Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Nerf survivors for god sake

Member Posts: 1,316
edited November 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

All day I've ran into 3/4 flashlights, bodyblocking survivors, two keys, adrenaline, crappy dead hard. Easily abused loops. Nerf them how can you not see that survivors are broken. Killers have like 1% chance of succeeding with survivors having the other 99% most often than not 4 man escapes. Nothing stops this crap camping subsides it a bit but we should not need to camp or tunnel to succeed. The devs are actively promoting camping and tunneling. Please sort the survivors out.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on

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  • Member Posts: 1,316

    Not just keys it's the principle that survivors have too much going for then and killers have nothing.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    Buddy it sounds like you’ve had some rough games but coming here on the forums complaining isn’t gonna help.

    Just try to practice with friends in customs or something.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    Ironic that the person who is always creating threads that Solo Q is too hard is telling others to get good

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    If all these people creating clutter on the forums focused more on playing the game than complaining a lot of these nerfs people ask for wouldn't be a thing.

    A funny thing I've also noticed is how the same people claim that all killers quit the game, yet they're here wanting changes for a game they supposedly don't play anymore.

    All the things you mentioned are non issues.

    Flashlights: look at a wall, rock, whatever else is near you. Use lightborn.

    Bodyblocking survivors: Hit them and they will go down.

    Keys: Already were nerfed, I havent seen one in the last 100 matches.

    Adrenaline: Only works if they are still alive at the end of the game, and they have to be injured. If they arent in a chase or injured it's useless.

    Dead Hard: Once you know someone has dead hard it's easily to counter. Sure, some good survivors use it correctly, but if you're complaining about flashlights I honestly don't think you are at a level survivors know how to use it properly.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Because solo Q doesn't depend on you for the game to go well. Almost like, that's exactly the point, having to rely on other people and not just yourself.

    Next time think before you reply to me with a snarky ignorant comment.

  • Member Posts: 911

    Survivors aren't op, SBMM is just broken

    Killer is miserable for me, i just get really sweaty survivors with sweaty builds when i just want to have a good time

    But no, teabag teabag clicky clicky...

  • Member Posts: 735

    SWF and body blocks. 1st goes away, 2nd goes away, the you loose grasp :)

    Before ur out od stun, everybody is healed #CoH

    DH is easily baited, I agree. But the use of getting faster to window vault into new loop with new predropped pallets…meh :)

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Keys are still a challenge?

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Yea, I've made a lot of threads about solo q being trash, and I'll keep on making them, your point?

    I'm pretty sure everyone can agree solo q is bad.

    I don't "cry" about things that I can counter, that's why solo q is bad, because it's out of your control how things go, because it also depends on your team. It's not the same.

  • Member Posts: 718

    Survivor is 80% default player base, and then you have to account for Survivor MAINS. BHVR is not going to hurt 80+% of the player base for you Killers who are 19% or less. Suffer.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    OK, keep claiming that you only lose Solo Q because of other people, and never because of yourself, whilst casually dismissing any thread that seems to suggest Killer has any issue whatsoever, and always make the implication that the person who posted it must be bad.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    You wont get swf every game. Also not all swf are super coordinated and go for bodyblocks.

    You get one down, hook that one. What is the issue there?

    I havent been seeing much CoH in my matches at all. And if people are always running to the side where the boon is to heal, it becomes as much as a time waster as self care.

    Like I said, you wont see that many people using dead hard correctly. Sure, you'll see some, and dead hard gives them an advantage, like a perk is supposed to do, that's why people use perks.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    I never claimed that i only lose because of other people.

    Even when I win, it doesn't make solo Q ok.

    Even the other day I made a thread saying some killers need to be buffed, maybe you just dont read what doesn't suit your agenda.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    You literally just said "that's why solo q is bad, because it's out of your control how things go"

    Which is basically the same as blaming it on other people.

    I don't have an "agenda" any less than you do, everytime someone posts a killer sided thread you respond, just like I usually respond to the survivor sided ones.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    How is saying something is beyond your control any different to someone saying Killer is unfair?

  • Member Posts: 735

    Im red 1 as killer. My matches are more or less SWF. As I check or you can see by skins/names.

    Those matches are always grouped for body blocked for doors, or crouching under a hook. So its not always that simple.

    Also if you are lucky enough to fast pickup, they always wait around with flashlights for you to pick. so either you have to slap them to go away, but yet other is awaiting for the revive. Being able to revive ur self to 80% or how much…we know where this goes.

    I honestly even recently started to use the offering to reject map offerings, as i am sick of constantly same maps. indoors, badham, yamamoto or we is the jungle called etc

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Some of your complaints are unfounded. Keys and hatch have been nerfed so there is no reason to complain about them. Bodyblocking is fair as survivors are supposed to work as a team and adrenaline is a fair perk that rewards survivors for doing their objectives and is still a niche perk.

    The other ones i could agree with but not everything

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Everything the OP mentioned can be countered by themselves, with perks and ways of playing. They can take all those actions themselves.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Yes, it's out of my control if I die on first hook, or if someone camps hatch instead of doing gens, or someone self cares after every hit, etc. As someone who plays solo you cannot control those actions and there really arent any perks that can help you with that.

    Even running kindred every game, which I do, doesn't mean I'll get saved, etc.

    See that is the issue, killer sided threads for you are fine. I'd rather see a balanced game, with solo q buffed and then killers buffed accordingly than making survivors even weaker bc you went against a 4men sweat squad once and making solo q even crappier.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    Disagree with that on bodyblocking, your solution to bodyblocking was to hit the survivor blocking. That's literally the point of bodyblocking so it isn't really a solution. If executed well (usually in a game already lost), you can't really counter a well executed body block.

    DH when used correctly can't be countered (its not about baiting the hit, its used for distance)

    Agree with you some of them though, flashlights and keys, not much of a problem.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Bodyblocking is countered by using perks that discourage it like Mad Grit, Starstruck etc. Bodyblocking blocking is a valid strategy to help survivors work as a team.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    Yeah but also running Mad Grit + startstruck also = instant loss against a good team cause youre not running Corrupt/Ruin/Pop etc.

    Anyway I'm not moaning about bodyblocking, if you follow the thread of the posts, I was responding to Marigola's specific counter to body blocking

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    In that sense, wouldn't body blocking considered a "viable strat" like people claim camping and tunneling is on here?

    So, if something that benefits the killer can be seen as a "viable strat" with no issue, why can't something that benefits survivors (that i need to add, is only seen in coordinated teams, you rarely see that in solo q or swf without voice chat), considered a strat as well?

    The issue here seems to be either OP is new at killer and doesn't know how to counter flashlights yet, and is being screwed by SBMMR putting them against good survivors you can actually use dead hard correctly, or SBMMR is not screwing them over and they're going against newish/low skilled survivors who can't really use dead hard in a way that can make it useful.

    SBMMR putting OP against survivors with a different skill level is not really a survivor issue, or survivors needing a nerf, it's again SBMMR not working correctly and putting killers from potatoes to sweaty 4men swf by just winning a few games.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    I'm just saying that if you are going to try to make a point by saying you're rank 1 iri, that just doesn't matter anymore since you're supposed to go against people of similar skill level, not similar rank.

  • Member Posts: 4,699
    edited November 2021

    Usually one perk for bodyblocking is enough already. You still have 3 other perk spots for gens.

    While I agree Marigola's specific counter for bodyblocking is a bit lacking there definitely is ways to counter it

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    Yeah but you get more value from various chase perks so I don't think equipping a perk is the answer, as body blocking doesn't even occur in all games. Again I don't really have much of an issue with body blocking, as the worst games are when survivors are spread out.

    I don't really get how you go from that to camping and tunnelling. Also there are counters in the game for both, BT/DS, don't rush the hook Bubba is standing next to, etc. Like I said above anyway, I don't think body blocking is the worst thing in the game, so sure you can consider it a viable strat if you want.

  • Member Posts: 1,316

    As you can see many other killers are in agreeance or at least unison with me. You clearly don't play killer if you think it's fine. And if you do it must be rare.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    No, they are agreeing with you because this forum is the perfect place to throw a pity party because other people also want to pity party with you instead of finding actual solutions.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Grades literally dont matter in terms of skill. It's only time you play.

  • Member Posts: 166

    Then enjoy your ever increasing queue times when that 19% player base drops to single digit numbers.

  • Member Posts: 166

    Instead of that, I personally think opening exit gates should start regressing the moment you let go of them so you can't just 99 them and then go around with impunity. Either fully open it and leave immediately, or go around and be altruistic for unhooks with the added tension of the timer. Right now the whole endgame collapse is a joke.

    It would also make perks like No One Left Behind and Blood Warden more viable.

  • Member Posts: 1,316

    Better than your thing of saying git gud. Play killer. They're agreeing because they know I'm right ur just the general entitled survivor wanting easy games. At this point killers may as well just sit in the corner. You have all asked for too many nerfs and too many buffs

    Spirit is broken and unplayable mow imo

    Nurse is only good on pc and/or against thick survivors

    Pop goes disappears quicker than you think

    You have boons which are totally broken

    Loops are broken

    Pallets are broken

    Flashlights are broken

    Swf is unbelievable

    Bodyblocking is ridiculous

    Hook sabo is on the rise again

    Sloppy butcher is useless

    Billy is too weak now

    You are all already asking for nerfs on crow lady and her perks and she isn't even out yet

    Dead Hard with stupid hit validatioon is broken

    Totem spawns are still broken except when it appears that a survivor has a noon then they are well hidden.

    Genrush is actually sickening

    Toolboxes are overpowered

    Bmp is broken

    Most killers are weak against even noob survivors

    Exit gates open way too fast

    Haddonfield exists (survivor sided map)

    Most maps in fact are survivor sided there is like two maybe three which are good for killer when against solo q and ineffective teams.

    The list goes on and u cannot sit there and say oh well that's alright cos there is counterplay because there isnt2

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    You can get to iri in 10-20 hours. 10-20 hours doesn't equal skill.

    Just because someone with 20 hours is iri, they shouldnt be in my lobby when i'm at 5k hours.

  • Member Posts: 1,316
  • Member Posts: 6,090

    This is the most ignorant post I've read in a while. Right on pair with that other guy that said survivors needed a stamina bar.

  • Member Posts: 1,316

    How is it. Its the truth ur mot even paying attention to what I'm saying ur just saying git gud in not so many words, get better skill (which by the way is impossible), your not even really backing your comments up you're just commenting anything and everything which relates to survivors.

    I bet any money that if this was a post with nerf killer as the title or something similar you would be well in agreeance saying oh yeah that's a good idea, maybe we could do this etc. But it's a nerf survivor post so it attacks you. Your a hypocrite as well as you have many posts moaning about solo q.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    I honestly stopped paying much attention when you said nurse and spirit are only good against noob survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,316

    I'm not wrong I've heard and seen even the greatest nurses struggle. It's at the point where I'm ready to move to the other side a become a survivor cos it's so easy to succeed. Then I'm also at the point where I am wanting to quit the game and get a refund on everything. You really don't know what hell we go through as killer

  • Member Posts: 90

    Your MMR is too high, it's that simple. If you rely on tunneling and camping to get kills, you know what happens? The game thinks that you're pretty good, and ready to face up against mid/high MMR survivors. If you're good at camping/tunneling, but not at map awarness, mindgames, predicting where the survivors will run, what gens they might be on etc etc, you will struggle a lot when your MMR gets too high, becuase camping and tunneling is no where near as effective against good survivors and/or swfs.

    Just play without tunneling and camping, lose MMR, get to a point where you have a fair chance of winning without relying on those things, or crutch perks like NOED, and you'll find that you have a much more enjoyable time as a killer. When at that point, try to actively improve your gameplay, try to actually become a better killer, and you can slowly raise your MMR over time. Eventually, maybe you'll learn how to win against survivors that work well together, that got flashlights, that are good at looping etc. You're clearly not there yet though.

    I don't get this view that so many killers have, that they have to get a 4k every game or it's not fun. Why be so sweaty? Why can't you take a loss every once in a while? Why are you so eager to raise your MMR when all that it will do is put you up against survivors that you're clearly not equipped to handle?

    The issue here is not that survivors are too buffed, the issue is that your MMR is too high, it's putting you up against survivors that are simply just too good for you to stand a fair chance. Don't inflate your MMR by tunneling and camping to get easy kills. I'm telling you, if you stop doing it and just accept that you'll be losing some games before you're matched against survivors that you can handle, you'll enjoy the game so much more.

  • Member Posts: 1,316

    The mmr is non existent. Otherwise it would work out chases are too long, gens are too fast. Not only that I don't mind the odd challenging matches it's the toxicity, the flashlights etc. The flashlights are still used by newer players and gen rush is still the same. MMR is non existent.

  • Member Posts: 90

    lol, what? MMR does exist... What have you been smoking? MMR isn't affected by the length of chases or how fast gens are done.

    As survivor, you gain MMR from surviving as long as possible (up to 8 minutes) and escaping. As killer, you gain MMR for kills.

    No other actions has any effect on if you lose or gain MMR.

  • Member Posts: 139

    Douggie I know how you feel 100% think of this guys right survivor needs to do gens and cleanse/bless totems killers need to break gens, break walls, break pallets and snuff out totems constantly. I play both roles at high level and I can tell you that survivor is way chill than killer if you don’t believe me I play feng min she is my bae and I play all the killers cause it’s boring playing one you can notice the difference easily 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 564

    Ok, lets actually break down your post.

    1.3/4 flashlights. Ok, what killer are you running? Most high end killers negate flashlights at pallets, bubba, hillbily, blight, nruse, spirit. Other killers that more or less negate the flashlight blind, plague, dr, Demogorgon, and nemesis. All these killers can break the pallets to fast or the blind to go off. (Dr with his shock blast.) Even if you can't deal with it, if they are injured just listen out for the grunts of pains, even if they are not injured or have iron will, you can still track them with footsteps. If you are talking about flashlight saves then you need to learn to bait saves, fake pick ups, slug (ect.) Perks that will do this for you, lightborn, franklin's demise, infectious fright. Most killers won't need these, but practice with them first then try to play without them.

    2, Bodyblocking survivors, Ok, and? The only reason bodyblocking should ever be an issue is if you are tunnelling. Try not to tunnel. If it is end game and you need to, I don't know what you expect survivors to do, stand there and let you get kills? They are doing the right thing. If you're talking about them body blocking during a normal chase, just hit them. It's a free hit.

    3, two keys. This is actually what convinced me to post. 2 keys? You do realise only one survivor can use a key. If they have 2 then either you're going to kill both of them or one of them. Keys are so underpowered now if you seriously have a problem with keys, you don't stand a chance at moderate ranks, let alone high rank. The issue isn't keys, rather hatch. Because hatch is a 50/50 chance that is spawns closer to the survivor or killer. There is nothing wrong with keys, as a killer I am more scared of one med kit, then 4 keys.

    4, Adrenaline/ dead hard. The way I see Adrenaline, its the survivor version of Noed. No real skill and really cheap perk, no reasonable way to counter it. It's honestly unfair, but so is NOED. I discourage both perks, but honestly I don't blame you getting frustrated with it. Dead hard is easily the best survivor perk in the game and needs a nerf. In fact a lot of survivor/ killer perks need to be nerfed, they are just way to strong compared to other perks. The only thing I can say is if you are encountering strong perks constantly you need to run strong perks in response, regardless of whether you are survivor or killer, both sides are playing this game competitively so you need to adapt if you want to play.

    5,Easily abused loops. Objectively wrong. Some maps are survivor sided, however some heavily killer sided. Almost every pallet in midwitch is an unsafe pallet for survivors, barring a couple that need to broken. Shelter woods can spawn as little as 7 pallets. Most good loops have breakable walls, meaning they should only get one loop. Most chases should really only last a minute, if it is lasting longer, then that's on you, this isn't even counting killers that just break chases (Spirit, nurse, Blight.

    6,Killers have like 1% chance of succeeding with survivors having the other 99%. Not even close. Most killers get 2 kills the majority of matches and actually win more matches then they lose at low MMR. The only real issue is high MMR and it's not that killers aren't winning, because they are. It's that they need to run high end killers, with top perks every match.

    7,camping subsides it a bit but we should not need to camp or tunnel to succeed. If the game tilted in favour of killers you would see more camping, not less. Killers camp, not because it is needed, rather because it is the best way to win. Before changing anything gameplay related they need force killers to change how they play by punishing camping, not the other way around.

    8,The devs are actively promoting camping and tunnelling. Yes, they always promoted this playstyle. This is nothing new, again killers mainly camp by choice, not when needed. Killers have defended camping long before SBMM. Killers camp by choice. Supported by the devs, in their own interview, where they openly supported things such as insidious bubba.

    IN short most of your points show less of an issue of killers but rather yourself and your clear lack of experience in the game.

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