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Hook Exploit (Survs cannot get unhook prompt)

Seems this exploit that you introduced multi-directional unhooks to counter long ago is back. In this match I had (I was the Zarina) he hooks a survivor, stand really close to the front of the hook and no other survivor can get the unhook prompt. He did this for all 3 survivors he hooked.
Here is my recording of the exploit in action:
I saw the same exploit being used by a Trickster on Yamaoka on KyleTG's stream:
So this exploit is not exclusive to the hooks on Dead Dog Saloon.
Hope you patch this serious exploit soon, I'm sure you never meant for the killer to be able to prevent any unhook attempt at all even if they are camping.
- Character played: Zarina
- Perks played: As seen in video evidence
- Map: Dead Dog Saloon
- Frequency of the issue: I believe this hook bug has been around since the Artist update.
Step 1 : Hook a survivor
Step 2 : Position your killer very close to the front of the hook (almost like clipping into their face)
Step 3 : Survivors cannot unhook as there is no hook prompt when trying to at the sides of the hook where the killer is not standing.
That's because Mikey loses collision while stalking and thus can phase inside the hooked survivor and block you from unhook. I would assume with Trickster he must lose collision when holding his knife as well.
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Not sure if MM was stalking because his stance (from walking to stalking) looked the same when moving to the front of the hook.
I'm sure Trickster has collision when holding out his knives though, I've found many survs hiding in corners while playing him and when I hold out my knives they can't get past me.