Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Separate key for vaulting windows and entering lockers please.

Really tired of getting a good/perfect angle on a tricky window to fast vault and the game deciding I wanted to fast hide in the locker instead. My camera is aimed at the window running right at it, but no the game thinks I want to do a skeleton-jarring pivot and jump into the locker.


  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496
    edited November 2021

    If want to do this, separate keys for picking up survivor and breaking pallet.

    Either go fair or not at all.

    It's not the game deciding, it's you not paying enough attention or having enough experience. The prompt on the bottom of the screen is there the entire time, telling you what you are about to do. Just play more and it won't happen to you. Knowing vulnerable spots helps too (Haddonfield's unsafe pallet into fence vault or locker next to jungle gym pallet for example).

    More important than camera angle is where you are at the moment.

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    I understand this but it's kinda unreasonable. You do realize how hard it'd be to alternate? Not trying to be rude it's just.. maybe they could add it as an option, but not like a requirement. A lot of people would hate this

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I'd like to see an option to bind it to a different key/button.

    Does anyone remember running up to one of the upstairs gens in Haddonfield, pressing the button to work on it and then accidently fast vaulting out the window instead? I miss that!

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496

    @Snowstruck It is unreasonable. Game really have bigger issues than people who can't press space in correct timing.

  • unclefood87
    unclefood87 Member Posts: 50

    Dude, I have been playing this game for 2.5 years. I’ve got the experience, it’s just asking for a QoL change. Also just because the prompt system is there, in the middle of a chase the switch between “hide locker” and “running vault” prompt plus the timing to get a proper fast vault is very small. Also thinks for making this a survivor vs killer reply. If you want a separate button for that make a thread for it instead of complaining about it in someone else’s post.

  • unclefood87
    unclefood87 Member Posts: 50

    That’s what key binding would be, an option. Kind of like how you can separate the healing action from throwing pallet action. This was the same issue and people started changing key bindings. If people want to keep it the same they could still bind the locker/vault key to the same button.

  • unclefood87
    unclefood87 Member Posts: 50

    Unreasonable? It’s such an easy fix/thing to program. It would literally take no time to implement.

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496

    This is asymetrical game and every issue is killer vs survivor issue in the core. You want a system so you don't have to think about lockers and learn the timing to not make stupid mistakes: fair, but if you get such system killers should get exactly the same system for picking up to not get CJed.

    It just shows how entitled you are, attacking me the second I mentioned killer needs the same.

  • unclefood87
    unclefood87 Member Posts: 50

    I mean I never said killers shouldn’t get that system, I said you should make your own thread highlighting that issue. If I was truly being entitled I would say that killers don’t need that. I was not “attacking” you for saying killer needs the same, I was “attacking” you for perpetuating the biggest issue with this community of every issue being a survivor player vs killer player thing. I have no issue if killers got a button to differentiate between pallet kick/open locker/pick survivor off of ground and never said as such, but you sure interpreted that I did.