Validation is a bad system

What a ######### show. Getting robbed left and right with stupid ass dead hard validation robbing your powers by halting it immediately(Pig ambush, blight rush, etc) and pallet validation despite getting visual feed back that YOU KNOW should have hit but ######### you I guess.
God I ######### miss P2P. You can judge utmost lunge distances without praying to God that it would hit.
Punishing people because the other guy has worse internet
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If those cowards believed in hit validation, they would add it to vaults. I wonder why they won't. It is so hard to figure out! Come on, just let the "server" decide what happened.
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I kid you not I'm getting some BS validation where the pallet is so delayed. That I thought it definitely hit even by validation standards even did some fancy tech to get that play but ######### me still.
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I feel like it's an MMR kinda situation where even BHVR know its a deeply flawed system, but they don't know how to fix it so they just say "ahh whatever we put hard work into it just leave it up!"
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No matter which way you decide what hits count, SOMEONE will be upset.
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I bet they'll add it to vaults before they add it to grabs (with ACTUAL grabs, not melee attacks)
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I just find it odd that rollback only happens on the killer's screen, but worst of all is that grabs get switched out for a single health state.
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Nah the best time was back on P2P. Sure there are times when the host has mcdonalds wifi but when it works it really works. You can get sure hits on anything. Even as a Survivor no more getting hit because your fast vault for some reason has the hurt box of a medium vault.
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Worst is even that single health state is not guaranteed, you can miss it for some reason. I have hit a window instead of survivor several times.
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Tbh I don't mind the dead hard validation itself. It's the fact that it gave cheaters another tool so they can guarantee to not get hit cause dead hard.
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There is a known cheat right now that actually makes you perfectly deadhard every single time you are about to be hit.
But other than that, I'm not sure dead hard deserves to even have i frames considering how strong it is just as a way to get to a window/pallet
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The developers really don't know when to cut their loses with a lot of these systems.
Given the recent comments from McClean(Former DbD dev) cements the idea.
Not trying to out him or anything its just his insights shows several cracks in the development philosophy of the game given that he more or less admits billy's overheat is detrimental to the game but he defends it because they put time into it.
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Would make sense considering there are some survivors that just doesn't get faked out by my fake blight rushes.
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I often check the pings when I get my hits taken away. The survivor invariably has a bad ping.
I think the intention was that best ping should win but in reality it seems to be the opposite.
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To be fair, it's better than before where you try to grab someone and your killer goes "oops sorry social distancing" and pulls his hand back and you get nothing.
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Game was great for me on p2p. miss that too
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Survivors suffered from stupid hits for a long time. Validation is good. They just don't know how to tweak the visual feedback I guess. If they fix that, it won't look absurd. And you are not robbed off your powers. You don't go in lunge cooldown as it doesn't count as successful hit. It just counts as if it was a missed attack cooldown.
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The server decides what happens. That's how validation works.
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Nobody is getting punished atm (at least not in areas where there is a hit validation that is always active). It's a decision made by an independent middlemen (server). And that's how it is in most modern games that utilize dedicated servers, and that's how it ALWAYS should be for EVERY ASPECT of DBD (which, unfortunately, is not the case atm.). Otherwise the game would be incentivizing bad internet connections, and that sounds pretty awful.
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Lmfao I know when a hit should hit and when it shouldn't. The visual feed back saying otherwise is just icing on the cake. Yes you do get robbed off your powers. Again a pig ambush should still be continuing instead of her entire momentum going into a screeching halt because validation says you hit an imaginary FU.
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Validation is here to stay, so they could at least make it functional for killers like Nemesis. Being robbed of a hit AND pallet break when your tentacle is dead centre on both is absolutely ludicrous, unfair and just exacerbates dead hard's issues even further, and it's the perk with probably the most issues.
Another 'mains' argument as if people who play both sides or even survivor side can't grasp how stupid it is. At the very least something should be done when it affects gameplay like with Nemesis or some killer powers being weirdly cancelled. The animations should also be looked into since it really is frustrating.
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Validation is the best system for fair gameplay. Just because it looks awful as killer it doesnt corrupt the system itself.
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Well, I no longer have to feel bad about getting hits through pallets or windows. The server is now clearly on the side of the survivors and Enduring became a much better perk because of this.
However there are some instances where this hit validation on Dead Hard is screwing my decision making and that is just BS. As an example: If I am using Infectious Fright, then I look around as soon as I land the second his. I do this the moment I get a hit on my screen and react to the audio. Now if the survivor Dead Hards for the first times this screws me over massive and I have no way to prevent it without loosing at least valuable information from Infectious Fight.
Same with Hillbilly. It is muscle memory that I stop chainsawing when I get the hit. This screws me over with Dead Hard as I enter into the recovery animation and loose 3 seconds. Same with Bubba where I do not enter the next swing because I do not want to wast the totem. Worst case: Bubba and Billy with Infectious Fight.
Validation is fine from a balance point. Dead Hard and Pallets are working as intended and survivors can no longer complain because the server is on their side all of the time. However there are a few occasions that need a fix because they screw over Killers in an unintended and unfair way.
Oh sure I am not robbed of anything if I make the decision as mentioned above...sure I would have made the same decision if the survivor did not Dead Hard because I look around randomly or stop chainsawing just like that for problem here, right?
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We can make opt for 3rd option and make every action be 50/50 chance. Every hit 50/50. 50/50 check on whether you actually fell from high ground or not. 50/50 check on whether you hooked someone. 50/50 chance of you actually loading into the game. (Cannot be adjusted by luck offerings or perks that increase luck)
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If the false positives go away, I actually wouldn't mind the pallet validation. Let's be honest, most times when you get pallet validated, you know you're going for a risky swing. If it didn't have the sound and animation of a successful hit, it would look and feel perfectly fine.
Dead Hard though... no. In addition to the aforementioned false positives, Dead Hard validation has the following issues.
- This was essentially a buff to possibly the best Survivor perk in the game. Let that sink in for a second. Exhaustion perks are the strongest Survivor perks in existence. That's why they have exhaustion on them. Dead Hard or Sprint Burst was the best of those perks. Dead Hard got buffed. Why? It didn't need a buff and shouldn't have gotten a buff.
- Unlike pallet validation, Dead Hard validation can happen literally anywhere. You can't see it coming and mentally be like "This is an iffy swing; I might get validated." because you have zero clue when the Survivor is going to use their E button. Heck, you don't even necessarily know if they have an E button... but let's be honest, almost everyone does now.
- Dead Hard validation causes issues with "Go until you hit something" killer powers. Specifically, Victor Pounce on the Twins, Shred on Demo, and Ambush on Pig. With all of these powers, your model stops moving because your DbD thinks you hit something, then the server says no. This is really bad because these powers used to be able to "hit through" Dead Hard sometimes because if not timed perfectly, the Survivor might still be in the active hit box when their I Frames ended and get hit anyway.
- I'm putting Victor as another entry because of just how bad it is for him. What should happen on a miss is that Victor throws himself through the I Frames Survivor... quite possibly far enough away to not get kicked. Instead, this validation results in Victor stopping dead 2m behind the Survivor because he "hit" them on his side and the Survivor who's abusing Dead Hard gets a free kick. This can be game losing for the Twins player depending on how far away Charlotte is.
- Nemesis Tentacle. Once your tier 2, whipping over a pallet at a Survivor should be a no lose situation. Either you hit the Survivor, or you break the pallet. Well... Dead Hard Validation breaks this. Nemesis's DbD sees the hit, tells the server, server says no... and nothing checks if there's a freaking pallet to hit instead. If the tentacle gets validated it doesn't turn into a pallet break even though it should.
Short version: Pallet Validation needs to lose the false positives, but will be fine after that. Dead Hard Validation needs to be deleted.