Baby Spirit needs some tips!

I mained survivor since I started playing this game and decided its finally time to make the switch to killer. I really like the Spirit and from what I understand she's top tier, plus I think she's badass so I've been playing her a bunch. Problem is I really suck at following scratch marks, and I don't know what to prioritize over another since theres SO MUCH going on in some games. Could anyone give me some tips on what's more important to pay attention to or what builds would be best for a starter Spirit/what builds would be good once I get a little better? Also how to properly mind-game? The only mind game I have in me is to stand in front of a dropped pallet and spirit walk to the other side, works almost every time.


  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755

    Pallets work in the low ranks in the higher rank not as much sometimes it's better to watch what they do and then make your move. I don't really use the phase walk to chase I lose them to easily I just chase them save the phase walk to get around ( checking gens). I'm in the middle of going for a P3 spirit right know or soon as the blood hunt starts so I don't have a lot of perks. But the build I been using that's given me some nice 3--4 kills
    A Nurse's Calling, Thanatophobia, Sloppy Butcher, Pop Goes The Weasel

  • WaffleFalafel
    WaffleFalafel Member Posts: 384
    Spirit really depends on hearing. Stridor is good for that, although listening for grass would be more common as survivors usually want to juke Spirit with scratch marks. Typically Predator and Bloodhound don't help much, but Bloodhound is better. You want to usually get the first hit off without using the Haunting and using it for injured survivors, but if it will take a while you're better off using your ability.

    As for mindgames, you can watch Ardetha and Monto. Monto doesn't really explain his mindgames, but he explains other things well. Ardetha is the more analytical one of the two and is better than Tru3. 
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    For perk builds, I run BBQ and Chilli. Mostly for the BP bonus, but the aura reading on it is amazing on her. Whispers can be good for tracking, but generally works on most killers. I like to slow down the game, so either Sloppy Butcher or Ruin (Sloppy Butcher goes perfect with Father's Glasses as well). A good combo I sometimes run is Devour Hope and Haunted Grounds. If people sees a Spirit running hex perks, they assume its HG, so they potentially wont touch Devour Hope and assume its HG. Its still a gamble. Stridor is decent, but you need to get used to it first.

    As for mind games, it depends on the Survivors. Low ranks, they wont stop running after throwing down a pallet, so with them its a waste of time. In higher ranks, your mind game potential skyrockets. Stuff like standing still on one side of the pallet and making them think you are phasing to their side. And not to mention just appearing out of nowhere and downing a Survivor waiting at a pallet.

    There is also a trick that sometimes works on certain maps, like going atop a hill and tapping your phase button and checking for Survivors because their shape will shine as they disappear. Especially useful for Coldwind Farm maps with corn.

    Now, there are maps that I struggle more with Spirit personally. Lery's, for instance, too many side paths to follow, so phasing across that map can be more complicated. Ormond Resort can also be difficult one as well. Autoheaven Wreckers and Macmillan Estate are actually fairly good for me. Coldwind Farm is 50-50.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I main spirit at rank 1. The scratch marks are only to get you in the general area, 90% of your reads are going to be based on hearing. Get good headphones, listen carefully and start to predict their moves. For this reason I also highly suggest Stridor. It helps you with those reads even more, especially with the prominence of Iron Will these days. It depends what rank you are playing at to know how smart the survivors are, but at rank 1 they usually expect you to phase around the pallet so you can get a lot of free hits by just standing still and pretending to phase, they will hop right over into you. 90% at least of my hits are coming out of phase, if you're chasing too much without your phase then you probably need more phase practicing and you're handicapping yourself by just M1 chasing. Most spirits I see make the mistake of not using their phasing enough.

    BBQ and MYC is godlike on her, I would never drop them. You can ping pong from hook to down over and over. Last perk I'd take for slowing the game down, Sloppy or Ruin your choice, I usually take Ruin.

    Last note, don't get discouraged using her right now. With the latest patch she is bugged to all hell. Her vision is currently crippled in phase walk and survivors sounds have been muffled extremely. The devs have said these will be getting fixed soon though.

  • suchbeans
    suchbeans Member Posts: 18

    Thanks guys I really appreciate the tips! My killer perks are currently pretty limited so I'll have to keep an eye out for stridor in the shrine cuz that seems to be the predominate choice (: