PSA: there's a human player playing killer

I just want to remind all you survivors that on the other end of that big scary killer is someone playing a game trying to have fun and actually putting in inputs into what the killer does.
Remember killers want to have fun to and it takes skill and game knowledge to play killer and they should also be rewarded for making good plays.
Thank you all and have a great day.
Ok cool
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Killers are PEOPLE!!!
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It seems like alot of survivors forget that you don't equip certain perks and addon and let the killer play its self. Theres a player on the other side using there skills and making reads and would like to be rewarded for doing so.
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But it's 1v4, 4 humans against 1
If the killer loses, only one person loses
If the survivors lose, 4 people can potentially lose
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Its a multi-player game if you want a 4v1 where you win all the time its called a single player game there's many options to chose from.
It been a 4v1 is not an excuse for the 4 to always win and get there way. I paid money for this game and have paid money for characters what give you more the right to have fun then me?
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Honestly it would probably be better if survivors didn't know there is a human being playing killer. I bet the tutorial bot doesn't get teabagged or flashlight clicked.
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I've heard of people tbagging zombies so it wouldn't surprise me if they did lol.
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The problem with this logic is that it isn't considering that the killer is the one getting ganged up on. It's like that seen at the end of Halloween Kills when Myers is getting beat up on by that gang.
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I swear
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If that would of been dbd it would of ended so different.
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One more thing been the 4v1 why is it always up the the 1 to make sure the 4 have fun especially when it isn't returned.
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Myers wins though?
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In the movie yes but if it would have been going by dbd not so much lol.
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Oh lmao troo troo
They would have been teabagging and ######### his eyes with flashlights after
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Youre mistaken, I bagged the ######### outta that trashcan!
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I straight pictured that happiness in to movie if hilarious.
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I'd like to know who's behind the ghostface mask, but they never wanna take it off.
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This sounds like a mystery for Scooby-doo and the gang.
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This content has been removed.
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Whataboutism isn't saying that you have a problem with the behaviour; it's saying that you want only certain people to so it. There are both toxic survivors and toxic killers but, for whatever reason, there are more toxic survivors than there are killers and killers receiving toxicity is currently a larger problem than vice versa.
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They should've did bones.
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Not all of us are humans tho.
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This F**king killed me right now.
Kudos to you
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The reason is most likely the player base size, as a killer you may see 4 toxic survs and as a Surv you only see 1.
And i've no doubt there is more Survs than killer mains as a percentage anyway.
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It's clearly important that 4Ks aren't the norm. I can agree with this.
The problem is the game manages to somehow make it feel like anything but a 4K is a loss for the killer.
One thing they said in a recent interview is the Survivors are playing 1 game vs. a Killer, and if they survive they win and should still feel good. And Survivors do still feel good, even if 3 other survivors die.
How many times do you have a 2K game where the last two survivors are teabagging like nuts while clicking their flashlights in the exit. It's like: "Why are you so happy, exactly? This was a draw game at best."
I think if they found a way to make 1K or 2K games still feel good for the killer, there would be less need to always 3K or 4K in order to feel like you did well.
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Killers can be just as toxic as survivors.
So it goes both ways tbh,
Then again people in general take this game serious still at this point which is cringe.