A disconnect timer

We all know those players. They take their 2nd hit by the killer and have disconnected before their face hits the ground. They hinder their team, rob the killer and altruistic teammates of bloodpoints, and ruin the mood of the game. Here’s my solution to all this:

When a survivor (or killer for that matter) disconnects, they are forced to wait for a 20-second countdown timer.

That’s the main idea, but we can make things more fun as well. During this time, if we want to, we make the survivor’s body glow brightly for all to see. The camera slowly pans around so the player sees what becomes of the now-unresponsive character. While they wait, they see big red numbers showing all the bloodpoints they had earned so far slowly draining down to zero. They also see the emblem for any items they were carrying crumble to dust as they are removed from the account (ignoring the effect of wards or other protective add-ons). If the killer gets them on the hook before the timer ends, they have to watch the sacrifice animation (same speed as the final survivor being hooked).

I believe that this delay/feeling of watching earned rewards lost/inability to “stick it” to the killer would greatly reduce the instances of people disconnecting out of spite. Could a player get around this by restarting the game or machine? Maybe, but the time it takes to get back into the game would have the same “don’t wanna deal with that” effect, and would therefore serve the same purpose.

One point to note is that some disconnects are due to internet issues. Perhaps we wait until dedicated servers are up before implementing this idea. Beyond that, we don’t punish disconnects if certain ping or latency or whatever (I’m not too savvy in tech) requirements are met for a certain amount of time.

What do you think?


    IMAFEEISH Member Posts: 87
    I think its a funny idea but its not necessary besides how will I bunny tech the killer? 4head
  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Ha! I’m glad you got some amusement from this. I agree the idea isn’t necessary, and very few of the new ideas are since it’s a smooth-flowing, wildly entertaining game. However, I think this would help smooth out a couple wrinkles and reduce the general poor sportsmanship displayed by a sizable chunk of the community.

    “Bunny tech” the killer? No idea but I’m intrigued! I gotta look that term up! :chuffed:

  • mudbloodwolfie
    mudbloodwolfie Member Posts: 37
    It is an interesting idea but as mentioned, punishes real disconnects. Even i get home screened on console (rarely but still) sometimes because that bug is still there. Rather, how about joining lobbies is prolonged for however many reports are made against you. Specifically in “unsportsmanlike” category as this would also categorize idling in game, holding game hostage, disconnecting/rage quitting, etc. That means players purposely killing themselves on hook, hiding somewhere whole match, etc. An extra 30 seconds for every 5reports therefore also preventing a group of swf who just didnt like you to join together for reports to punish. Could reset during season reset. 
  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Hmmmm I like the idea! On that note I think it would also be good for players to be notified when they are reported. But yes, the general idea is the same, make unsportsmanlike behavior suffer a waiting delay of some type.

    In regards to my idea, I don’t think getting home-screened would be an issue since you’re not forced to sit there and watch everything. Also, when you get home-screened you lose all your points and equipment anyway, so there’s no change in that regard.

    On a final note, I don’t believe suiciding on the hook should be punished. That’s someone who wants to leave the game, but is at least willing to go out the natural way and let players earn points. There are other reasons too. I’ve done it before when a killer is hiding in the corner of the basement using Insidious and I want to protect my teammates who are running into a trap. Since suiciding is an actual game mechanic, I see it as a fair option. Kinda like a killer camping. Unpopular, but fair in the mechanics of it all.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259
    edited January 2019

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  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Hey guys, I’m sorry. New to the forum here and couldn’t see my posts in the thread after submitting. Thought there was a tech glitch so I reposted the same thing a few times before seeing the little pop up saying the comment is awaiting approval. I’ll delete my duplicates later when they come through.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259
    edited January 2019

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  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259
    edited January 2019

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