Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions


why just y is that killer so op???? like you all should really rework they way tricksters knifes works and how he can grab so many of them he is in a terrible state and he should not be this op... PERIOD!!!!!

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  • Member Posts: 530

    Yes, I agree, he needs a nerf

    You just need to do the standard wiping of the weapon after it has dealt damage with throwing knives

  • Member Posts: 4,428

    He's balanced by being trash in everything else other than the chase.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    interesting.. I breathe a sigh of relief if it is a trickster. He is the one killer i can confidently loop. I actually made one DC because i looped him so hard around the shack and adjoining LT wall.

  • Member Posts: 530

    1 on 1 he will not leave a chance

    Will put you on the ground like a bubba since he can continue to throw daggers further even after dealing damage

  • Member Posts: 921

    Agreed. He should definitely throw neon pink toothpicks instead of knives. How else would he keep those pearly whites clean?

  • Member Posts: 5

    lol if you fail against trickster then that's down to you being bad, this has got to be a troll post

  • Member Posts: 545

    Realistically there's hardly ever a situation where you get a clean injured to down health state without having to reset Showstopper. The only situations that this happens are when a survivor is caught in the open with no loops nearby or they decide to use a low wall loop against him.

    Plus the speed boost you get from getting injured from Showstopper is enough to give you a lead on him to a loop or a wall 90% of the time. Hell, even just simply making distance when you get injured is enough to give you some time because his power becomes very unreliable when used from afar.

  • Member Posts: 769

    As a Trickster main I can confidently say Trickster is a contender for bottom three killers in the entire game. It is outrageously difficult to play a killer who's power is not only inferior to other ranged killers but is so outmatched in every map he plays in. You'd have to play sweaty and play perfectly to pull him off.

    The concept of his power is so bad that it can't be properly buffed or tweaked because it'll be unfun regardless. He needs an outright rework with the original concept dumped but still keeping with his knife theme. Just anything but throwing them

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    No he doesn't need a nerf.

    If we're being sensible with potential changes to Trickster, here is what they should change:

    - Movement speed increased to 4.6m/s from 4.4m/s.


    - Movement speed while Main Event is active is increased to 4.2m/s from 3.86m/s.

    - Main Event is held instead of being on a time frame to use.

    - Main Event consumes Blades, and can be used/continue to be used even if Blade amount reaches 0.

    - Amount of Blades increased to 99 from 44.

    - Cancelling Main Event drains an additional 25% of the power gauge.


    - Trick Pouch / Decreases Main Event fatigue by 0.2 seconds. // Decreases the cooldown from Main Event ending by 0.8 seconds.

    - Killing Part Chords / increases movement speed while throwing Blades by 1.5%.

    - Inferno Wires / Upped rarity to Uncommon.

    - Tequila Moonrock / Upped rarity to Rare.

    - Caged Heart Shoes / Increases movement speed while throwing Blades by 3%.

    - Melodious Murder / Lowered rarity to Common.

    - Bloody Boa / Decreases the initial power gauge drain by 10% when cancelling Main Event.

    - Iridescent Photocard // Increases number of Blades required for maximum Laceration by 2.

  • Member Posts: 304

    Hardly...hes a very low tier killer, unlike huntress or slinger he needs multiple confirmations of his knifes to get a wound state, something the previously mentioned ones dont. Hes simple to play and easy to loop, if anything he needs a buff of some kind to make it somewhat more viable.

    I find it laguable how certain people clamor for nerfs and rights specially on low tier killers, makes for fun topics to look at from time to time

  • Member Posts: 1,166

    Posts : 1

  • Member Posts: 139

    Coming from someone who plays trickster you obviously don’t play at high level he is really weak does t have good 4v1 but has good 1v1 that’s it and big maps make him struggle

  • Member Posts: 530

    He can put you on the ground the second he deals only the first damage

    And so who really deserves a nerf is a nurse, she is much imbalanced and deserves that her first jump should not go through walls

  • Member Posts: 115


    Jokes aside, I 100% agree here.

  • Member Posts: 115

    Why did I not think about that? That's actually a fantastic idea!

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    Trickster is not OP. But I can agree that he needs a rework, so he's actually fun and good

  • Member Posts: 115

    You're right in some aspects here but especially in asia servers, you'll see the kinds of things tricksters do. Sometimes you just have no choice but to eat 12 knives and get hooked. I jest you not, there is just no way for any non pro player to counter him in some situations.

    I don't think he needs a nerf as bad as some people say he does, but he's definitely not as weak as the majority of people say he is. If anything IMO, don't flame me for this, but he does need a nerf in some aspects AND buff in some other aspects.

  • Member Posts: 115

    *My previous comment was deleted or something*

    You're right in some aspects. If you play in asia servers, you'll understand why most of us here think he's OP. Sometimes we don't just put ourselves in the situation, most gens we fix just happens to be in a spot where he can touch us, throw 12 knives and hook us for free.

    As much as I don't think he's as god tier as some people have described him to be, I don't think he's that weak that majority of the players say he is either. I do think he needs a nerf in some aspect AND a buff in other aspects so he can better cope with some areas of the game and not be able to abuse that touch surv, 12 knives, free hook playstyle.

    I'm a pretty crap killer player(except when playing wraith) and I've put trickster to the test, that 12 knives playstyle is really too much for survivors to handle. I can even constantly down most rank 1s without much of a thought in maybe 30-40 seconds? The more casual players I can down in even 10 seconds. And that to me already makes a statement that he's too strong in that aspect with no room for counter play, even when played by such a below average killer player.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    I can run shack for a long time against Trickster.

    I actually really like to play against him, he is not hard to get long chase against him. Just don't let him find you in open space, same as Bubba. Just git gud

  • Member Posts: 304

    I dont know where you get your information but he needs 6 blades to deal a wound state, so no...he cant put you on the ground on the first damage, also said blades lose stacks if you dont atack your target in a certain amount of time.

    Im not going to bother trying to discuss anything related to balance/nerfs with you, you have a cronic need to nerf killers to the ground and buff survivors to ridiculous levels, and im not the only one that has pointed out that.

  • Member Posts: 530

    Thank you, I think that would really bring balance.

    Yes I agree he is not imbalanced as a nurse

    But he looks like a bubba only a distant

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    Yeah, they are kinda similar. I think bubba is better killer overall tho.

    After they removed Deathslinger I played Trickster quite a lot. He is quite fun imo.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    People who think Trickster is OP are the kinds of people who don't understand that different killers have different counterplay and try to pull the same thing against everyone, then get mad when on some killers it doesn't work.

    There's only one rule you need to care about when versing a Trickster. Don't let him catch you in the open. That's it. Keep breaking LoS. Use jungle gyms, shack, or turns and doorways, and he can barely do anything to you. A single tall rock can screw up Trickster when most killers on the roster wouldn't care. If there's a pallet on one side, even better. Juking hits is less effective than it is against Huntress and Slinger, but LoS breakers are stronger - those guys only need to hit you once and Trickster has to do it six times, so minimizing the amount of time he has a draw on you is your best tool.

    If you're working on a gen that's in the open, pay attention to your surroundings, plan an escape route, and run for it sooner than usual when you hear him approaching. Don't unhook in his face and find LoS breakers when you want to heal. Don't use low loops and don't tbag him at the gates. There, you're set.

  • Member Posts: 304

    You are expecting to much form survivors, the great mayority cry wolf if they cant loop every single killer in the exact same way. Just look at people like Hunter_Main, the guy has a ton of topics demanding perks to block anti loopers in every posible way, they just dont want to learn and adapt to diferent killers, they want to do the exact same thing over and over and over all the time

  • Member Posts: 530

    Yes, I also like bubba, it's nice to play for him and against him

    The main thing is that it is not camping, otherwise this experience turns into despondency

  • Member Posts: 1,046

    Trickster op? Did you tried him at least? Play as trickster and see how many hooks and kills you get. Play more matches. Only trickster. Then come here with your conclusion.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    No, we don’t need to nerf a killer who is already weak.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    The knives on trickster are way too powerful. He seemed Ok to deal with when he came out but now its come to "sigh... this guy again..." every time I get this killer in a match. Maybe if they changed the damage progress to injured broken temporarily instead of being downed by them. Right now he is just not fun to play against.

  • Member Posts: 530

    We need to make more time for throwing knives, otherwise at the moment it looks like a maddened machine gun

  • Member Posts: 304

    No...they are not.

    Huntress needs a sigle hatched to injure you. DS needs a shoot to pin and pull you in for a damage state. Trickster needs 6 shoots to do a healt damage, shoots that can be blocked by enviroment or moving around, if you have seen any people play him from the 50+? knifes he has they always waste a lot of knifes while in chase, you rarely se a trickster who lands those 6 shoots perfectly for an injury state. Time wise trickster spends more time in chase than the previously mentioned killers when using his power. You should also remember he has 0 global preasure, just like the other ranged ones they at the very least should be good in 1v1 if not strong (like DS was before they guted him out). Trickster if anything needs some small changes to his addons and some slight buffs to put him on par with far better killers

  • Member Posts: 496

    Trickster is strong if survivors underestimate him, but when actually playing smart - he is one of the worst in the roster.

    His 1v1 isn't even this good unless the loop has very short walls and his 1v4 or map pressure is non existant.

    They should revert his changes and instead make the knives mendable, but never going away on their own. This would present an interesting choice for survivors: Mend the knives and waste a bit of time or rush the objective, but stay vulnerable. The main issue with Trickster is that he NEEDS TO TUNNEL - leaving someone with x out of 6 knives and not scoring a damage state to switch for someone else is really terrible and huge waste of time. Also I think that knives thrown separately should do sligtly more than when Trickster just holds m1 to reward more skill based throwing (I think he had and maybe still has addon for this... but it's very bad).

    In my opinion Trickster is not fun to play against or as right now AND DEFINITELY NOT OP.

  • Member Posts: 530

    His knives have almost no spread and he can easily throw at least 10 pieces in your back

  • Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2021

    I think Trickster is way too strong in 1v1. They should nerf his 1v1 and buff his Map Preassure.

    For example:

    - Increase horizontal recoil while stacking throw speed up to 12%. This makes Trickster harder if you just spam your knifes without taking a break.

    - add an effect for his lullaby:

    For every Survivor inside his terror radius, Trickster gains +3% extra gen regression for kicking a Gen.

    Easy πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘Œ

  • Member Posts: 530
    edited November 2021

    Here's a small nerf for a big buff

    I think the spread of knives should be done by 20% and then your proposal will be balanced

  • Member Posts: 297

    No trust me, additional 12% to the existent recoil is more than enough. It will be very hard even at medium range (about 15m) to spam hit knifes.

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