Flashlights macro fix

To nullify click spam, they could make it so that when the flashlight is turned on, it instantly loses a chunk of charge, like with the Billy's chainsaw overheating, which when it charges, it instantly overheats a chunk. Obviously to compensate for the loss, the flashlight would go from 8 to 9/10 seconds, so if they try to use a macro, they would instantly finish the flashlight charges.
Or just... add a CD to how often the damn thing can be activated.
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When I had Crossplay on, they just gave me a headache and hurt my eyes.
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Oh no, a minor gameplay inconvenience in exchange for preventing something that literally gives people headaches and has no purpose but BM.
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Sometimes people use their flashlight a little too early. When they realize they're too early, they can just stop flashing for a split second and re-flash to correct their timing. With a flashlight cooldown that would no longer work, but since it is a skill component, it should stay in the game.
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It doesn't have to be a long cooldown to negate the macro clicking. We're talking "clicking so fast it makes a brrrrrt" sound and looks like a rave.
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Well i would say, they need more practice. Not the Killers fault.
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They need to practice more? Kind of funny that you said that, because I think it's a lot harder to correct the timing than it is to just time it right, you know what I mean?
Edit: This sentence reads very strangely. What I mean is: It is difficult to recognize and correct the early timing. However, this is often necessary, especially with strange angles. For the most part, only pretty good survivors with flashlight experience can do this, so a CD on flashlights would remove that skill component.
Post edited by OniWantsUrLocation on0 -
Just make it so that everytime you click the flashlight you lose a minimum % of charge and it'll stop it or they'll burn the life out the flashlight so fast it shouldn't be an issue. Right now the macros flick off so fast they can do it forever and never lose charge on the flashlight. This doesn't effect people who are using it for readjusting their flashlights and stops people from macro spamming for the luls and bm.
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I disagree with that. Imagine Killers could revert or reset missed attempts to do a offensive action. Yeah, i think you can see where this is going.
Timing is a big thing for Killers too. Most of the Killers rely heavily on perfect timing. If you miss the perfect moment to throw a hatchet, you may end up losing a match.
Why should a Survivor not get punished for a failed attempt to time the flashlight right? 🤔
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As someone with photosensitivity issues, I honestly don't care.
Buff flashlights in some other way if you have to, but the strobing gives me a massive headache and nausea.
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Actually, Nemesis gets to do that with his tentacle strike. You can miss the survivor, but drag the tentacle in a different direction and correct the mistake that way and get the hit. I can actually think of one or two other examples, but I know what you mean. For me, flashlights are fine as they are.
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But is your skill adjustment on flashlights really worth giving people with photosensitivity issues headaches? That doesn't seem like a particularly fair trade.
And, as I said, acooldown to stop the flashlights being strobing menaces doesn't necessarily mean being long enough that adjustments can't be made.
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thats litterally what i suggested on this post
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Simple solution: If you click 4 times in less than 4 seconds, you will be limited to a single click per second. This remains until you stop clicking entirely for 4 seconds.
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Or just not play the flashlight sound more than once every 1 or 2 seconds from a given survivor.