Meg mask

I was very happy to see this randomly in my inventory… ( death garden mask)are we all supposed to have it now or is it a bug and will be getting removed :(
I hope it's not a bug since I've always wanted it
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Same! I remember when I first saw it I said I want that mask but could never get it as I’m on console I was sad :(
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They should leave it in everyone's inventory. Last 6+ months of Deathgarden it was free on pc so anyone on pc could get it for free while console had no chance. There are also people selling ways to get the mask so BHVR should let everyone have it for free to shut that down.
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Unless they announce it otherwise, I would assume it is a Bug. But everyone should get this mask, for the reason @bm33 stated. Once the game became free (this is the reason why I have this mask, I would not have paid for Deathgarden), everyone should have gotten it immediatly.
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This is not a bug :)
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Wait what
Man I wish I weren't at work rn.
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This is great news, cant wait to check my game after work but this cosmetic is something I wanted for a long time
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Yay free stuff
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I'm really happy to hear that! I always wanted that mask and I came too late for it.
That said... was getting Wraith's Withering Vines cosmetic a bug? Because I don't see why everyone would have gotten 1/3 of Wraith's Blight outfit, which also disappeared from the store (just the one piece) but the full outfit price remains unchanged. That one seems a little messed up.
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This makes me very happy.
From what I've seen ps4 players didn't get the Trapper Deathgarden mask while other platforms did. We should've got that mask too right?
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is the free wraith hallowed blight body skin a bug?
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I believe that one is a bug.
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This is going to be an unpopular opinion but I wish BHVR would stop advertising things as "exclusive" if they really aren't. People would have paid for deathgarden (in part for or entirely) for the exclusives (even though yes it was made free eventually and died). Perhaps bloodletting will be released next?
BHVR's constant inconsistencies when it comes to exclusives is very strange.
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Whilst I don't know exactly why this decision is made, I believe it's more to do with that DG went free to play and it never had the chance to go to consoles. The difference to the Bloodletting shirt is that was something received after buying something in the store way back when.
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Do you know if the Trapper mask will be released to all players as well? I only have the Meg mask right now.
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But then by this logic, one had to buy or play DG back then to get the masks, too, so then it shouldn't have been given to everyone now. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for giving everyone a chance to get cosmetics they may like, but it's not right to apply this to one item and not the other.
On the "it never made it to consoles" part, there are other things that console players never had a chance to get, i.e. legacy clothing, and I don't see those being given to everyone either. It doesn't really make sense why this but not the other.
Let's just chalk this one up to a christmas gift, huh?
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the DG masks were free to obtain on PC while consoles never had the chance. Your examples of legacy and bloodletting aren't 1 to 1 matchups, either; yes, console players didn't have the chance for this, however:
- legacy has been said to never return- it hasn't been said it's exclusive, it's said it will never return
- bloodletting required a real-world purchase. again DG was free.
- legacy required an insane grind in a game nobody thought would survive. the time taken for DG's cosmetics depended on your download speed.
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Yeah, on Switch I got the masks for Meg and Trapper. On PS4, I only got Meg's mask.
I hope this gets fixed, because I really like Trapper's mask and PS4 is where I actually play killer.
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Yayyyyy :)
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What about wraiths blighted body?
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Right on the money.
Irritates me to no end on how many people feel entitled to Legacy without realising that bringing it back would completely invalidate its namesake to begin with.
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You're comparing Legacy to DG cosmetics, which isn't the comparrison I'm making. I'm simply using Legacy as an example of why "because console didn't have a chance to get it" isn't a good reason for making this free but not something else.
DG wasn't free originally. Many people paid for that game. DG becoming free after for a week would be the same thing as if they made Bloodletting be available to everyone now: some people already paid for it, then others could get it without needing to pay for it. It's the same thing.
Legacy did require a grind to get. At this point the game is just as grindy if not grindier in its entirety though. Anyway, my point isn't to get legacy back, as I said, it was merely an example, the first that came to mind.
Also note how in the tweet of the DG free week they said "once this ends, only owners of both games will get to keep it"? That right there reads "you need to own both, or you won't have it". Just because they didn't state explicitly "it'll never come back" doesn't mean that it wasn't inferred in what they wrote. There are a variety of ways to say something without needing to explicitly state it. Anyway, this is a moot point, read 2 paragraphs above.
Nobody claimed they were entitled to legacy items. Read above, stop putting words in people's mouths.
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Death Garden went permanently free and in fact you can still grab it right now on Steam for free in order to get the DbD cosmetics. Can't play DG, but you can permanently add it to your Steam library. All Steam players can get the masks.
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I think they meant that you have to actually have bought the games to keep the masks. It doesn't matter anymore though, everyone has them, so merry christmas.
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even though yes it was made free eventually and died
You can still grab Death Garden today on Steam. It's super easy to Google. You can't play DG, but you can add it to your library and unlock the masks. I did it last week (imagine my surprise when suddenly I have the masks on console). You don't even have to let Death Garden install, all it takes is clicking a link and pressing "cancel."
It's been pretty silly that you could unlock the masks in two seconds on Steam with no purchase or anything else but not on console.
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So they just screwed over everyone who actually bought and played that dead game.
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The game went free to play and the masks were available then.
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It is funny that you claim that I was putting words in people's mouths when you did exactly that yourself. I was not referring specifically to you, or anyone else in this thread. I was referring to the droves of people over the past five years who actually have made complaints about Legacy being a one time deal, despite BHVR's recurring insistence that it isn't coming back.
If I was referring to you or someone else, I would have done so explicitly.
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How dare they show that movie on TV 3 years after it was released in cinemas! I paid $10 to see it on release day!
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Mandy, please can we get this mask for the other original survivors? I'm still wondering why no one came up with the no brainer of having legion masks and outfits for the survivors.
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I got the mask too!! Sweet
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Can't wait for legacy to be available for everyone, if the excuse is "not everyone was able to get it" when I was on ps4 I never got the chance to get it because the game wasn't on it until later.
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But you can't still unlock Legacy cosmetics. Steam players could still unlock the DG masks just by clicking a link and hitting "cancel." I added DG to my Steam library just last week to see if it still worked, and it does. There was no exclusiveness to the DG cosmetics, no purchase or playtime required.
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Yeah, I don't get why people can't understand this.
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But if dbd was on ps4 when legacy was a thing then many players would've gotten it as well and that probably, bhvr has been saying "this is an exclusive item" but has been giving these exclusive items to everyone, like the bbq billy hammer, or the huntress mask, kate's shirt etc.
My point is, what is the point of keeping exclusive items if they are being given for free later on? I understand legacy players will feel horrible or annoyed if they grinded for nothing.
I didn't had a pc but I used to watch dbd early on like a month or so after release and when it came to ps4 I bought it.
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Well, guess I get to level Meg up now. 🤔🤗
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But I'm saying that the DG masks never stopped being a thing. People have been able to unlock them on Steam for free even though DG is dead. So, the DG masks really aren't comparable to any of the other "exclusive" items. The event and legacy cosmetics aren't earnable/unlockable anymore, whereas the DG cosmetics never stopped being unlockable. No purchase required, no installation, no playtime, all you had to do was be linked to a Steam account, which meant consoles specifically were excluded because there's no cross-progression. Everyone except console has had the ability to unlock the DG masks this whole time by doing practically nothing. You can't say the same for event or legacy cosmetics.
I'm making no comment about whether I think legacy or event cosmetics should be made available to everyone. I'm just saying that the DG masks are nothing like those. Using the DG masks as a reason to bring up event or legacy cosmetics is spurious. And I'm baffled by the people who seem upset about the DG masks because the only thing holding console players back from getting them even just last week was a lack of cross-progression, nothing more.
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I'm not upset at console getting stuff, I'm upset at what exclusive means for this company.
That is about it, I basically said legacy because of those cosmetics being rare (even though there are twitch streamers with hacked accounts that still have them, example account made in 2019 but with all legacies).
I'm upset or maybe sad that exclusive means nothing for this company, like I said I have the huntress mask when the event was a thing, the billy bbq hammer, now that everyone has it, what is the point of it being rare? Like is there even a point in having exclusives?.
I know what you are saying, that the dg mask is free for every steam user, imagine if you got a rare skin in any game, that you grinded the heck out of it just for devs to be like "nah free".
I say legacy because that is the only exclusive item there is left.
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There is a massive difference between Legacy something that was given as a sort of compensation for players who had to deal with very flawed bloodweb system and the death garden cosmetics which you simply had to get a game for. That flawed system has been ironed out of the game before it came to consoles.
Especially when it became free the amount of effort you have to put in was a simply waiting for the Download even now all you have to do is search up a link and you can get deathgarden in your Steam library. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but even before this happened the deathgarden cosmetics lost their exclusivity the second deathgarden basically became a thing that you just had to click a link to obtain unless you really wanted something to hold over console players head and go ha ha I'm on PC too bad for you
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I got it on console lmao I feel bad for everyone who bought a game just to get a mask
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I mean, I bought the game for the game not for the Meg mask. 🤷
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That is.. not the point I'm making? I'm not saying they shouldn't have given the masks to people, so I'm not sure where you're coming from with this.
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I think it's okay to give the mask to everyone, and, in general, I like it when things become less exclusive, not more.
However, I do understand why people get frustrated if they spent more money than they wanted to because they had FOMO deliberately created by the marketing and then it turned out there was nothing to miss out on because they thing wasn't really there for a limited time.
In that case, I don't think the answer is to keep things exclusive -- I think the answer is to stop trying to pressure players into buying more than they want to by making it seem like they're running out of time.
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any idea when the Trapper Death Garden mask will be available for console or playstation users to be specific? it should be out correct now tho its not showing up??