Stealth Killers...

*Warning: Personal Opinion Within*
I hate stealth killers. Period end of discussion now everyone can please ######### right off.
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Do bones.
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I hope you're joking. Seriously.
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SWF ruins stealth killers for me. There's nothing a killer can do to counter being fed so much information.
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What do you mean they don't have to worry about being spotted? The whole counter to their abilities is being spotted, especially Ghostface. If you can spot them before they can use their power all you have to do is break line of sight with them. Not to mention, practically all of the stealth killers are pretty weak.
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This kind of reply is why I put the not paying attention part. Doesn't matter how strong they are, they can almost always get closer than any other killer which is an advantage that while not over powered is infinitely more frustrating than any other killers power beside maybe one or two others
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Do you hate tinkerer as well? Since it is pretty common.
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Did i miss the memo when did ghostface and myers became top tier killer
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Tinkerer is a fine perk. Use it on a few builds myself. This post is about stealth killers. Not that they're overpowered but that they're frustrating. And that's my opinion. It's why the warning is in there at the top. It's all my feelings that I just wanted to get out to people that at least know what I'm talking about regardless if they agree. I'm not gonna complain to my non gaming fiance about stuff she doesn't understand or care about.
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They aren't. I just find stealth killers incredibly frustrating
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You hate when killer sneaks up to you. That is what I got from your posts and I mentioned tinkerer.
Why are you sneaking up to people for "free" hits then as well?
You are not full fledged stealth killer maybe but you are using stealth as well.
Just a food for thought.
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I'm not gonna be one other who insults someone's intelligence but tinkerer doesn't let you sneak up on anyone. It lets you know when a gen is almost done. If I head towards it, as say Doc, I can't "sneak up" on people if I tried. I have a terror radius that doesn't just go away with stealth killers. It's a warning to survivors that "Yeah, I'm coming."
So tinkerer is not a bad perk. And survivors hiding? It's about the best thing they can do to avoid chases if that's what they want to do. So it's not food for thought if the food is inherently plastic, just like Tinkerer isn't free hits, it's info. I don't have a problem with info, I have an issue with stealth killers.
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You are insulting my intelligence by not even knowing that tinkerer gives you undetectable.
No need to be rude especially when you don't even know how the perk works.
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Well I'm sorry I don't know every text on every perk. I though I was very respectful given that fact. Now allow me to insult you're intelligence by saying you're completely ignoring the fact that Tinkerer is a perk and must be used with complimenting perks to do much more than info and a condition buff. Stealth killers are stealth AS A POWER. They do it basically at will, regardless of a gens progression level. So Tinkerer is fine because it has conditions aside from *Just press a button.*
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This thread is baby mode lmao
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This thread is a killer main, that doesn't play stealth killers, airing their issues with a particular type of killer. It's all opinion based anyway.
Besides figured since most of the time survivors do nothing but winge and complain about killers anyway I'd say my peace.
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I think everyone's just confused at complaining stealth killers are stealthy.
Like, that's the point. They can get close without trumpeting "I AM HERE TO HURT YOU, HELLO LITTLE SURVIVORS".
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But here's the thing.
1: I very clearly state in the beginning that it's my personal feelings. If you don't agree cool. But obviously I'm just venting my frustrations to people who understand the game and could, hopefully, at least understand my feelings. Again even if they don't disagree.
2: As a killer main, the amount of times I see survivor mains posting their own complaints is exhausting. I figured this was my opportunity to express my feelings, hence the disclaimer but a post can never go without someone pushing their glasses up so the light catches and obscures their eyes while saying "WeLl AcTuAlLy...." It's why I put the freaking disclaimer.
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I think stealth killers are technically a baby mode check, but not for the killer player... If you need early warnings, you should work to improve your survivor gameplay a touch... And a half.
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Stealth killers are baby mode, not baby mode check. They get to close distance with stealth on top of things like be almost completely invisible, insta down, huge lunge range w/ a speed buff. It's not about "..nEeDiNg EaRlY wArNiNgS.." It's about that they get powers on stop of being able to go undetected almost will. And with as many maps with high walls, or that are indoors, as there are you don't get a lot of time to react before they're sniff your deodorant.
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What I'm getting out of all of this is that people expect me to get multiple games in a row, either indoor or on high wall maps, against Wraiths, Pigs, and Ghostfaces, and not get frustrated to the point that I just want to voice MY OPINION to people who also play the game. Sorry that I don't have a "Rant" section in Discussions to post in. But I'm sure if I was complaining about Spiritpre-nerf, or Blight, or any other of the top tier killer ######### survivors tend to complain about, we'd all be singing songs and holding hands.
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People are free to disagree just like you are free to voice your opinion.
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I suggest you use Spine Chill. Granted, it doesn't tell you what direction they're coming from, but it does alert you they're coming and gives you time to better position yourself. You just have to be alert the second it shines.
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To me they are annoying
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weird moment here... most stealth killers are actually pretty bad. I mean... before Deathslinger's ability to stealth got deleted, he was the best one because he actually has a backup plan for when Stealth doesn't work. That can be the map or very aware Survivors or Spine Chill... but for real, there's a lot of potential counters to stealth play.
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I mean, if it was just an oppinion, like "I really hate those insta-down Killers like Billy, Bubba or Oni. Its not that they are overpowered, but I just dont like the mechanic. Grrr!" thats ok, anyone has their preverences. But OP went into a discussion, trying to convince us that stealth killers are (BAD WORD) and that the Tinkerer perk didn't turn anyone into a pseudo stealth killer, which I would at least object: if played right, the stealth from Tinkerer can very easily result in a down and a dispersed crowd of survivors. But eh, thats also just an opinion.
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I honestly think Spine Chill is in the running for worst designed perk in the game because of the way status notifications work.
A progress-boosting perk that gets used as an information perk that pressures players into strafing everywhere like it's a DOOM speedrun is not a good bloody design.
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If you're not sure at the start of the game then just check your surroundings every so often while doing gens. Just put on the brakes and walk around for a bit, open your LoS and check nearby, that kinda stuff. Still works even if you know it's a stealth killer.
You dont have to rush gens so hard that you forget how to play against stealth killers. Once you know someone else is being chased or hit then you can go back to what you were doing 90% of the time. Just be careful of running survivors, injured or not.
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Except the stealth killers are the weakest killers in this game. All you have to do is to pay attention or if you are lazy enough to do that put on some spinechill.
I love going against stealthies. I don't even care if i lose. Jumpscares i get from them is fun. I'll take ghosty or Michael any day over any other killer. Tired of seeing ranged killers all the time + nurse.
Survivors complain about the weirdest things nowdays...
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How ironic you calling the weakest group of killers in the game a "baby mode" these forums are truly the best
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For one stealh killers are already destroyed by like 80% of DBD maps which are extremely open.
And for second if you really hate stealth killers, just take 1 antistealth perk and that will counter all of them completely.
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I guess you must hate playing Killer then because the whole thing from survivors is being hidden from the killer.
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Most of the game is badly designed.
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Use your camera or use spine chill
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"if there was a way you could stop yourself from playing against a limited list of killers I'd never see a stealth killer again and be much happier for it.
If this ever became a thing Nurse players or even remotely viable killers who have the potential to be a threat to survivors would never ever get a match ever again.
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But that's what Wraith does when he Ding Dongs....I'm polite and let them know I'm there to hit them with my wacking stick.