Entitlement of an afk survivor

I had a survivor that went afk at the beginning of the match. And his 4 men swf was telling me off for doing that because that was low.
I told them this. Normally if you go afk I'm going to hook you as a killer because you have to apply pressure and it's not my fault your teammate went afk.
I also told them this if I was afk that wouldn't stop ya from doing the gens. Ya would finish the gens and escape. the killer's job is to kill it's literally in the name.
It's not your fault they were afk.
Plus, having constant explosions due to the crows every few seconds is annoying as hell.
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I played a game with Lethal Per. perk and see that Steve is AFK. So I down him, hook and go for someone else.
Then I was tbagged by him at the exit gates and I asked him why he is toxic and he said because I hooked him when he was AFK.
Like this is such one sided thing, if the killer is AFK you would do the same thing and you wouldn't even care about the killer. You are right, it is not my problem you are not playing the game you joined to play.
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Personally I don't attack an AFK at the start of a match but if they AFK for so long they get crows then I'll hook them.
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Exactly. I'm a type of person, if I see an opportunity I'm going to take it.
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I mean you didn’t have wrong, if someone is afk … just don’t start a trial.
that’s alright men, kill them all
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Look mate as killer I don't know who goes afk before the match. And also like I said before if I see an opportunity I'm going to take it
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I wouldn't even bother responding to them in chat. They weren't ready to start the match, well tough luck.
I've gone afk dozens of times as killer. I never see anyone give me a free hook at the end.
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I queued for a game tonight and one of our patients needed a CPAP machine setup so they could breathe properly in their sleep. Unbeknownst to me, my que popped ultra fast and in no time I had three crows on me, and then I was downed.
You know what I did not do? Rage at the Killer.
You know what I DID do? Apologize to my team.
YOU are responsible for being active in the game. It is not their job to give you an exemption. Hell he let me get to 3 crows.
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This is the right mindset! And you seem to have a cool job, of you can play while monitoring your patients :D
This isn't meant sarcastic in any way, I'm always happy when someone in our line of work can chill out like this.
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Remember, be annoyed the AFK person, not the killer. Its their fault for being AFK
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I always down and hook afk person. Easy down and hook I take it, wheres the problem?
If you are afk, the killer is the last person to be mad about it anyway.
And I will never know the reason behind afk because 1) I never asked, and 2) I never cared
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If I see anyone afk, I kill them first and let the others farm. By being afk you're making it a 3v1 and screwing over your team.
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If someone is AFK, I'll hit them and wait a few seconds to see if they come back. If they do, I'll allow them to get a head start before pursuing them. If they don't, I'll down them and hook them. If they are AFK so long crows have started to notify me, they're getting hooked solely to rid myself of the crow notifications. No killer has to do any of that, though nor should be expected to.
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at the end of the day your job is to kill.
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This ^
The only time I'm annoyed when a Killer hooks me while AFK is when they proceed to camp and tunnel me out of the game, which happens to me startlingly often for some reason. Not that I go AFK a lot, but when I do, the Killer just immediately hates me. They'll hit me on hook, tunnel me straight off until I'm dead. Super weird why that is.
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6PM to 6AM shift. 4 hours of GO GO GO, then everyone goes to sleep and the rest of the night is monitoring. Pretty sweet gig. But if something comes up, it comes up. And if my Leon gets attacked in that time:
"If he dies, he dies."
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As a rule if you are afk I’ll down you but not hook you the first time I find you. I’d feel bad hooking someone that actually had a real life thing come up, and putting them on the ground seems like a reasonable way to “honk the horn” and wake them up. If they get revived and are still afk then I just hook them to get rid of them.