Why can’t you rekindle Hex: Pentimento multiple times but survivors can have unlimited boons?

GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

I’m usually someone that doesn’t have that much of an issue with boons as I don’t think they’re that OP. I think COH shouldn’t have self healing but that’s about the only thing I’d nerf about it. I must say though, I find it so unfair that Pentimento can’t be rekindled unlimited times when COH, Exponential, and Shadowstep are all infinitely better.

It would be a nice buff to a perk that already suffers from boons if you just made it have unlimited rekindles. I think it’s a neat perk and I would love to see it more often.


  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    If it makes the mythical 5 stack pentimento possible i'm down for it.

    Probably going to have to switch some of the effects around then. 30% slowdown is quite a lot for a single totem that could be rekindled constantly

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    Because the values are too high for that to be up semi-permanently if survivors keep cleansing and you keep rekindling. It'd be a massively oppressive presence in the trial if it could be rekindled infinitely.

    Also, the equivalence between Pentimento (or hexes in general) and boons is a tenuous one; they're not the same mechanic, so they have different balancing.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    I mean but can we say the same about COH? Hag is a killer that suffers from that because she doesn’t commit to chases and it removes her snowball potential.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    Yes, we could. That's why CoH is massively overpowered and needs to be nerfed lol

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910
  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    I'd say hard capped by any means, rather than specifically just removing it from CoH.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Imo it should be the other way around. Boons should have limited number of uses before you can't set them up anymore.

    Something like each boon perk you take gives you 2 stacks for blessing a totem so if you just take CoH, you can bless it only 2 times so if killer snuffs both out, you can't set it up anymore. But if you take 3 boon perks, you suddenly have 6 stacks so the chance you run out of blessing option before match ends is suddenly very low.

    That way if you're going for near full boon build, you have far more then enough stacks to bless anything anytime but if you're just using 1 boon perk, you have to be strategic about when and where you'll bless.

    I would even give some further buffs to boons since this would be quite sizable limit, so bigger aoe effect, smaller sound notification for killer etc.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Because permanent -30% gen speeds would be ridiculous? Thana is already kind of a dead perk due to CoH, but this would just put it in the grave.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    I don't know why the totem gets permanently destroyed after it's been rebuilt once. It's just an unnecessary downside.

  • Danyonetta
    Danyonetta Member Posts: 98

    Boons take 16(?) seconds to bless and like 2 seconds to snuff while pentimento takes <1 second to make and is mapwide and takes the normal cleanse (or increased boon) time to revert.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    I mean that is true but the killer’s time is way more valuable than a single survivor’s time.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    There would never be a reason to boon a pentimento hex because it'll be destroyed by pentimento regardless.

    Unfortunately this hex is really only good if matches went on for about 20 minutes. I've managed to have some success with a retribution/plaything/pentimento build and gotten the 5 totem a handful of times but for 4/5 of those times the game was already over. Either the gens were done, or all the aura reading from ret+play destroyed the team so it didn't matter.