Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions


BHVR missed the point of SBMM, the old ranks system was almost more accurate at matching "equally" skilled players together. The Pip system has become completely pointless now, it wasn't perfect by any means, but at least they tried. Now we are being matched entirely based on escapes, rather than actual categories and goals.

According to their data, matches are more balanced than ever before, right? Well, I think the vast majority of people dislike the new matchmaking system and think that matches have become way less fun and more boring / sweaty. So if that defines a balanced match, then saying SBMM made matches more balanced is a negative conclusion.

The balance of this game is extremely subjective, and can't be based on such rudimentary stats.

Even if you ignore the balancing impact of SBMM, there is no incentive to gain MMR. In fact, other than feeling like your games have gotten easier or tougher, you couldn't even tell if MMR was real or not. I don't think anything I've said in this post is news to anyone, which begs the question of: why?

If SBMM really is working as intended, then your intention was very deconstructive.

The system has failed to improve the game, besides minor improvements for beginners, which gets nullified by how otherwise extremely beginner-unfriendly the rest of the game is.

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  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I don’t think the “vast majority of people” hate MMR. Most people who play the game probably barely even know it’s a thing. And even then of the people who do know about it not everybody feels like they get bad matches. (My matches seem pretty reasonable most of the time, not any worse than when it used emblem ranks.)

  • Member Posts: 200

    I was only counting people that care about the health of the game and SBMM specifically. If you count the clueless average players, then yes that statement would probably be wrong.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Minor point, but there's no incentive to gain MMR because it's not a progression system. You're not supposed to be going out of your way to try and get max points, it's supposed to be puttering away in the background. The theory is, play sweaty for a 4k and (after you're placed properly) you'll be matched with players who can handle playing sweaty for a 4k, and vice versa.

    This system nearly works properly all the time, but even after they patch up its current holes, people need to stop approaching it like it's some kind of progression system, and that they'll be "punished" for escapes/deaths. Play the way you play and, with some adjustments, this system will try to match you with players who'll be responding accordingly.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    So you’re assuming either that people who don’t have a problem with MMR don’t care about the game or are “clueless” or aren’t “people”. Got it.

  • Member Posts: 200

    As I said in my post already, the system might be working properly, but the effect it has on matches tends to be more negative than positive.

    "Play the way you play and, with some adjustments, this system will try to match you with players who'll be responding accordingly." I don't think the system is even remotely capable of achieving that with such vague data being used. It's not hard to "accidentally" make the system think you are looking for a more "challenging" experience, which although very subjective, seems to be very unfun for a lot of people.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Yep, it definitely needs smoothing out. It's just important not to act as though this is some new ranked mode where you're supposed to try and get to a high MMR, it's not that kind of system.

  • Member Posts: 90

    ^ This.

    I'm not sure why people went super sweaty after MMR was introduced. It basically means that you're struggling more to gain higher MMR, so you face tougher opponents, forcing you to struggle even more to gain MMR, until you get to the point where you just get absolutely steamrolled, lose MMR, and then you're back to struggling to get back to the point where you get steamrolled again? The system actually works quite well in putting you in fairly even matches. Sure, sometimes you get a super easy match, and sometimes you get steamrolled, but that's kind of to be expected. Win a lot and you'll suddenly get much harder matches. Lose a bunch and you suddenly get much easier matches.

    Personally, when MMR was turned on permanently, I felt like it was way off, and not fun at all. As a survivor, my teammates were terrible and went from full health to downed in 5-10 seconds most of the time, while I could often easily loop the killer for 5+ minutes if they stayed on me (pre-mmr I could maybe do 1-3 mins honestly vs the average killer I was teamed up against). As killer, I faced nothing but 3-4 man swfs that was teabagging and clicking their flashlights every single game, and I was no where near skilled enough to deal with them. I genuinely believe that my MMR was switched when it first launched. I was way better as a survivor than a killer, yet I was teamed with terrible survivors against a terrible killer when I played survivor, and I was facing survivors that were just way out of my leauge when I played killer. Over time, my MMR has adjusted on both sides, and most of the time now I get fairly balanced matches.

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