Dark/No Light Through out WHOLE game

PAntWill Member Posts: 19
edited August 2023 in Bug Reporting

After patching to 5.4.1 I started the game and straight away on the loading screen informing me of the save mechanic, the DBD logo cannot be seen.

Entered menus - Could see menu options but the background showing killers/survs was dark - lights turned off. Only light visible was campfire and Christmas lights.

Entered Load Out screen - Same

Loaded into a game just to check - same, can only see Xmas lights and the killers red stain and what ever the killers red stain shone on to like a torch. everything else was total darkness.

Similar to "The Game" Map - But everywhere. Even on menu/lobby/store etc...

Below ar pictures - I was on the Mccmillan Estate.

This was NOT just the map, But every menu in the WHOLE game. I cannot play the game

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  • Alice_Rowe
    Alice_Rowe Member Posts: 5

    Dude funny ######### I have right the opposite

  • Fantasy
    Fantasy Member Posts: 451

    It's something to do with the app data in documents and then delete the DBD folder. No idea if that will make any sense to you but it takes like 2 minutes to do it. So deleting the app data is the fix.

  • PAntWill
    PAntWill Member Posts: 19

    This worked perfectly, thank you!

    Anyone else having this issue on Steam:

    Close game first!

    1. Type into Search bar on windows - %LocalAppData%
    2. Scroll down to DeadByDaylight folder
    3. Delete this folder.
    4. Restart game. The game should automatically download this folder again (Basically resetting it)

    I kept the original file in my waste basket just in case ha, but it worked fine.