Dead hard should be completely removed.

This perk just does not fit into the game, you should never be rewarded for a trash play. I know there will be many people saying "oh but NOED" and such, and i can argue that yes, NOED does reward you for trash plays. And i am open to a noed rework. Here i will list one below.
NOED: As soon as the exit gates are powered, all survivors are immediately injured and broken for 40/50/60 seconds.
Edit: ignore the rework above, that still rewards you.
Let us make NOED A token-based perk, shall we?
You get a token each time you hook a survivor, to a maximum of 8 tokens
1 token: survivors are exposed for 20/25/30 seconds
2 tokens: survivors are exposed for 30/35/40 seconds
3 tokens: survivors are exposed for 40/50/60 seconds
4 tokens: survivors are exposed for 60/70/80 seconds
5 tokens: survivors are exposed for 70/80/90 seconds
6 tokens: survivors are exposed for 90/95/100 seconds
7 tokens: survivors are exposed for 100/110/120 seconds
8 tokens: survivors are indefinitely exposed
-laughs in no mither and adrenaline-
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the lettering is creepy as #########. anyways, wdym? and yes this does work lol
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They just buffed DH and it is one of the most precious perks to survivors, there is no way the devs will nerf it. None.
As for NoEd, it doesn't need a nerf. It can be removed before it activates just by survivors doing their secondary objective. It can be removed after it activates and it can be avoided by just going through the gates. If survivors get downed by NoEd it is either their fault or their lazy teammates fault for not doing totems. Remember, survivor is a team player role and for better or worse, you will be affected by the actions or inaction who you're paired with. If they don't do bones, it's not the perks fault.
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I just want this from DH:
"After the Dash, you cannot interact with Pallets or Windows for 5 seconds."
And done!
Now you can use it to dodge a hit, as it should.
But using it for distance? In your dreams.
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maybe true. but there should never be a perk that can reward bad plays, id say just remove it or your suggestion and i would be completely fine with it
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I wouldn't care about being broken if I already am. Also adrenaline because like hell I'd run sprint burst on a no mither build.
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It's not a trash play if on their end it was an intentional play.
That's like saying Spirit Fury is a trash play because the killer swings even though they know they aren't getting stunned by a pallet because they get a a stun-free get out of jail card.
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Can we stop saying you use dead hard when you where "outplayed" in most scenarios its total nonsense, they greeded that pallet or window on purpose.
Also getting rid of deadhard would make nurse and blight in particular way stronger and I dont think we necessarily need that.
Deadhard is so easy to wait out 90 percent of the time aswell.
And honestly that just sounds like a noed buff if anything, the totem hardly last 20 seconds as is. It would be devour hope with no way of knowing until end game.
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but using it for distance is exactly the opposite of a bad play with dh?????
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Yeah, and while they are at it, add more distance because then this perk becomes useless.
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It's not a fair perk. Plain and simple, it is basically a free health state and chase extender at no cost, and it becomes painfully clear just how steamrolled "good" Survivors would get without it.
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I still fully believe its nearly the same as all exhaustion perks, it's a matter of when it happens.
Lithe- extra zoom to increase chase time, possibly make to a new loop/pallet, possibly escape chase
Dead Hard- dodge a hit for increased chase time, possibly make to a new loop/pallet, will not escape chase
Headon- stun the killer for increased chase time, can make to a new loop/pallet, possibly escape chase
I can keep going, but my point is dead hard feels worse than other exhaustion perks because it's right in your face, and often cancels your action.
If it's this bad, change ALL of them.
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hmm yes lemme wait out a dh for distance allowing them to get to a pallet then a loop and then waste 20 more seconds of what should have been a down.
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Dead Hard cannot be removed because it is intertwined in archive challenges. But I am okay with them making it useless.
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They should just rework it. Having a Perk that grants invincibility in a game like this where one side is on a timer isn't good
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I agree with removing dead hard.
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Dead Hard has become an absolutely OP perk in this game. How can I hit a survivor then they immediately DH or hit & DH at the same time but doesn't inflict damage?? My games are being ruined w/ DH. I get the full animation of a hit w/ blood splatter & noise of being hit but they DH and doesn't even put them in a dying state??????? GET RID OF THIS DAMN PERK. STOP MAKING THIS GAME OP FOR ONLY SURVIVORS AND PLAY FAIR FOR THE KILLER MAINS OUT HERE. Just remember Dev's its 4 survivors v. 1 killer. We have to hook 12 times to just get a 4k in the game.Make the game fair is all i want. There is too many perks and add-ons for survivors but nothing for killers. Half the killer perks do nothing. Survivor OP perks= DH, BT, Adrenaline, self-care, Unbreakable, DS, Sprint Burst, too name a few. What does killers have BBQ & Chili, Pop Goes the Weasel and tinkerer. TAKE DH OUT THE GAME..........
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NOED is such a hard perk to have since the intro to the new totem survivors and play. Everyone is doing totems, now the killer has to try and hook 12 times and locate totems or try to keep them off them, like #########. we have 4 survivors and 5 gens to watch from going 100% now totems. I stopped running NOED cause its useless.
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Makes sense that you have a nurse avatar, deadhard is the only reason why survivors have a chance against god nurses and blights at high mmr
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I’m not even a nurse main or even played her for more than 3 games. The game is based solely on survivors. You have 4 ppl against 1 killer. 4 survivors w/ DH is stupid. GET RID OF DH.
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Does it sound like a good rework Dead Hard so it no longer makes you invincible while you are using it, and as compensation the distance of the dash is increased by an extra half of a metre? To me it sounds fine, as you will no longer be able to use it to dash over Trapper's traps, and no longer able to dash through a Killer, as the hitbox of the Survivor will no longer be removed. And any other Killer ability that gave you a free pass when you should have been downed, Dead Hard will also no longer save you from those. This change will also remove by default the „hit valitadion” issue, since there will be no more invincibility offered to be validated from
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You cannot be nit picking and comparing Spirit fury to Dead hard because intentional means something is fine.....
There are massive differences in power level between the two. Dead hard has no pre req and can be used anytime you want off cooldown. Spirit fury needs to break minimum of 2 pallets before hand depending on tier. Spirit fury by itself isnt that good. It relies on Enduring to get maximum effect. That's 2 perk slots. Dead hard doesn't require another perk to reach it's peak effectiveness. Dead hard can be used way more times than Spirit fury in a match simply because there are 4 survivors.
Not to mention Spirit fury isn't a stun free get out of jail card. You still get stunned. You can at least get your facts correct especially if you are nit picking.
I could go on but the point was it being intentional = not trash so it can't be bad for the game. So, if we want to losely nit pick examples. Gunslinger literally got nerfed for intentional play with his mechanics to get closer in chases by faking his shot. Slingers were doing this intentionally, they knew what they were doing so I guess that means that was another unjust killer nerf. You want a perk? Sure! Coupe de grace got nerfed. Killers were able to use it intentionally but it still got nerfed.
I am sure the list goes on and on for both survivors and killers. I am just tired of hearing Dead hard is okay everyone because they use it intentionaaaally. Well, no poop they used it intentionally. That's how the perk is used. There is more to consider than using it intentionally.
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The thing is every other exhaustion perk can make the chase longer but that's Okey if you make it to a window and the get lithe I was obviously not in range to stop you from vaulting but the amount of fair downs that get prevented with DH is just obscure.
We are in a big wall loop mind gaming each other I win could down you but you just need to pull out your get free card even so you lost the mind game. So there is no reason for me to be good at mind games or to enhance my skill cause almost every surv is running DH.
if killers had a perk where let's say when I miss a hit the hit I just get dragt into the survivor and get the hitsurvivors would rant like hell and rightfully so
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I don't mind that it can be used to create distance, thats fine, but to negate a hit that does hit you, i.e a hatchet straight to the back of your head is just silly.
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"I am going to press a button and get to that window faster and avoiding damage in a way that the killer cannot counter".
That is not a good play. At all.
9 users beg to differ.
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sure, as long as nurse gets removed too :')
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when exit gates are powered all survivors are automatically sacrificed to the entity and the killer wins. hows about that?
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100% agreed with this
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That sounds sooooooo fair not gonna lie. After all, it is No One Escapes Death
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Bad idea for noed. Why do I have to be injured 1 minute and if I don't have iron will the killer can easily find me. No thanks. And the last one is horrible.
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The Nurse requires skill to use, I do agree that her "torn bookmark" add-on is completely busted though. Its basically Nurse "Easy Mode".
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everyone wants dead hard gutted lol so the bottom point is just unpopular opinion. Plus, Dead Hard is nothing but a crutch
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I came up with an idea to nerf dead hard that actually fits this.
Basically, dead hard no longer has I-Frames to killer powers, so you get hit by blight rush, huntress hatchet, artist crows, etc.
Nurse, however, i do believe should be countered by dead hard. As she has 3 blinks with an add-on it wont matter tbh
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it's true though. If you miss a hit then tp to the survivor and hit them in a killer perk. But it's a dead-hard killer version lmao. The only upside being u have to be injured with dead hard and say this gets added the killer perk, you can only use it when you're recovering from ur power? so nurse now can tp to u no matter what. Easy, huntress? no problem just TP. Dead Hard is busted and is the survivor's precious crutch so they can call themselves skilled
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That's exactly what I wanted to prove with that example no body would accept such a killer perk but DH is fine somehow
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Honestly nerfing is the worst idea possible instead the devs should buff every other perk in the game.
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I just want survivors to get massively nerfed so killers the power role, nerf dead hard, nerf CoH, make maps smaller, nerf boons so there's 2 boons placeable per boon perk u have. Make gen speeds 10s slower across the board.
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if every perk was as strong as dead hard this game would die.
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if you somehow think using dh to dodge a hit rather then use it for distance is the skillful way to use that perk then idk what to tell you man
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Sure something must be done I find it crazy that survs so often don't need to fear the killer. Like a Feng blocking the doorway and 7foot tall oni can't pass her lol
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I say the same to you, just the other way around.
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Wish granted, but instead entity removed dwight
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Yeah the same handful of people who constantly complain about it.
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because it's busted. it needs serious nerfs, or just remove/ rework it
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Disagree it would add much needed diversity
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Main reason I use dead hard. A high reward low risk perk. Only downside is not using it correctly and dead harding in an open area. It does need a rework or nerf. I don't know what though.
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no because I always run dead hard. It's one of the most useful perks
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yeah and remove any kind of counterplay from strong m2 killers, interesting suggestion.