2 hexs gone in 16seconds...

I know there will be alot of people that will use that stupid excuse "that's the risk of hexs"
In reality why is it even a risk or fair for your hexs to be spawned on and in sight of the survivors. To lose 2 perks within 16seconds is honestly just stupid.
Hexs or totems in general shouldn't just spawn in the open.
Totems should not be spawned on in sight.
Totems and hexs should not spawn near a gen.
I dont think it's unfair or unreasonable to ask for all totems to be hid in some degree. Or if you wanted to go the extra mile block all totems for a small time early game.
I can assure you lullaby and undying isnt game changing.
They did bones
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Oh yeah, totem spawns are borked. I don't think anyone's disputing that this is ridiculous.
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I posted my own discussion about it, after trying out Hex Pentimento. Would be cool to get a Hex perk, that'll rekindle your destroyed totem, so you get the Hex perk back, that was bound to that totem.
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I really liked the aprouch of the latest hexes that only light up when they become relevant.
Like Plaything lighting up only when you hook someone or Pentimento only when you rekindle one. Wish morr hexes worked like that.
Like Devour/ huntress lullaby only bring lit when you actually get your first stack and stuff like that
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Adding a 30 second window at the start of a game which hid your hex totems, or simply made them uncleansable so you had time to go there and defend them could be an idea. Unfortunatly though that is the weakness of Hex perks and why (some) are balanced to be so strong to compensate.
Ruin is still meta despte situations like this.
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16 seconds its a good timer for a hex. Mine staying 3-5 seconds after start. Its most useless perks in game
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It takes 14 seconds to cleanse alone. I seriously doubt they get cleansed in 3 seconds.
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I have been running plaything pentimento so i would love this. Fully understand your complaint though but at same time not the best time for regular hexes. It the time if the booners so I recommend my build. There always at least one who has to cleanse there plaything totem resulting in 30 repair debuff. Its really fun when you see a dull cleansed early in game....GG EZ
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Think they got the swamp map where survivor can spawn at the edge of the map as well as your Totem. Watched my totem get cleansed with my own eyes with lethal pursuer and I can't physically reach it to stop them. Good times.
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it's ridiculous I agree.
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Many totem spawn placements are bad. Some places are hard to see, but predictable. Those places that not predictable is out of nowhere.
But one of the reasons is the possibility of survivors spawn near either Gen or Totem. And its really easy to explain why.
Killer perspective: put a killer away from 4 survivors. You can put them 50m away from each other and still have space
Survivor perspective: tell me how do you put these 16 subjects away from each other in a 8500m square map? If divine the area to 16. Each of them are just 23m apart. Means the time rate to start objective for survivors is 6sec.
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Yeah spawning locations for everything is ridiculous in this game. Totems shouldn't be spawning next to survivor's objectives, and survivors shouldn't be spawning next to gens or totems either. The first time that Ruin was cleansed within 15 seconds for me was the last time that I used it, and I haven't used a hex regularly since.
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I've frequently read through the forums and often have thought about this. Many people argue for smaller maps, better totem spawns, survivors not spawning on gens, ect.
Most of these conflict with each other in some way.
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Using hexes in 2021 smh
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Gen/Totem sure have to spread out. With Survivors should not spawn any of those. But another thing is Killer doesnt know where they should go to start a chase. This combine makes Killers need at like 20sec just to start a chase, while Survivors can start immediately.
But I have an idea to fix it.
- Killer spawn in the middle of 2 Gates that have at least 70m distance from both Gates. Able to see 2 Gates' aura for 10sec. Survivors either spawn 2-2 or 1-3 from each Gate.
Because if Killer knows where they should go for the chase, while Survivors always have 50% to be found (Killer randomly goes for either Gate). This will ensure the first chase always start at the same time as Survivors start to touch Gen.
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Undying doesn't bring back your Hex perk, it's only a Hex perk, that automatically gets cleansed first. I'm talking about a Hex perk, that lets you rekindle, your already broken totems, that had Hexes on them. Like let's say you ran Hex Ruin, and another Hex perk. Both got cleansed. The perk would allow you to rekindle the broken totems, and you can get both your Hexes back. It wouldn't be the same as current Undying, nor old Undying, because the totem would stand in the same spot, decide when to bring them back, and you'll have to perform the same 2 second action, as Pentimento, to bring them back. A few seconds of your time, would still be better than running around perkless.
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You do know Lethal Pursuer, and Undying are a thing. Even without it, it doesn't take 20 seconds to find a survivor. Without Shroud offerings, 1-2 survivors will spawn relatively close to the killer's spawn, and 2-3 will spawn on the opposite side of the map. Having a killer spawn in the middle, like your plan, is the worst spawn for a killer, because that makes it harder to find survivors.
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I've moved away from hexes as a whole, as of late - unless I'm doing Plaything+Penti.
A whole lot of hexes (Lullaby and Third Seal for example) are just too weak to be as fragile as hexes are.
I've had games on RPD, Ormond, Eyrie, Haddonfield, Temple and Mother's Dwelling where I've lost 2 gens before even seeing a survivor. If they get a good spawn and you happen to pick the wrong direction at first, it can be extremely frustrating.
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At least make it so that the killer can walk in a straight line to the hex before the survivor can cleanse it, at the start of the match.
Maybe make it a mechanism that the hex spawns on a closer totem to the killer's starting point.
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That’s the risk of the hexs deal with it.
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Also, as I remember, there was a time that the totem spawn logics were changed that totems were hidden better.
I remember that it was quite frustrating to find Hex:Ruin then, but somehow totems nowadays seem to be more exposed compared to that time..
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It's not just away from each other, it's the tendency for totems to also be in tiles in plain view, on top of literally glowing.
Make Shroud of Binding a permanent effect and then you can address a lot of the other spawn concerns.
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All hex totems that freely stand at the start of the trial (except haunted ground) should have secondary, weaker, but permanent effects which activate when the hex is cleansed or blessed.
For example -
(Hex: Third Seal) Would do everything it normally does, but when eliminated, could apply something like 'hitting survivors with your basic attack applies the blind status effect for some amount of time.'
And so on etc for all the other active at start free-standing hexes.
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I stopped using hexes immediately after boons were introduced.
At least corrupt and pop exist.
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In October of 2017, a few days after Freddy's release, Monto made a video where he was going for a 4-man Devour Hope. And, in that video, he says that finding Totems "is like playing Where's Waldo, with Waldo standing in a white room by himself".
The situation still hasn't changed.
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The only real option at this point is just don't run hexes tbh. 9/10 you'll get a map that has the worst totems spawns, lerys and black water swamp probably have the best chances of keeping a hex up.
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Shh by forum standards everything happens very fast on killer side.
Gens pop in 5 seconds and totems get cleansed in 3.
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That's why spawning in the middle of the map sucks. Spawning on the side of the map, makes it much easier to find survivors for early game pressure. You could always run Whispers. It's the best tracking perk in the game. Once the perk lights up, you know you are 32 meters from a survivor. Depending on your location on the map, and direction of travel, you can figure out the radius of where Whispers is detecting the survivor. Could be 180° if you are right in the middle of the map, or much smaller if you are closer to the side, and even smaller if you are traveling towards a corner. Makes it very easy to pinpoint survivors.
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I never run hexes but I think they should be uncleanse-able until the first generator has popped or at least make them spawn as close to where the killer spawns as possible instead of being within 8 meters of the survivor spawn
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They cannot spawn in line of sight. They changed that a while ago. Not uncommon for them to spawn right around a corner however, and good survivors will check every spawn point they pass.
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Corrupt,deadlock,NWO, and pick your 4th don't use hexes.
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i have not gone against a ruin that's been a genuine problem in months + boons are extremely strong. don't use ruin lol