Snowmen are somehow another indirect twins nerf

The extra hit you get doesn’t matter to much killers since you get no speed boost but it gives a free kick for Victor and probably a free heal since you’re far away.
It’s honestly funny how many indirect nerfs this killer has received. Great job on the rest of the event though seriously
Victor should be able to hide under the snowman's top hat, and get a free latch/down on an unsuspecting survivor.
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Yeah, it is actually stupid XD
Imagine being countered by a gimicky event...sad times.
The DH validation hurts Victor too, you land directly at their feet in the stun animation and vulnerable to a good kicking.
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Have Victor hide in the snowman and if a survivor hides inside, Victor just shreds them and gets the snowman hat as a cosmetic.
Boom easy fix.
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You expected them to remember their existence?
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@GoodBoyKaru How did you said it? ''You move at half movement speed and can't run bestie'' 😂
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That's exactly what I said, because silly me I was referring to the killer role in general! How stupid of me to forget that The Twins, one single killer which released on December 1st 2020, is the only killer in all of DBD, and for the 4 and a half years beforehand there just... wasn't a killer! Whoopsies, must've slipped my mind-
Anyway, hope you stretched before that reach because if not that's gonna hurt tomorrow morning love x
Remember to take care of yourself, because trying to pick fights you can't win just isn't good for anyone <3
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Yes please
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Not anymore sadly
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Don't worry, you can just give up playing your favorite Killer and go play Nurse, the only viable Killer in the game
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blight: exists
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In general play twins are still very viable. Just handicapped by a lot of unintended interactions or indirect counter perks
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God it somehow just keeps getting worse for The Twins, almost feels like they're doing this on purpose at this point.
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Yeah it’s beginning to feel like the devs have an outright hatred for twins at this point. Which is sad because they have potential to be great
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Props to anyone that plays them tbh. I used to hate them but I just feel bad for the lack of care they’ve received by the devs.
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Honestly Twins have a really interesting power with so much potential to be strong with a high skill ceiling, it's such a shame to see them in such a terrible spot in basically every sense, hated by survivors because unfortunately their best playstyle is slugging, and the least popular killer because they're buggy, countered easily, etc etc.
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Blight: is ######### lame
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Honestly I’ve started maining them with clown. They are fun but kinda frustrating at times
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If you’re bad at him
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They interesting but their QoL is so bad right now.
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blight: is literally one of the best killers in the game???
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Nah, I just hate his aesthetic and playstyle. Nothing scary about him, his power feels dumb. Just don't like him at all.
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Yeah it’s honestly like bhvr has just thought “if we don’t do anything long enough nobody will talk about them anymore” Sadly it’s kinda working
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The less people play Twins, the better. It's a slug and camp-fest with these 2 delinquents when they're around and somehow more annoying than an insidious bubba 😂
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True, but he's not SS tier like Nurse. He doesn't ignore the whole game