Why doesn't the Doctor start in Treatment Mode?

Hey all,

I hope everyone had a great Halloween/Samhain/etc.

One question/suggestion I have is: Why doesn't the Doctor start in Treatment Mode? I feel like the Doctor doesn't start with anyone in front of him (though it does happen on rare occasions) and so - in the very beginning - you want to be in Treatment Mode to find the survivors and that's the first thing I do as the Doctor. It'd be nice if I didn't have to spend that extra second or two making the switch.


  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649

    Always wondered this myself, seeing as Wraith starts in cloaked mode. I guess it does slow down speed slightly, but I instantly switch into it myself because I'm usually running an extended radius build and I'm looking for a survivor scream ASAP.

  • mudbloodwolfie
    mudbloodwolfie Member Posts: 37
    exactly! makes no sense when you want to start everyone’s madness meter before hitting them anyway so they can potentially mess up skill checks when/if they get away
  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    Some Dr with MYC perk would disagree

    It takes 0.5 sec to switch weapon at start ... not a really difficult thing to do

    By contrast, Dr with MYC perk want the exposed survivor to be in madness 0, so they can find him very easily for punishment time ;)

  • mudbloodwolfie
    mudbloodwolfie Member Posts: 37
    gnehehe said:

    Some Dr with MYC perk would disagree

    It takes 0.5 sec to switch weapon at start ... not a really difficult thing to do

    By contrast, Dr with MYC perk want the exposed survivor to be in madness 0, so they can find him very easily for punishment time ;)

    Very easy to switch Wraith to cloak mode too from start but they changed it anyway. Have to hook someone for Make Your Choice and you want that person in madness because theyre easier to find if screaming or having stunt doubles reveal their location. Even if i ran MYC, id still want to start in treatment mode. Makes no sense not to.
  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510
    edited January 2019

    With Wraith: you want to start in stealth mode to ambush survivors ... no sense to use the bell at start to say "hey, I am wraith, be careful"

    If you want to have survivors in madness 1/2 at start while using MYC :

    • you never played Dr with MYC with efficiency
    • you never faced an efficient Dr with MYC

    Make your choice between 1st or 2nd or both possibilities ...

    A popular AUS streamer (main killer R1) often uses this kind of build with impressive efficiency oOo

  • mudbloodwolfie
    mudbloodwolfie Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2019
    gnehehe said:

    With Wraith: you want to start in stealth mode to ambush survivors ... no sense to use the bell at start to say "hey, I am wraith, be careful"

    If you want to have survivors in madness 1/2 at start while using MYC :

    • you never played Dr with MYC with efficiency
    • you never faced an efficient Dr with MYC

    Make your choice between 1st or 2nd or both possibilities ...

    If you want to nerf yourself by not putting survivors in madness to find them (MYC or not), be my guest but that is the whole point of his ability. You arent finding a fully healthy survivor, exposed or not, if they know what theyre doing (aka higher rank). Id say if you didnt know that, you are either low rank or dont play doctor. That or you are one of those killers who just use same perks on every killer to carry you rather than use the killer well. My point being, if you play a Doctor who doesnt use shock therapy, you play a poor doctor. Sorry, not sorry. But like you said, takes 0.5 seconds? YOU can switch at beginning while majority of us dont like we are currently :)

    And no high rank killers use Doctor because he is low tier and easy to counter therefore depips a lot.
  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    Of course: doctor is tier C (B with best addons/perks, depending on the map too) and will fail against experimented survivors on "torment creek" (for example)

    This ^ is the case for all M1-only killers

    Hook a survivor in a corner of the map with only trash around, your exposed survivor will fail whatever his skills oOo

    By the way, you did not answer to my question too (no need to add more msg)

  • mudbloodwolfie
    mudbloodwolfie Member Posts: 37
    gnehehe said:

    Hook a survivor in a corner of the map with only trash around, your exposed survivor will fail whatever his skills oOo

    By the way, you did not answer to my question too (no need to add more msg)

    Thanks for further proving my point about low rank killers. An exposed survivor due to unhooking someone in the corner of a map isnt doomed to fail unless you are facecamping which is a common tactic among low rank killers. Also, it is a highly unlikely scenario and a poor gameplan to hook someone in the corner of a map for a MYC kill. An experienced killer plays the game and adjusts gameplan according to how it is playing out rather than banking on a single scenario to “guarentee” a kill. 

    As far as answering your question, in all the comments you have made, there was never a “?”. And i will keep adding messages as i please because everytime a message is added, this post is bumped to the front of the page where i want people to see it because it is a genius idea.