How to counter NOED

Not a counter, just helps make the counter easier. But it's still totally ridiculous to expect Solo Q players to cleanse 5 totems.
NOED needs some changes. Before people come at me with pitchforks, note how I did not say nerf.
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honestly, the pet peeve everyone has is that it rewards misplays like dead hard, if dead hard gets nerfed, so should NOED.
It should be a token-based perk imo
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You don't need a map. Just have a general knowledge of where totems spawn and keep an eye out for dull totems during the match. In the endgame, do a circuit of the dulls you've found, and any ex-boons. If it glows, it goes.
I've been seeing way more NOED since SBMM was implemented and I successfully defuse them about 75% of the time. When I don't, it's often because my teammates cleansed the dulls I'd located and NOED spawned on that one totem I was clueless about. Or I was the first one to be hit.
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I've taken stats for 104 games in Solo and Duo Q as I've run a totem hunting build (Small Game).
5 totems have been cleansed just 5% of the time. Most of the time, it's 3-4 totems cleansed.
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The point isn't to cleanse totems, it's just to find as many as you can and check them at the endgame. Cleansing totems was never a great time investment and now it will prevent your teammates from using perks they're often bringing, in addition to Pentimento, so I avoid it.
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You really don't need the map, because the map implies you're going to go cleanse every dull totem before NOED activates. If you have time to do that and you want to, great, you'll guarantee that NOED doesn't proc and the killer will have a dead perk slot - if they have it.
Rather, you keep note of where the dulls are and if NOED does proc, you go take care of it, IF AND ONLY IF you choose to take the risk of staying in the trial. There's another, far more potent counter to NOED, and it's to leave as quickly as possible while leaving the sorry sucker who got hit on the hook. You do not have to save them, and if you do, that's a very altruistic move but you're knowingly taking the risk of giving the killer value, same as going for a save against an instadown camper.
The only unfair thing about NOED is that one person doesn't get the chance to just leave, and that's the change I'd support making.
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this is true as well.
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Do bones.
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na let ur team boon them,
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Yes, a map is perfect, but… there’s no way we can tell if a killer has noed or not. :/ It’s hard to tell even with noobs now. 😟
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On the contrary I would say don't do bones. Just memorize totem locations and come back when there's NOED.
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There's no way to know for sure but, generally speaking, if you see the gens are going kinda fast, the chases are long or the killer's getting almost no hooks, then start looking for bones cause 99% they'll have NOED :/
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Do Bones
Equip any bone perk
But doing the very skill-heavy survivor objective, it's really too much to do bones as well.
BUT! If it happens somebody dies because of NOED, don't forget to bm at the exit gates and post-game-chat to show dominance!
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This forum swings wildly between 'do bones' and 'don't do bones, it's a terrible counter'. Like the collective average IQ swings over the course of the day.
Anyway, NOED needs reworking to make it a fairer, more engaging element.
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The ironic thing is you counter noed by not doing bones.
Every totem you cleanse is a chance for noed to be on a totem that hasen't been found untill you cleansed all 5.
Better to just remember the locations and cleanse it after the gens are done.
So yes op is right map is amazing counter to noed
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Why? Isn't the issue with NOED that it's not fair because bad killers get kills they shouldn't? If the killer, who only has 3 perks until the end, exerted so much pressure on the match that you couldn't do 5 totems, then they probably did actually deserve those kills at the end of the game. If they were the super bad killer most people say a NOED user is, then the match should have been easy enough to get 5 totems. Unless the survivors were just trying to get out ASAP and simply decided to rush despite a bad killer. Which in that case, is entirely their fault. "You can't expect solo survivors to not be terrible!" why?
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NOED either can be countered before the fifth gen is done, or the killer is playing with 3 perks until end-game. One or the other.
Because if you're demanding that survivors do five totems before fifth gen, that means NOED is a slow-down perk that is active during regular gameplay, no different from, say, Thanatophobia and Dying Light.
If the killer, who only has 3 perks until the end, exerted so much pressure on the match that you couldn't do 5 totems, then they probably did actually deserve those kills at the end of the game.
Unless it's solo queue and there's up to four survivors trying to do up to five totems without any means of communicating who is doing totems, where, and how many are already destroyed in which places. Those five totems are a TON of extra time, so it's really not hard for a killer to apply enough pressure to make doing five totems difficult, if not impossible.
Hell, you can stand under your first hook and you've already succeeded at doing exactly that, with literally zero effort.
The fact that NOED demands a massive investment into its supposed counter before it is declared is already bad enough, but its overreliance on cooperation between survivors that are not supposed to be able to coordinate this counter makes 'do bones' the most short-sighted and ill-thought-out response to NOED complaints possible.
NOED needs a rework.
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NOED is fine. I´m also often surprised by it - but hey.
Perk Small Game has a number how many totems are done and it pings when you are near and look at a totem. That´s good.
I always cleansed them because of the points (and NOED) - has changed since boons.
But to cleanse totems as you come around the map during the game is relly not that hard.
If you are afraid of it - cleanse the totems by yourself. And over time you really get to learn the totem spots at the maps...
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Again, the killer is bad so what is the issue? Why can't you do 5 totems vs a bad killer? Or are you saying good killers shouldn't be able to win with NOED because they just shouldn't?
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This. Doing 5 bones especially in solo Q is pretty unfeasible unless you do it yourself. When you see the NOED indicator when someone goes down, find the glowy
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What about a mediocre killer? What about a camping killer? You're being overly reductionist and only talking about a killer who fails to get even three hooks in all that time, but killers that struggle that much are pretty damn rare.
Again, the killer doesn't have to be that good, taking down five totems takes an age and a half to do, giving the killer plenty of extra time. You're acting as if a killer either outright wins the game in two minutes flat or fails to get a single down in over 15. There's a gradient in how much time survivors have to complete the match and there's a sizeable chunk where NOEDs punishment is disproportionate to its counter.
And that also doesn't take into account that it can be one of the worst killer players in the world, if they're chasing me, -I- can't do ANY totems.