I would suggest not focusing on what MMR you think you play at

"just focus on finding your enjoyment in the matches"
or as Mandy has already written in another post on another topic
"And as nobody knows what MMR level they are at...I would suggest not focusing on what MMR you think you play at, and just focus on finding your enjoyment in the matches."
Whether this sentence deserves its own contribution? Absolutely, because there is no better way to argue something like this. It just goes down like oil and is really good in light of all the negative things you've read about MMR lately. If only we could start thinking like this, we'd all have a lot more fun with Dead by Daylight. Thanks Mandy
What do you think about it ?
I tried this for a week and the only time this logic feels “good” or finding “fun” is when I played nurse, blight, or huntress. Want to play Myers or any of the lower tier killers? Get ready for lots of teabags and other fun.
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The problem is that low MMR games are too easy, and high MMR games are not fun, so your MMR is kind of related to how much fun you are going to have.
I think it is sound advice to just focus on enjoying the game though, and not worry what MMR you play at (or more importantly, not worry about winning). But they're massively linked.
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I agree with the sentiment, but it's simply not going to happen in a multiplayer PvP game. That's why I think hiding the MMR is wishful thinking and misguided. It ultimately hurts the discourse/conversation around the game. When you hide it, everyone is at high MMR and a reasonable discussion can't be had. You have people striving for a hidden number they might already be maxed out at because a PvP game is naturally going to attract competitive people. Trying to have it both ways does more harm than good.
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I agree in that I don’t really care what my MMR is, I just play the game.
That being said, I do wish they’d stop showing opponent’s grades since they’re irrelevant to the matchmaking and just confuse people who see high or low grades and think the MMR is the same thing. Show your own grade on your character select screen, don’t show any grades on the endgame scoring screen, and if the devs change their minds on showing MMRs for opponents then show what 5-10% percentile bracket people are in.
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Sure I think this is a great mentality to have in regards to the game. It falls apart when I want to play Wraith and have to deal with not getting any hooks unless the survivors give me hooks and even still I don't get a kill because they have resources to prevent it. The game isn't fun when survivors know to just stick to gens.
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I play Killer. I see 2-3 gens pop in my first chase. I do not have fun.
I play Survivor. I see a Bubba. I know what he is called to do. I get facecamped. I do not have fun.
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Yeah I'll try to find the fun in playing against a Blight with the best addons and 4 slowdowns who then babyrages and tunnels/camps when he loses his ruin.
I wish the above was an exaggeration but that's genuinely how a lot of my matches go
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Well I havent had fun in a lot of my killer games recently because the survivors simply are better off rushing gens and leaving without any killer interaction. So I'd say I'm pretty concerned about how much fun I'm having playing killer.
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It's easy to say and nearly impossible to execute.
For example, last night I had a string of TTV premades that I had absolutely no chance against and who made absolutely sure I knew how much I sucked by sitting in the exit gates flicking their flashlights and being jerks in postgame.
I go to bed, wake up and encounter another TTV premade who basically stall the game out at 1 gen remaining - just sabos/bodyblocks/heals and otherwise just runs around me teabagging. After 30 minutes I go AFK, and get told that I'm being reported for 'non participation' in postgame.
Right now, there seems to be a huge lack of killers at high MMRs, meaning that once a 4man waits for a few minutes I'll get thrown to them as a snack. Best of all, as per the developer comments yesterday, this doesn't decrease my MMR - so it can happen again and again and again.
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to extract fun from that.
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Where were those comments?
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That was my experience last gaming session too.
Had one group on the new map just stop doing gens at one gen and try and engage in chases, sadly I was lagging so hard it basically made it impossible to participate so I just had to eventually stare at a wall till they got bored and left. Then got all the reported for going AFK threats from the survivors because I wasn't accommodating to their fun.
I get the mindset of "don't take it to seriously and its a game". But if it ain't much fun, then providing feedback on why it isn't fun is not a bad thing.
It is a little disconcerting game design wise to see BHVR reps on the forums saying just "find your own fun". Its almost an admission that the current game state isn't very good and its up to the players to find the fun in that themselves. (I'm sure this was not the meaning but it kinda comes off that way).
EDIT, I don't care about my MMR, basically my goal is to have it as low as possible so the game is enjoyable and not very competitive. 4x escape doesn't bother me because the reward is better games afterwards.
Problem is you often have to eat 8 or 9 losses to get those better games. It takes time especially when survivors stop doing the gens and try to rub it in your face that you can't catch them. Then you get 2-3 good games and then have to farm another 4-5 losses. I don't think its a good design and wildly more inconsistent than the old matchmaking was.
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If you have a high MMR like me and play like a slob you get two possible guarantee situations at the end..
- You won't kill anyone, but you don't get teabaged etc.
- You won't kill anyone and get teabaged and insulted in game chat.
Yeah playing chill as killer is a viable choice... not really. You either play tryhard or you won't even get a single kill.
The killers job is to kill if you don't get at least 1 or 2 kills you did wrong and not because you must, because it feels like it and the game make you of that, how?
- You didn't kill anyone? Entity displeased
- You didn't kill anyone? Survivors get cocky and mock in chat.
Now if you think about DBD as Hello kitty online, where you don't have to kill anyone then play chill. But DBD is not hello kitty neither a chill game and never was.
Now if you play as you should which is tryharding you get:
- Satisfaction for killing, rank and more BP.
- A heavenly silent end game chat were no one even say gg.
What do you prefer? My choice is clear.
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I think people have a right to know what MMR they are playing at, though. The fact its hidden has many implications, and most gaming companies that have hidden it have had outcry from their communities and so they always end up showing it. Of course, BHVR doesn't care about their community, least not those who would want to see their MMR, and so it doesn't really come up as something worth doing.
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It makes no sense at the moment to show the MMR cause of toxic city
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That means you only have fun when things are going your way, or ? sad
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It's true mmr doesn't matter cause if you play killer you'll get sweat squads regardless.
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It makes no sense to not show your mmr.
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Chasing people is fun. I cannot chase if the game is over after 1 chase.
Being chased is fun. I cannot be chased when Bubster plants his cheeks in front of me.
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That may all be true, but it can't always go the way you want it to.
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You specifically said to focus on my enjoyment.
Those are the two parts of the game I enjoy the most. I'm sure many other people enjoy them too.
When my ability to experience those things is hampered by unfair or unfun mechanics, I am generally in favor of looking into why that is.
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But MMR is there, so why not focus on it? It's worth mentioning because matchmaking is no longer random.
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I have a question. I didn’t read everyone’s comment because question, I didn’t see yet but, how do you have fun when you can’t play. IE; the killer find and down right away and you’re hooked and no one is coming unhook you or if they do the killer downs you asap and hook you again
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I never got why this community is always like don't focus on the 10 bad things go out of your way to find one good. Thats all good in theory but when those 10 bad thing show up in 7/10 matches preventing you from doing the fun thing things need to be acknowledged and looked at.
You can polish a turd to make it shinny but its still a turd.
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Focus on having fun while getting destroyed and bullied repeatedly by squads at high MMR !!! Make it your goal to get 3 hooks and you'll have fun!!!
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Hello! Yeah I dont need to think what mmr I'm at, it's very clear.
As for fun that's not likely at all, 1/20 games if I'm lucky and it's why I haven't touched killer in 20days...
I'm forced into the perks I use just to try have somewhat of a okay game, if I play certain killer or end up on certain maps I have to accept a loss. I'm not allowed to play in the fun way of going after lots of hooks because that ends up in a loss and a bunch of toxic and BM during and after the matches.
When the game isnt balanced for you and you're just not meant to do well and you still get hate and BM for it just isnt fun. Ever.
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Every time I see this advice, I just think about that grandpa meme, where he is smiling, but he is actually slowly dying inside.
Only way to have fun is not trying to win, ever. Just find games where it's not super easy for you, but also not 3 hooks per game level and just kill 2, get other 2 dead on hook and let them leave, easy. This way you get kinda experience of before SBMM red rank style.
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It doesnt really matter if your mmr is high low or whatever.
You dont have to be comp player to get rolled by some sweaty player(s) with 10x your playtime.
If that happens a lot you will think "hey this must be high mmr right?" even tho it can be just average mmr for both sides, but the difference is so big, it makes more sense thinking its very high MMR.
And thats only if we considering MMR working properly which is fking mystery since theres no real skill in MMR, just kills and escapes.
Therefore players gain and lose mmr pretty much randomly and you start getting super unbalanced matches after a while, either too easy or too hard.
I really want to see how average dbd match will play out in few months when most players will have mmr set. Because I believe those matches will be super random and unbalanced unless they change the MMR gain conditions.
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Then I'm probably the only one who finds it funny when a killer facecamps me 🤣