We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Make MMR visible for the Player

DangerTHC Member Posts: 9
edited December 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I quite don´t understand why the MMR Rating has to be hidden for the actual player.

There is no sense in this imo.

I would like to see on which rate I am actually so I can assume which players I go against.

Also we would see how the system is working.

What´s your oponion on that?


  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    Because then people could see if they are getting matched with someone way below/above their mmr. It's like getting rainbow ranks in old system and having screenshot to show matchmaking wasn't working. Now you can say the match didn't feel even but can't prove matchmaking isn't working.

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    It would make people play even more sweaty than they already do, now that they could see their mmr value they would want to try and increase it to its max.

    No one wants even more sweaty and competitive games it makes the experience highly miserable

  • DangerTHC
    DangerTHC Member Posts: 9


    That´s the reason why I think MMR has to be shown. I am Suvivor Main and a Killer Newbie (I am very bad) and nearly every Match I get into Matches where I seriously think I don´t belong to. The Skill Difference is so high that I would rage quit every second game.

    That´s a point.

    As mentioned above I am a killer Newbie. So I don´t have any meta perks available yet.

    Unfortunately I am confronted with meta perks, good items and God Survivors which can loop me for ages.

    I have no problem with loosing, sometimes I even want to lose to reduce my MMR Rating.

    But every time I get stomped so drastically that there is absolutley no room for me to learn or improve my gameplay.

    Thank you for your statements.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    The MMR system is not a progression system- you're not "supposed" to be trying to max it out. If you could see your own number and how much it goes up/down by, quite a few people would - justifiably - start trying to make the number go up, since that's how most games which show you the number want you to act.

    Additionally, you'd see people in the wider community start discarding certain opinions out of hand if they don't meet a certain MMR status, because people assume that the ability to play the game is the same as the ability to analyse or comment on the game accurately. I've personally seen it before in other games that have a ranked mode- main reason I don't want a ranked mode for this game.