Is No Mither considered "toxic" now?

I've been using the perk for 2 days because I wanted to spice things up a bit, and have noticed that I get hit on hook, nodded at and even facecamped way more than I did when I wasn't running it.
I do not teabag or point or whatever.
Has anyone had the same experience?
As far as I know, No Mither is either considered a meme or an easy prey.
Toxic? Never seen that.
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I'm doing solo Q, so I wouldnt really consider it a meme. I'm using resilience, iron will and dead hard with it.
Also I hope I'm not considered "easy prey" since I'm on crossplay off pc and its mostly nurses and blights, and have been escaping/dying 50/50 I'd say.
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Well, then I don't know what it is.
Maybe the killer was angry because of another match and took it out on you?
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I've had at least 4 killers doing it though, not just 1.
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Oh...then I really don't know.
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I wouldn't go out of my way to be toxic, but I wouldn't encourage it.
Basically, I'd tunnel whoever uses it out, hopefully getting them to be a better teammate by realizing No Mither is a bad perk
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I wouldn't go out of my way to be toxic, but I wouldn't encourage it.
Basically, I'd tunnel whoever uses it out if I had the chance, hopefully getting them to be a better teammate by realizing No Mither is a bad perk
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What? I just said I don't play toxic at all. So i'm guessing no mither is toxic now too? damn I guess you cant run anything these days or killers might get offended.
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Core rule of humans
Everything is toxic to atleast somebody.
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They really have to be big losers and noobs if they get mad at you for mither.
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I never said it was toxic.
It's just a dick move to run it in Solo Q because you've basically just killed people's hope of escaping.
How would you feel if YOU saw someone with No Mither in Solo Q? I know how I feel and good is pretty much the opposite of how I feel.
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I think the people who are killing our hope of escaping are the ones who go down in 2 seconds and dont do gens or go for saves, not the ones who can loop, do gens and go for saves and use no mither.
How would I feel? Good for them, as long as it isn't a Oni and they aren't useless I'm fine with them using no mither. Id rather have a no mither team mate than a self care team mate.
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Well, good for you.
I'd encourage everyone to run No Mither as a Killer player. That would make my job way easier.
Unfortunately, your choice to run, objectively, a perk that makes the game SIGNIFICANTLY harder for everyone results in people getting stuck in their MMR-range and also likely results in you being in the incorrect skill bracket, which is unfair for the Killer.
No Mither is an extremely unhealthy perk and it needs a change, give it a use and I won't be as pissed.
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Only to your teammates
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Sure you can encourage people to run no mither, the only person who gets a harder game is me who is using no mither, which is the challenge I was looking for because it encourages me to try to do my best at looping and try to improve, making chases more difficult for me, but not impossible.
I don't think these sweaty blights and nurses on crossplay off on pc are really bothered with "unfair matches for the killer", since from my experience people in crossplay off are looking for something more challenging, that's why most people play with their best meta perks and you see so many nurses and blights.
I don't think it's that deep. No mither is meant to be a challenging perk, or a meme depending on how you want to use it. I think the only change it needs it's not being obvious that you have it, so killers actually slug you since they are unaware you're using it.
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"The only person who gets a harder game is me who is using no mither."
Yeah, definitely not your teammates who now have someone who goes down in one hit instead of two. If No Mither is a detriment to you, it also hurts your team.
That IS how team-based games work. The actions of one affect the others.
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Id rather last 1 min+ in chase with 1 hit than go down in 10 seconds with 2 hits.
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Honestly, if you can go down in 10 seconds in two hits....that's respectable because I'm pretty sure running in a straight line after getting hits gives you ~20 seconds.
Also, I'm not specifically talking about you. If you want to be a god looper with No Mither, go for it. You'd be better without it, but if you're still good with it, who cares.
If you're average without it, you'll be AWFUL with it and a huge detriment to your team.
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I was exaggerating when I said 10 seconds, though that does happen sometimes, i've seen it.
This game is all about time management, and if someone goes down really fast without no mither, they'll go as fast with no mither, and vice versa.
I don't believe no mither is really a problem here when there are people who do way worse without it.
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No perk is considered "toxic".
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I've seen a lot of killers considering things like headon toxic.
I've even had a wraith accuse me of being a "toxic swf" because I was using pebble..
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I don't even like that word as it's way overused in these forums.
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I rarely use it too that's why I used "toxic" in quotations.
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The only thing wrong with No Mither is you should not START the trial injured.
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I don’t think No Mither is toxic, I just think it’s a terrible perk. Yeah, hypothetically there’s some weird niche uses but mostly it’s just playing with a handicap. (And also lag switchers like to use it which doesn’t help its reputation probably.)
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It has a negative association now as it's used by a lot of hackers and switchers.
Switchers especially - as being unhookable + perma Unbreakable is basically immortality.
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What is a switcher? and how is someone using no mither unhookable? what
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Without going into too many details, it's a sort of hack (kinda) that futzes with your connection on demand. When the killer tries to pick you up, they will essentially freeze in place for a few seconds and you'll still be on the ground. You can also do it when they try to hook you.
Usually the answer to people like this would be just to leave them slugged to bleed out, but if they have No Mither they can just pick themselves up endlessly, which means they can often hold the match hostage until the killer gives up and just lets them win/DCs.
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I've never encountered that before.
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I've seen it twice (once was a complete failure, likely thanks to my bonkers fast connection) but you'll see it a fair amount on high MMR streamers that play killer. Otz seems to run into it once or twice a day.
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Running a perk isn’t toxic.
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that's bizzare, no.
if anything, I'll usually give no mither users a second chance or two if I down them right away so that they get a chance to play.
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To be fair head-on is really only a swf bully tool. You might be able to get use out of it in solo but swf get the most out of it.
As for the pebble they were just been a cry baby if thats the case pebble over dh any day.
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More than anything it's crazy how the devs want to keep No Mither as a trash "hard mode" perk that no one uses precisely because of that...
The only reason why the killer won't tunnel you is because they're accepting your memeing, but by any means they're not obligated to do that and just troll you instead.
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You're just giving them the 'hard mode' they desire by tunneling/camping them out ASAP - People know the downsides of No Mither and willingly bring it ;3
They're usually a weaker target for the whole game (unless they greatly outskill you) with the added bonus of giving you a super fast shortcut to 3v1 if they're the first person you find.
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Is it really hard mode "they" desire when they are on hook not doing anything at all? Curious
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Only if they get camped to death, of course.
One Chase Wonder (skippable if you are good enough to grab them/kind enough to gift them with EXTREME mode) -> One Hit Wonder -> One Hook Wonder -> Death is the only way to grant such a challenge!
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Really dont see the challenge of being on hook not touching buttons
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I believe it.