Legitimate Question...

Unless you are nurse blight or spirit, What can you do against a 4stack on comms with all metas on farm?? I don't get it. How can the devs honestly expect people to play a variety of these killers when they are powerless against survivors at top MMR. Seriously. I play nurse and blight and have no issues. The second I choose an M1 or 110 killer Its over.. I can anticipate everything but am powerless to it. Its either super safe tiles or perks that allow survivors multiple chances in one chase. Which is why killers like Nurse who ignore all that stuff or are least affected by it are the killers you see most at high MMR as survivors. So the question I am asking here is how do you compete with all of this as a killer you may like but know is weak?
Win anyway.
Also spirit can't handle a 4man SWF anymore.
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Play the best you can, maybe even record the match and rewatch it afterwards, I can guarantee you will spot somethings you did wrong, or you didnt play as perfectly as you think
This isnt meant to belittle, as some might think. This is something I do and I have over 4k hours in the game, and every time I get stomped and rewatch the game there are several things I could of done better
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You can't "win" every game.
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You can´t.
Unless the f up or you are extremely lucky.
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I occasionally watch myself in the TTV survivors i go against.
I watch myself from one of the survivors perspective. I learned something: I suck at (granted, i just picked up Bubba) but if it wasn’t for the absolute suckage of the three other people (who were obviously a console SWF), it would have been a 0-1k easy. I highly recommend this.
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I dont mind 4 stacks with Demo, but it is irritating that I get made out to be the bad guy for not just swallowing the L.
Itd be nice if there were a way to play these kinds of games without being a complete scumbag but hey, I have just as much of a right to win as they do.
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So, first, the idea that you're going against SWF Team 6 who are on point and playing perfectly and exchanging precise information very often is a little silly. Most of the time it's just a generally good and competent group of survivors who may not even be on comms at all, and it's absolutely winnable in those scenarios.
As for what you do, there's the aforementioned analysing your own games to see what you did wrong (which there will always be something no matter who you are, you'd have to be a robot to play perfectly), and there's also learning how best to capitalise on the mistakes that your opponents will make too. Aside from that, though, the big thing you should start doing is that you should start pinning your enjoyment on something other than a win. Learn how to play that specific map, those specific tiles, get a better measure of control over your killer, learn the good spots for them and the bad spots for them, take each game as a learning experience.
Heck, maybe you only want to make a weird gimmick build work and your "win condition" is just getting any value out of it, even if you don't get any kills.
You aren't going to win every match, and since the current state of the game is moderately tilted towards the survivor, that's all the more potent right now. Don't approach it like you're gunning to get a 4k every match because that's just going to make you more frustrated.
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I dont approach like I am going to 4k every match. I already understand why i lose when I do lose its just sometimes it feels like it didn't matter what I did it was a loss regardless. Which is fine just still feels poopy imo. To lose through no fault of your own or even the smallest mistake is crazy compared to how many chances the other side gets. And I totally get that as killer I am my whole team so I have less room for mistakes but there is legit like no wiggle room at high mmr.
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Well, that's what I'm saying. If you approach every game with the intent to win, instead of the intent to further your understanding or to make something specific work, sometimes you're just going to feel bad when you lose. This goes for all games, but especially ones with wonky balance like DBD.
Also, I'm not quite sure how to say this without it potentially sounding rude so do please understand I'm not trying to be mean, but... it's very easy to assume that you're at high MMR because you're losing a lot, but it's equally as possible that you're just doing a lot more wrong when you play killers you're less adept with at a far more moderate/medium MMR. I'd caution against ever falling into the trap of assuming you had no options- it's actually quite rare to get a genuinely unwinnable match due to factors outside of your control, there's almost always something you could've done.
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Not true
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She can if she is played properly not that i ever could mind you but ive seen some spirits on twitch do her justice even if its a uphill battle. It just usually takes proper planning especially if you see all 4 survivors pop into the lobby at the same time
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If the Spirit is sweating, than maybe.
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Every killer except Trickster or Trapper can compete in 99% of cases (just my opinion). But it depends on what you're willing to run and what playstyle you're willing to employ in some cases.
If the question is "Can a lower tier killer not running full meta compete with good players running full meta?", the answer is no. At least not consistently.
Even on a map like Fractured Cowshed against Seal Team SWF with Pyramid Head, Demo, etc., you can at least have a 1 or 2k by the time the gens are done. If you have NOED/No Way Out in your back pocket, you have a perfectly winnable game.
Plenty of the A or lower tier killers offer ways to compete. Pyramid Head can turn the game into a 3v1 in under 5 minutes. Pinhead has insane game stall and solid anti-loop. Nemesis and Demo are zoning powerhouses and pallet shredders. Legion is a killer that exists. Plague straight up deletes a lot of the survivor meta. You get the point.
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Oh I understand what you mean. In Hindsight there is always something I could do better but there are just games where you cannot take chase at all or you lose. Every survivor you chase has a jungle gym into safe pallet. Or something. I am not making this post to complain I honestly think that killers have 0 chance at high mmr accept for 2 or 3 of them.
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Go back in time
Learn Nurse and only play Nurse to grow your power
But really... some people claim to 4k with Clown a lot even at high MMR. I believe that, but if you want to play a non-meta killer you'd have to put a lot of time into them.
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You press that uninstall button and win the game by never losing a round of DbD ever again
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Maybe get better at those killers gameplay? But i guess thats impossible.
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If the survivors are sweating surely the killer should have to sweat too to win right?
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I will 100% try that. thanks ;)
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Simple solution there... Why didnt I think of that?!!?!?!?
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I mean agaisnt any other 4man, not just sweating SWFs, against a sweaty team she stands almost no chance.
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I have a lot of time played with every killer and I do fine most of the time. I am also not complaining about losing. I just dislike very much games where nmw is done you lose. when you get that 1 hook to 1 gen ratio when you are ending chases fairly quickly.
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What I mean to say is some games just feel like your were not meant to win at all.
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What you do is uninstall the game, and play something that actually respects your intelligence and your time.
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Not play DBD
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Whats your favorite chapter
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Silent Hill and Halloween are tied. The height of the entire game for me. Just so much fun for me.
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Respect the silent hill
Higher counterplay skill cieling than skill cieling in genral.
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Yeah that reveal was crazy and extremely exciting for me. And I'm sure for everyone. And there is still some really cool SH stuff coming like that Blighted PH and James Sunderland which I bought day 1.
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Hack their comms and listen in to what they are saying or feed them false information.
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Im still new but Why is it that they keep making the game hard for killers like i just had a game where i had to hit someone 4 times to down them i just don’t understand it.
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Pray that they are so bad that they can't secure a win with 40 perks in total
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She couldnt do it before either if the team played very well and safe.
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I mean, some of us aren't struggling.
I for one never play Nurse or Spirit. I think they are overrated. I like my matches to be challenging, not a walk in the park.
A big part of being able to play killer is not to rely on the power itself. You have to also know and understand other things like survivor movement (chases), Pressure (listen to who/what is being worked on), Tracking, etc work.
So when it comes down to it, the power itself isn't what is carrying me.
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