Asking the dev team to actually do something about the BM at exit gates #1

Specific: T-Bagging
What is worse than a sore loser? A sore winner. As Killer you can't do anything to stop them from leaving. In a few cases the overestimate and get caught, but that good feeling does not erase the other times when they just tease you.
I read many times, that you can just ignore it or don't go to the exit gates. If ignoring it would help, there would not be daily complains about it. And if you don't go to the exit gates, you have to stand somewhere waiting until they leave, a complete time waste.
I am proposing to change that, so you can't crouch at the exit gates and in an area around it, because everybody knows, survivor will just find a way to exploit it.
Nobody would be harmed. It has only positive aspects.
Please just keep your dignity and push them out. Teabagging is possible in most pvp games and DBD is not gonna be an exception, ever.
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Ignoring is hard for many people. Just don´t go to the gates. It´s simple. Try to think of frustrated survs eagerly waiting at the gates to t-bag you and you don´t show up... i see this so often as surv. They get nervous and run out to see where the killer is. This is also funny.
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They're not going to do anything, half because BHVR doesn't care that so many in their community are Toxic A-holes and half because if you remove T-bagging at the gates, Toxic A-Holes are just going to find a different way to be Toxic A-Holes.
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I wonder how sad someone's life has to be to get so upset at a crouch animation in a party game.
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While I'd love to deal with the toxicity in this community, this isn't the way to achieve that. Language always evolves around restrictions and new ways of expressing negative sentiments will emerge if you wall off the old ones. See flashlight clicking; that's unique to DBD, but everyone knows what it means. Remove tbagging and maybe survivors will point. Maybe survivors will shake their head at the killer. Who knows? The problem is people wanting to be bad sports (and further, there being no incentive not to be a bad sport), not tbagging itself.
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Crouching can help at exit gates - dodging Huntress hatchets by lowering your hit box, sneaking over Hag traps, and body blocking a killer that downed a teammate in the exit area are just three I thought of quickly off the top of my head. Even if those reasons didn't exist and they didn't prevent survivors from being able to crouch the survivors that waste time teabagging would just find something else to do instead.
Just walk around and look for any pallets/breakable walls you may have missed during the match, open new tab/play on cell phone for the 2 minutes or less of EGC.
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I don't know how someone can be tough to the point of playing BG2 and at the same time be bothered by teabagging. Great game btw.
Devs won't do anything. It's an online game so people will always find always to be toxic. I've had toxic people on
If you're that bothered by it, the EGC timer lasts only 2 minutes. Open the gate for yourself and go to the bathroom. Once you're back the game is already over. Don't forget to turn the endgame chat and make your comments/messages "friends only" as well.
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You realize that you're asking devs that said they wanted to make sure teabagging was still satisfying when they were making the new animations, right?
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You are joking, right? This is just so silly. Either push them out or ignore it.
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It's annoying yes but they can change anything. You need to duck Deathslinger or Huntress shots by crouching sometimes, and these can be at exit gates.
It only takes no more than 15 seconds to push them all out the gate so just do that. Is it annoying? Absolutely. Is there anything you can really do about it? No.
Same thing as a killer hitting you on the hook. You can't do anything about it unfortunately. The times where you get 1 hooked at the end as the last survivor left gives the killer plenty of time to hit you, nod and stand behind the hook when you die so you are forced to stare at them nodding.
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Anyways, just don't even go to the exit gate. Go break walls and spam your power for extra points. Let them waste their time not getting points.
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I've never understood why people get so upset at this. Its in like every multi-player pvp game.
I honestly think some people should take a break from pvp games and this game in general to figure themselves out lol.
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Push them out, 300bps per hit or 800bps for special attack.
So simple.
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Nah, a vast majority of the time they just dead hard out the gate so you don't get any points for a hit and they get points for escaping a chase. Only benefits survivors. You're better off spamming your power in the distance
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tHeY wAnT tO gIvE tHe KiLlER sOmE pOInTs.
Just do what I do and try breaking every pallet that you remember or practice some shots, that is what I do with trickster/huntress.
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Hahaha, yeah! I'm just being nice to give the killer some extra points, that's why I stay at the gate!!! ::dead hards out the gate::
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Do we get the same survivors?? lol
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Not always but the outcome is the same. They're leaving the match.
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I mean, if I'm already right there and they want to offer me some bloodpoints, I'll take it, and it's kind of a nice 'no hard feelings' type gesture. But when they sit there for a minute and a half beckoning 'come here' and then Dead Hard out the gates the second I cross the threshold, exactly like I knew they would, it's just insulting. Survivors rarely give me hits (or try to give me hits but accidentally walk out the gate, which happens sometimes) unless I previously had a friendly interaction with them in the match; the default is the "haha you thought" beckon n' dash.
I'll usually push them out because the alternative is letting them waste two minutes of my time, but I don't have to like it and it's annoying that it's so baked in that while playing killer, your match almost never ends when it's supposed to without you crossing the map to hurry up the butt dance show. I should not have to play babysitter just to get a non-4k match to end and it'd be amazing if people could show just a little less compulsory douchiness in this community.
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Well they have to rub in how great they played and how they destroyed you while having their hands held by the developers. Who are you to deny them that?? Zero respect for survivor teams, it takes no skill to win at survivor
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They expressly REMOVED new, smooth, good looking survivor animations because it prevented survivors from abusing the old, jerky, non-fully animated movements. Why would they EVER remove or even slow down teabagging, which provides no actual benefit and is just there to be abusive?
If they intentionally make their game look worse to appeal to the survivor players, they're never going to remove all the avenues for pathetic little nastiness most survivors seem to delight in.
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Woosh, said the point, as it sailed over your head.
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Unless I actually need to push survivors out to protect a hook I just completely ignore survivors in the Exit gates. If they want to stand around doing nothing, whatever, I just go look for pallets and walls to break and the hatch.
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Exactly. Chase the bums out. Watch em scurry like rats.
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I think you should try to put this into perspective. It’s a computer game. They are random strangers spamming a crouch animation. It’s meaningless. You may feel uncomfortable, but you have the power to change how you react to it.
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Can you read? Ignoring does not help. Every day complains from many users. It cost the dev team nothing to prevent it.
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Can't really ignore them, because then they'll vault spam to get your attention.
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If that happens, then you can push them out. That's what I do. Who cares if they t-bag you? I just have a laugh and give them a GG.
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@IronKnight55 That's you. Others react differently. Especially if they care about what they're doing. It's why some people can just shrug off being told to F off when doing something, while another will get pissed.
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Then they probably shouldn't play this game (or any online game). It's not going to change.
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That's a bad argument. If your boss screams at you, you could say, it's meaningless, it's just a job. If people beat up each other at a football game, you can say it's just a football game.
That's not just a computer game. It's like refuse a handshake from the loser and spitting in their face.
If ignoring would have any influence, there would be not daily complains from many users that are fed up with that bs. And they will give it back in the next game to the survs, and they give it back to the next killer. The only ones that can make the game less toxic are the devs.
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There was this funny troll post made a few weeks ago where the OP suggested a queue for survivors that the game flagged as toxic and in those queues survivors would be hindered, earn 50% of the BP and be matched against Spirits and Bubbas for an eternity.
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Come to think of it though, why not just match all the clickers and Bubba basement boys against each other and let them tire themselves out?
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Tbh why not just make the endgame timer shorter? It didn't really fix the problem of survivors holding the game hostage so I don't see why not.
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Look, I got the game when it started going free on Epic, like, three days ago. Honestly, just chase them, get your 300 blood points for the free weapon hit, and call it a match. Maybe nab XP for a hatchet/knife/harpoon instead if you're chasing down a ritual or an Archive challenge or something. Or even just practice with that good ol' aim.
Heck, there's an Endgame timer, so get up and stretch, get some water, or grab a sandwich if it really bothers you.
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No it's literally as easy as ignoring them. If it bothers you that much then go do something else while this is happening? Or perhaps find a hobby thay doesn't involve interacting with strangers?
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Oh my god, how is it so hard to get this simple logic? It's not only about me. It's about many people, that can't or don't ignore it and get tilted over it. They carry it to the next game and let it out on survivors they may or may not intented to be toxic. But they carry that then to the next game and bm the killer and so on. How can people not understand the simple logic behind it?
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Push them out. If it really bothers you, then push them out as fast as you can.
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Because it's laughable. If you can't ignore it like most people you should stop playing PvP games and stick to solo experiences. You clearly can't handle something as weak as a random person pressing a button at you so perhaps it's time to find something you do have enough resilience for. Repeatedly crouching/flashlight clicking is not abuse or harassment, stop acting like it is anywhere close lol
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I'd love a perk:
Taking a hit in the exit gate causes the gate to be blocked for you and you alone for 75/100/125% of the time you have spent in the exit gate area this trial.
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So, the t-bagging is not supposed to disrespect you? To turn a long nose? Haha, you can't get me baby killer? That's not the intention?
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Comparing a real life scenario to a literal action in an online game isn't even a valid argument.
You get so bothered by something like teabagging in a video game? Wise up bro.
I mean if people are new and complaining about bm on either side I get that but if you have played for long enough and you still get bothered it's just you're problem lol
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So I have no manners because I don't get bothered by things in online games?
I just think you're a sensitive soul tbh
I play both sides actually, I just don't get bothered or cry about bm like you do lmao😂
Post edited by Rizzo on5 - are talking about the old imature people that will act like children? That's just pathetic. I don't give a ######### about it.
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I wouldn't even wanna see how you think of real life things that are actually worth arguing about if this is what you're like OVER A GAME.
Post edited by Rizzo on5 -
They should fix it because they are doing it for the sole purpose to aggrevate people.
If you give them no attention they will tend to pallet spam or flashlight spam.
Also 99% chance that those are the people harrasing you as a killer in a game with their flashlight , they don't play to win they play to annoy the killer.
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Man just make it short and write I like to tbag cause I'm a bad person that makes the bug guy when I win at a game
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So you want to introduce a change that is likely to break several other things down the line and give hackers yet an another tool they can exploit by preventing players from crouching.
I got an easier solution - grow a thicker skin.
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Literally, go to the gate, force them to leave, get to next match. Boom, problem solved. Literally just think about how silly those people are to be so immature to another person. If you get them to BM when you havent BM'ed, you won, because it shows how childish they are.
But please, stop complaining about someone repetitively clicking a button. I dont teabag because i find it rude, but holy hell, how is there someone who gets so tilted by nothing that they feel the need to ask the developers to remove it.
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Are you new to online gaming?
Like genuine question.