So can we remove the snowmen early? Or like, fix them to not tank hits?

It's actually not fun to have to deal with 3+ health state survivors. Especially when my blinks on Nurse keep getting eaten.
It's just not entertaining to play. It is not fun.
Can we pls stop this obnoxious complaining about some stupid snowmen?
14 -
CoMmoN bRo wHy cAnT u JuSt EnJoY tHe EvEnT
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I think just making the snowman costume cosmetic with no gameplay changes is more than enough to fix the issue Killers have without removing any of the fun of the snowman costume.
6 -
Because they're not balanced when combined with Perks like Dead Hard. They're not even balanced on their own
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Oh god, just go play something else scrooge.
5 -
they should just make it so that special attacks go through snowmen.
if you really, really hate them, play Doc or Trickster. or just pop them in advance.
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Why? Why does the choice have to be between putting up with something badly executed or having to play elsewhere? Why can't the issue just be fixed in such a way that the thing people enjoy about them isn't disrupted?
7 -
Uh, why? I didn't ask for this event.
Can we please stop blindly defending them? It's not balanced, is not fun, is not fair, and is extremely irritating to deal with. Especially when combined with Shadowstep or dead hard.
9 -
Sure those 6 hits are totally gamechanging. Hilarious.
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Well yes, 6 hits are quite a lot in a game like DbD where every second counts, atleast on the Killer side since that side is on a timer
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Hey, Mettle of Man proved that just ONE hit is a massive gamechanger. :P
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Thats soo far off in compariosn with this. But I guess you cant see this.
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Yeah this is actually much worse. Mettle of Man is just one hit and is still hella effective if you can get the stars to align.
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I mean, sure, they're not 1-1. But free hits (even partial ones like protection hits) definitely matter.
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I agreed to not having things fixed?
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I love the snowmen. Most fun I've had in awhile on dbd. But they should definitely not offer any protection.
That mixed with basically nothing special for killers to do really sslts the sugar.
Thankfully I've met mostly nice survivors being goofy. But had a few dead harding into snowmen for the extra hit. Although if your clown you can just hit them with a bottle to "pop" them.
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That doesn't explain why they can't fix the issue in a way that doesn't take away what people enjoy about the snowmen.
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I'm not going to lie, call me a scrooge if you want. I pop a few snowmen when the game starts so I dont have to worry about popping them later on. This gives less snowmen for the survivors and they have to go out of their way to find them.
Believe me there are ways to deal with the snowmen that dont cost a lot of time at all. You could even use your powers to pop more snowmen costumes faster if you wanted. Especially at the start of the game. Huntress can do it, Trickster, Doc, pretty much every killer has a way to deal with the snowmen early on.
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They respawn in 15 seconds if you hit them while they're empty. You're just wasting your valuable seconds early on, instead of later.
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People have been explaining what the issue is. Do you care to try to read aloud some of the arguments against them?
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Okay, lemme try this again:
Why can't the devs make the snowman a cosmetic change with no change to the Survivor mechanics?
2 -
That already happens...
2 -
Do they really respawn...? I feel like that's not true at all
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If no survivor is in them they respawn. If a survivor is in them when you hit them they don't respawn.
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We need a Christmas event where killers 1 shot survivors with a candy cane weapon. Let's see how that goes.
4 -
It would've been more fun if snowman were only cosmetic and survivors could do any action at normal speed (running, vaulting, etc) instead of them acting like shields
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If a survivor is not in a snowman, it respawn in 15 seconds. If a survivor is in a snowman, it does not respawn.
I am unsure as to the interaction if you voluntarily break out as a survivor.
Confirmed by Rizzo in an earlier thread.
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Ok I'm asking though because if that were true and they did respawn then why am I not seeing as many... or are there only ever 4 snowmen costumes in a match?
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I mean go through the snowman, and hit whoever's inside.
Victor pounces, for example, should pop the snowman, but not give a free kick.
other than more evidence of twins getting abandoned, I'm actually really liking the event.
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So let's just ignore survivors using them as moving shields. Like, I'm going to try using them now as M1 bait instead of hopping in them to see how successful I am.
If I'm not in it, they respawn, right? 🤡
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Bruh they really shadow nerfed Nurse? This game sucks
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6 snowmen total per match. Sometimes they spawn in really random spots like a random corner behind some bushes.
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Are you suggesting that people would not have fun with the snowmen costumes if they could run at full speed?
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Well this is good to know at least. I still think ranged killers at least have a chance of popping them. But I guess I wont be popping them anymore...unless they're grouped up in one area maybe
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How can killers be baited into punching walls or whiffing M1s?
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Popping them when empty gives you 50BP and event BP can go over the 32k max BP so easy extra BP whenever you walk by one.
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You did not answer my question. Do you think people would stop having fun with the snowman if Survivors could run at full speed?
1 -
lol ok. You're right it's just bad killers. Not an issue with the game mechanic.
I'll let you be right 🙃 my bad for ever doubting you.
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You're absolutely right. I hit walls all the time and I hate it.
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Being able to change into a snowman mid-trial is not adding anything fun?
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Yep. I just mentioned in another thread my crows hit if someone inside if empty continues course. I also smack them as I come across them but so far in my games they respawn in seconds in the same spot...From what I hear that's not supposed to happen.
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I have noticed the "auto aim" being a lot more auto in the latest patch. Don't know if it's confirmation bias but i seem to get pulled a lot more into random object when trying to swing around corners.
Also don't know if you already know this but survivors always jump out in front of the snowman.
So if you hit the snowman in the face they jump into you and gain a lot less distance then if you would hit them in the back.
It's quite a big difference
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So you think the reason Survivors are having fun with the snowmen is that they are being forced to walk at super slow speeds and lose aura vision?
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You did not answer my question. Do you think the reason Survivors are having fun with the snowmen is that they are being forced to walk at super slow speeds and lose aura vision?
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I read all the posts. even yours SonicOffline. I went up against a Nemesis this morning who absolutely took us apart with his perks and addons. Starstruck, etc. The snowmen did not seem to even slow him down. He just bashed them open and kept pursuing. Do killers have fun? I didn't think it was about fun but more about the need to hunt and kill. I guess I learned something from you. If you play for fun, let us have fun too. I don't use shadow step or even dead hard. I think you should camp the hook and see if any snowmen arrive.
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Hi Scrooge, I was wondering when you would show up. Got some dudes here who said they wanted to see you, something about the past and the future and idk I want really paying too much attention.
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I have noticed this too. The auto-aim wasn't happening much before that now it's back ridiculous....not to mention if survivors juke into you visual is lost especially with with our WNBA all-stars Plague/Artist.
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Well glad i'm not imagening things
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Play some killer yourself... Some survivors abuse them really bad. i mean having to hit them 3-5 times is not balanced. I had a match were one survivor got to 2 snowmans, THATS 4 HITS!!!
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IKR.....That's how I felt until you mentioned it so thanks.