The artist is an S tier killer

Im glad we finally got a new killer that can compete on high mmr.
Build is use: Hex plaything, Hex: pentimento, scourged hook: Pain resonance and Tinkerer. Its very powerfull with a decent amount of map/tile knowledge.
Not only is this build amazing or her abilitie to counter loops easily, but we can finally play the game without the perks (like ruin/pop/etc) that have been dominating for a while.
Plz BHVR, dont nerf her!
I’m glad I have two S tier killers to enjoy: Spirit and Artist.
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S rank?
I don't think so.
Right now, a lot of people get scared when they get swarmed - but all they need to do is repel immediately and you have maybe a second to land a second crow strike if you start setting up the second you can.
She can shut down loops - but we are past the era of hard looping and now it's just a matter of running to the next tile.
She reminds me a lot of pre-rework Plague, everything she does causes a hitch and it's incredibly clunky. She's decent in 1v1 chases, but I've found that (like pre-rework Plague and modern Trickster and Slinger) she can spend so long downing and hooking that people can just smash out gens.
Penti is okay, but requires Plaything and a team that doesn't just ignore Plaything (voicecomes make it do almost nothing) or boon the totems (any team that is paying even loose attention will know exactly where Penti went up).
Pain Resonance is pretty solid though. I get a lot of use out of it on Hag.
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Spirit is A tier
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She’s still very much S tier in the right hands. People need to realize that.
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No shock value with her anymore, she now is counters by the same one strategy surv a bother to learn.
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Yeah it’s good to have more variety in the high tiers. I still think more anti loop wasn’t the way to go though
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Shotgun addons festering carrion and thick tar make sure you can use a new dire crow before they can get rid of the swarm.
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S Tiers sounds a bit too much, imho...I think she reaches A Tier, at best.
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Why would you hold W against a ranged character.....bruh she will just shoot you through a wall....
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That's more then enough for me. The fear is that they'll push her down with unreasonable nerfs for some dumb reason in the future.
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I definitely would not say S.
A seems more reasonable and I could even see an argument for high B.
I definitely don't think she's bad, but people are way over exaggerating.
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For me, She is TOP A tier, Just a bit weaker then nurse, but, more strong then blight and spirit. Finally a good killer against SWF. But, of course, the nerf list for her coming soon in the next patch. always happen this. And she makes move to B Tier, and we come back to Nurse, Blight and Spirit again.
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Artist without landmine crows is not S tier anymore, imho. Still very good, but definitely not a contender with Spirit.
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I see a massive amount of potential in her.
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I'm inclined to disagree. She's solidly A-Tier.
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Despite how much i love her she is top tier A, she can snipe mapwide but in some maps with second floors she is less powerfull. Also against W holders unless the are already swarmed you cannot do a lot to catch them unless you just shotgun them with crows if they are already injured.
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She's a little map dependent. On good maps, I'd say she's top 5 or around that number. Otherwise she's low A, maybe even high B
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The s in s tier stands for speed, which artist doesn't have. Don't get me wrong, she is a very solid a tier but nowhere near s tier
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I think she is interesting. I am enjoying having a killer where I need to think more about how to use the ability (in terms of using crow angles and timing). I feel like people still need to get used to her though. I think maps that have a lot of lockers will hurt her a bit.
At this stage if you are hit with crows and there is a locker nearby, there is no reason to not quick vault into it. But still learning!
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dunno. With tar bottle and her fastening carrion add-on that increase repel swarm time and reduce cooldown. you can fire 1 crow, swarm them than just shoot 2-3 crow that snipe through walls. you can also put a crow near pallet facing a window and it mostly shutdown the tile loop.
I've been running Oppression+Survellance+Ruin+Scourge hook: Pain Resonance where Oppression+Survellance just hightlight every gen in yellow and there is gimmick with her ability where you can line up 2 crows back to back and get injures.
so she has anti-loop to counter tileset play, a ranged attack to counter hold-W strategies and global map pressure & information.
I think my only major complaint playing her is dead hard. Its really hard counter to her ranged attack and without yellow/grey add-on, you can't use her ranged attack properly. I wish her repel was 1 second longer so that I could run green exhaustion add-on to remove dead hard.
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She B tier at best. Nurse spirit huntress are far better.
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Yup the only S tier killer is the Nurse. If Nurse is a given tier, everyone else is lower.
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I would agree if the swarm couldn't be repelled at lightning speeds. Like her though but to call her S-tier makes me think you only play bots.
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S tier ?!
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yeah s tier... at low mmr against bad survs...
Post edited by sadakiyo on5 -
I couldn't agree more. 1300 hours, I'd rank her above Nurse and Spirit. Actually I'd drop Nurse and Spirit down to A, drop everyone else down to a grade, then put her in S by herself.
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I find her really hard to play, and cant find a good build on her to work.
I find by the time I use 1 set of crows on someone, theyre gone by the time the cooldown is over ( Yes I know the CD is longer if I use 3, I am using 1 )
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thats a bold claim
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I forgot to add, but against good swf and genrush overall, every killer is "bad" even nurse or spirit or blight or artist.
The fact that she is so high on tier is really her power on loops. Map pressure with crows. Even tho as M1 killer.
Let me put it like this.
She's the best M1 killer without fast map travel out there atm
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And yet, others are claiming it as well. I think it's easily substantiated. She can lock down kills very quickly in the right hands, which is enough to throw the entire game. The quicker the first person is on the hook, the quicker people have to leave their gens to go get them, the quicker Ruin or Oppression get to work, etc. Nurse can arguably lock down a chase more quickly but it depends on the Nurse. The average Artist is going to take less skill than the average Nurse. That's why I'd rank her at the tippy top.
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The devs didn't even intentionally plan for Artist to be able to truly snipe people on gens, did they? Hit them with swarms from afar, maybe, for the purpose of revealing Survivors... but not set up a swarm into damage chain, right?
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Why would you not look behind you to avoid the slow projectile the size of a semi truck that you can see through terrain?
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The only S tier killer is Nurse.
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The devs appear aware of her two-crow sniping ability, that is precisely why there must be a .75 second delay between the crows to go from Swarm -> Health state. They're basically saying "Put the crows too close together and it's unfair for the survivors, space them out enough and it's fair game because the Survivor now have an appropriate amount of warning. Her shriek, the travel time of the first crow + swarm, the possibility of a second crow."
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She can only do that if you don't repell the swarm. So yes holding W is like the bane of the artists existence.
That said, I don't think she is S tier. More like A tier. She is good, but nowhere near in the same park as nurse. I already had bully SWF destroy me so...
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No she isn't lol. Shes, at absolute best, an A tier on maps that are amazing for her. Dead Dawg, ARP, Coal Mine, Lerys to an extent.
She drops to middle of B tier for most other maps.
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She can only Snipe like that when people are stupid enough to not repel the swarm :) If people are stubborn and want to stick on their gen with a swarm, they deserve to get downed or lost a health state :)
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By the time she's lined up her shot, you should have the swarm almost gone (if she set it up instantly) - and it's still generally faster to just M1 you.
That's how she often feels to me against teams that know how to handle her. An M1 killer with some mild information gathering and the very occasional lucky shot.
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Wait a minute, they didn't improve her swarm duration at all between crow cooldowns?
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You need addons to be able to injure/down ppl with a swarm on them. Addons that lower the cd and increase swarm duration.
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love that build, for sure.
if you want to play more aggressively/stealthy, try swapping tinkerer for devour or thrill.
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in terms of perk build, I don't see any changes
you are just replacing one boring slowdown build for another
but she is pretty strong and very fun and enjoyable to play
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Damn I'm glad I didn't spend money on that ######### holy hell. Worse than the ptb. I was tempted too.
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What high MMR survivors are out there doing bones in this day and age?
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I've played the Artist a lot ever since she came out and in my opinion the artist when she is mastered she is definitely an oppressive killer 1. She can scout gen 2. She can contest multiple survivors at once 3. She can end chases pretty quick 4. No such thing as looping 5. Even if survivors are holding W a good artist will know that and expect it 6. She has a very high skill cap on power with blight and a little bit of nurse as well 7. She is not just an anti looper she is also ranged as well because you can use Crows for range rather than anti loops And with all of that she is definitely an S tier killer if you mastered her witch I did mastered her so yeah she is S Tier.
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She's strong but she's A tier at best. Way too much counterplay.
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She's definitely good; she's the only one who can put pressure on a second survivor on gens while chasing another