You can't be upset, you did it to yourself.

If you're the last survivor who's slugged because the killer wanted the 4k (eh) or because your teammate was next to you (a good reason). And you crawl to the corner of the map where there's a broken hook because someone was sacrificed you can't be upset when the killer doesn't pick you up. Like if I know I know I can't make it to a hook I don't want to give you a free second chance. Is it boring as a survivor? yes. Is it boring as a killer? yes. but its just the way the game mechanics are. same reason you can't be upset at being looped, it's how the game pieces went together.
Or they hide somewhere just so you can't find them and then cry they had to wait to bleed out, classic.
It's actually really rare for me while playing survivor that killer actually let everyone bleed out.
It's usually because he can't hook us, or we pissed him off a lot.
I mean, when we used Head-on builds and he decided to let us bleed out, I think it is 100% deserved :D
I have let bleed out every survivor who abused that bug, where I couldn't pick them up near walls. Well, they didn't want me to pick them up, so I didn't and just waited till they bleed out.
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I think at that point, that survivor most likely doesn't want you to hook them at all.
They'd rather bleed out than give that extra 500 hook points.
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Yeah, but at that point they are just petty and it's kinda their choice to bleed out. It's just only option that killer has, unless he wants to let them escape, which ######### them if they tried to do that.
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Lol that kind of salt is funny, they brought it on themselves.
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Which is all well and good, but then you can't complain in the chat after about how the killer didn't pick you up.
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Online video games do be bringing the pettiness out of people :p
I don't think I've had experiences with survivors complaining about bleeding out. It would be hypocritical for that survivor to be complaining at all bc I think their plan was to (like above) be petty and it was their choice. I'm assuming you've had survivors complain to you?
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All the time and I am so confused like "What did you expect?"
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They usually don't complain about bleeding out, they do that only on forums...
They just find an excuse why they were petty instead and complain about that. You are sweaty, camping, tunneling, slugging etc.
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Uhhh... sorry to hear that. Some players' mentality can be so bewildering.
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Usually the people complaining about bleeding out are people who haven't hidden from the killer though. The ones that do it on purpose are usually aiming to deny the hook so the bleed out is welcomed so usually they ain't complaining
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I had someone go down on the side of the main building in Ormond and they crawled into the wall(just there head) so I couldn't pick them up and they knew they were doing it because I swung at the wall a few times and they started shaking no. I was in a mood so I was like well looks like your bleeding out. I stood on top of them about 20 seconds later they clawed out and tried to crawl away.
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Yeah, every time someone tried it, I just gave up on that game and waited on top of them till they bleed out. Funny is, there is almost nothing they can do about it.
and they have an audacity to ask me why I did it in endgame chat.
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If the killer wants to slug me I WILL crawl and hide somewhere and let myself bleed out. He was to Slug they will have to either find me or wait for the match to end........I'm kinda vindictive that way.
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A few days ago, on a map with bad hook placement, I sacrificed one survivor and the other three, all slugged at the same time (they were breaking hooks), crawled to the dead zone. That felt really stupid, standing there with nothing to do but watch three survivors bleed out, but they were crawling on top of each other and kinda spinning a bit so I guess they were having fun. If they didn't want to wait around for four minutes they could've crawled toward some hooks. (Fun bit of trivia: two Bills in that match, but the only survivor with Unbreakable was the one I sacrificed.)
I always wonder if they would've said anything in chat if I had chat, but I'm on console so I'll never know.
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I normally would just let it go but that day i just wasn't feeling it. Thats the dbd community in general though not everyone of course but this game seems to bring out the toxic in people.
I've caught myself been kind of a jerk as a survivor a few times a was like hold on don't so that that drives me nuts when I play killer.
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anorher killer that needs to feel powerful in a video game
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Oh right, because survivors are any different...
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It's easy for me: if they play fair, I will too. If they are toxic, I am gonna do my best to kill them all.
if they manage to make me laugh, they will escape. That's why I like to play pig, a lot of players go full meme against piggy.
I mean, try to use flashlight macro once and you will never get from that hook, if I can help it.
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Map Offerings will turn me into a jerk you send me to Haddonfield,badhamen,Ormond... etc I'm not playing nice survivors very much know that those maps are a bad time for killer and you clearly don't care about my fun so I don't care about yours.
I don't understand stand why the macro is still a thing. The only propose it serves is to anyone the killer.
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I used to just have a rule to kill everyone whenever is offering in play, but it's not that strict for me anymore.
Yeah, Haddofield is bad, but it used to be way worse before nerfs. It's not that BS map without basement window, still annoying tho.
When I am gonna be biggest tryhard and just camp from first hook is RPD offering, I hate that map so much.
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I get that, I am the same way as survivor. But I don't complain that I wasn't hooked lol.