and been Gen focused the match would have been over in half the time if not less with them instead teabagging and pallet hugging while the Gates were powered.

  • LaFlamme
    LaFlamme Member Posts: 22

    I mean I don't think the flashlights are entirely the problem in that video. I say this with no intention of disrespect but that game looks like you were unfairly matched against those survivors. There are elements of you gameplay that you can improve on that will make matches easier and more enjoyable. The main couple of things you can improve on from watching your gameplay are:

    1. Break the safe pallets as they were giving those survivors some really strong loops. Yes they will blind you when you break it but that will save you so much time in the long run.
    2. Try to move more efficiently and hesitate less, at around 5 minutes you stand still a few times. It's better to keep covering ground as you think about your next play. Also you did on occasion clip into terrain and walls which only gave the survivors a bit of extra distance here and there.

    You could also run Franklins Demise as soon as you see them equip the flashlights in the lobby too. Hell even use Lightborn to make them completely useless.

    Personally I don't particulary struggle against 4 flashlights as a killer, it can be annoying but can be countered. The only item I believe is OP if 4 survivors take them is the key. Not sure if that's still the case now with the changes to the hatch.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    flashlights aren't too much of an issue if your mindful of them.

    1) look at walls/objects so you can't be blinded

    2) if a survivor is trying to get a flashlight save, you can chase and run them off and you'll probably have enough to time to pick depending on distance.

    3) lightborn. as long as you have or want to use it otherwise look onto 1 and 2.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    1) swfs will deliberate go down in the open where there know a teammate can get the save, and when you have more than 1 survivor with a flashlight, and they know the angles well, you going get caught more times than not.

    2) I tried but I had a bad match in that respect, it happens. actually lost this match before it even started but that not the point of this thread.

    3) I would use infectious fright but as the start of the video shows, 2 of them switched over to flashlights after 15 seconds and I didn't. also, I don't have lightborn unlocked.

    flashlights are an issue and need to be nerfed, or limited, or removed altogether. Personally, I would limit the amount in a match.

    after all, one match isn't enough to really show the problem but this match is an example of what a lot of people face, I played badly in this one but has been other times I did better. it's not like that for everyone, it's annoying and survivors do it as it's fun for them but at the expense of the killers fun, it's a problem that has got worse due to how comfortable survivors are now. I believe it should be addressed and something should be done about it by behaviour, especially when you consider the epilepsy issue that another thread has rightfully addressed.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    I did glance at bullet points and they were all critiques of my gameplay. most of the stuff I glanced at, I already know, I had a bad match, it happens but as I said, critiquing my gameplay isn't the purpose of this thread.

  • NeonFlowerPower
    NeonFlowerPower Member Posts: 135

    Your gameplay directly ties in to the flashlights though, because flashlights are very easily counterable by things that are not hard to understand at all.

    1. Stare at a wall during pickup.
    2. Slug the survivor and go after the one doing the flashlight save OR simply scare them off. (You are faster than survivors so they can not catch up to you.) If all 4 survivors are there, then no one is on a gen and you can injure them all or start slugging.

    Saying flashlights are OP is almost like saying Nurse/Spirit are weak killers when in reality, you are just not good at those killers. In this case, it seems you are just not good at countering flashlights. Doesn't mean they are OP, hell I don't think anything in this game is really OP. Unfun? Yes, there are tons of unfun things in this game like Dead Hard and Ruin.

    I'll gladly take 4 flashlights over 4 medkits/toolboxes any match.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I hear you about bad matches, happens to me all the time. 🤷‍♂️ I need to improve my aim against jukers, my ranged attacks are especially awful.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    how many times do I have to say in this thread that swf's manipulate the map so you're out in the open for their friends to snipe you? this is the 3rd time now.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    I still think flashlights should be limited all together but preventing survivors from changing items after they enter a lobby would help as well. Least, this way you always going to have time to see it and change perks.