Hello little feedback from a new player

lIIl Member Posts: 5
edited December 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

The matchmaking sucks why would you even make a rank system if you don't base your matchmaking around it. My survivors are naked no perks no add ons nothing same goes for the killers I got.

Still got into a full [BAD WORD] iridescent player game while being ASH 2 ????

I did not pay the main game and some DLC to get [BAD WORD] by nerds with 500 hours on the game.

Not without my consent.

Fix ur game.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224
    edited December 2021

    This game has been out a long time so if you are just starting out it will be rough sometimes. Lucky for you there are a lot of YouTube guides out there now and the DBD wiki is extremely helpful for diving into the details. Just remember it is a mind game.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033
    edited December 2021

    I can't tell what's worse. The complaints of people who do not know what they're talking about, or the ones who do.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    The ones who do are worst. The new players are still wide-eyed with wonder and do not know the limits of the game design yet.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695
    edited December 2021

    Your post made me laugh. Thanks I needed that! Sadly this is the nature of Dead by Daylight. The nature of SBMM is to suck new players into thinking that the game is something that it's not. Once you start climbing ranks it becomes an absolute sweaty mess. The game can be an absolute blast to play, but you have to have some thick skin. You will come across toxic actions, toxic statements, and matches where you get absolutely destroyed. If you can make it past that, then more power to you.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    To be fair the game is free in Epic games and I don't know how many players they made off from that but it's weird that they're not getting new players. Otherwise I agree with this argument normally. You're getting into a 5+ year old game with a dedicated stable player base.

  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556

    I swear I haven't laughed at a post in a wholesome manner on here ever, but this really made me laugh bro honestly.

    I get ya lmao

    But also, if you think 500 hours is nerdy, then ######### am I then? Over here sitting with 3k hours😂

  • Renfear
    Renfear Member Posts: 137

    It's never going to get better. Leave now or you'll end up like me, just barely scraping together the will to live

  • lIIl
    lIIl Member Posts: 5

    The posts were harsh but the main point stays I've only played in custom games with friends just so I can experience things about the game. I do not expect to roll over all my games as a killer but you shouldn't feel like a ######### whenever you do play killer.

    As I said I've won one game against people around the same level (skill wise) as me and the game right after that I ended up against absolute beasts.

    Whether the SBMM is a good idea or not I can't tell but I just think they should go easy with it as you shouldn't inflate your MMR with only one game

  • lIIl
    lIIl Member Posts: 5

    Winning just feels punishing

  • lIIl
    lIIl Member Posts: 5

    I'll still give it a chance. Might regret that. Wouldn't be my first time.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    There are a few main reasons you’ll get mismatches of player skill, even assuming the matchmaking works perfectly

    • The game eventually has to put people in a match after a while, and players who are really high rating have fewer similarly rated people in the overall pool to be matched with. So they can end up not being matched for a while, and eventually the game has to just give up trying to find a good match and put them in whatever game is available at the moment.
    • There are four survivors for every killer in the matches, so even if half the playerbase plays either side the survivors will tend to have a longer wait and fewer good matchmaking opportunities. This exacerbates the above point of putting higher rated survivors against lower rated killers.
    • High level players sometimes play with lower rated friends so they’re a package deal for matchmaking, meaning the killer they face is probably rated between them.
  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    Give it a few games, like 20, to balance out your MMR for killer. The system has no idea how skilled you are, so it puts together some matches and sees how you perform.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    >500 hr


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    I mean yeah MMR is doo doo but geez.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657
    edited December 2021

    Just wondering how many hrs you got. I was wondering how mmr would be on a new killer player because you start 800 away from the top mmr. I hate to tell you if you people with 500hrs suck wait tell you start running into people with 5k. Good luck to you

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    The hrs I'm just curious if you don't want to tell me thats fine. Mmr you start the game new playing against good player and I was wondering how it was been a new player in the mmr Era. I'm just saying that 500 hrs isn't that much in this game thats all.

  • Ginger_ninja493
    Ginger_ninja493 Member Posts: 63

    While I do agree that matchmaking isn't great, complaining about the grades doesn't mean anything since they don't contribute to your mmr, they just indicate how much you've played this season before rank reset.

    The new system doesn't help at all with new players. I started to learn killer after sbmm was implemented and was fine for the first few matches but then started getting sweaty quickly (around 3rd game in). Then trying to play a brand new killer I got an immediate sweat squad. For whatever reason sbmm goes up on all killers regardless of who you play, it doesn't help new players at all who want to try new killers especially since they won't have access to all perks straight away.