Is it even possible anymore to enjoy killer?

Maybe I'm alone here I don't know but I can't have fun anymore when I play as a killer.
Either I have to sweat extremely hard to kill them with the same perks over and over which is no fun and just work or I try new thinks (like the new killer) and get bullied and genrushed in 5 minutes with a teabagging group at the exit gate as a bonus.
How are other people seeing this? Please tell me a way to have fun without having to play blight with ruin and thinkerer.
Try proxy camping and tunneling out the first guy you have hooked. Run NOED too. I find that's wildly entertaining. Survivors said to just accept losing and find your own way to have fun, so that's what I do. It's funny as hell. Watching the whole team stop what they're doing to try to save a guy getting tunneled out or watching them make hopeless saves to feed you a 4k when you have NOED. It's great!
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Honestly? Just switch to survivor. You won´t sweat at all and enjoy the game again.
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When you are paired with players who are actually on your level there are fun games sometimes.
I don´t like the matches with way too high or too low capable players.
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I still have fun, maybe a competitive pvp game isn't for you if you are expecting to win by not trying
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Expecting to win by not trying is not the same as getting matched with players that you actually just cannot catch because they have 7k hours, are using stretched res, and have every single busted loop and map memorized. When you get a team of players like that and tack on Dead Hard, it's a miserable experience. I just go AFK now if 4 gens are gone and I've gotten like 1 hook and everyone can loop
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I used to be in a pretty bad spot with Killer but I've been having a lot more fun with it lately. Here's 2 big things that made Killer fun for me again
1. Abandon whatever meta build you might have currently and focus on mastering your Killer's power
I realized that even when I ran ruin/undying/discordance/tinkerer that I still couldn't pull games easily and it was frustrating me a lot. I learned that focusing solely on getting better at making my power work (PotD or Tentacle Strike) made it a lot easier to stomach losing because I was focusing on something other than winning. It meant that when I lost I could try and learn how to use my power better and when I won it meant I was doing something right. During this time I picked whatever build I felt would help me get as much experience using my power as possible - I'm All Ears/Nurse's Calling/Nemesis/Enduring for PH and...kinda whatever I felt like for Nemesis. I wasn't very picky.
2. Find a build that works for *you*.
After I felt I was getting better at using my power I wanted to start trying a stronger build, but I didn't want to go back to a full meta build. Instead, I wanted a build that synergized with my killers and one that was also pretty fun. I found that I really liked exposed perks, and that one gen slowdown perk was usually enough for me. The remaining two perks were for whatever - information, or something that worked with my other perks.
For Pyramid Head I landed on Ruin/Haunted Grounds/All Ears/Nurse's
For Nemesis I settled on Lethal Pursuer/Devour Hope/Undying/Pop
Not the strongest builds, but they work well and I have fun with them. And when I win with them. I also like to challenge myself to see if I can win without my hexes and sometimes I'm pretty successful.
I'm on about a 12 winstreak with Pyramid Head which is the highest I've ever had. I'm expecting MMR to brutalize me eventually but I keep getting teams with 3 Dead Hard, 3 BT, boons etc. and winning so I must be doing something right! Nemesis I had a draw recently but I'm still doing pretty well. The game where I had a draw I managed to get my 2k in EGC against a clicky team so I was happy to be defiant to the very end and keep all of them from walking away!
The Nea could have saved James if she didn't waste her battery clicking at me and The Steve called me a loser, but I'm not gonna complain about a last minute 2K when they brought a map offering for the Game haha
Good luck!
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I’m having a lot of fun with killer right now but I don’t take dbd seriously and just go for hooks. If I get kills cool if I don’t cool
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No, it's more of a bullying simulator, but it you like these type of games, then playing killer is a perfect choice for you
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mess around with snowmen
or play plague with ruin and tinkerer lol
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I can't tell you how to have fun if you don't define what's fun for you.
For starters, I'd say set your expectations right. You complain about variety, from what I understand.
If you want to play a meme build, play a meme build. But don't expect to win easily or even often. If you want to win consistently, use what's needed to win. DbD is literally the only game I know where players are upset that they can't win with low tier stuff.
Fun for me is to play the killers I like. It's unusual I get fewer than 2k with corrupt and another slowdown (never ruin, I don't like it). Sure, I could do better with stronger options, but it's not like I'm going against 4 commodius with bnp on haddonfield every game either.
As I said, start with your expectations. The rest will follow.
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I started having fun again once I stopped caring about what survivors think about my playstyle. I'm one of those "play to win" type of people (I'm a fighting game player first). If I want to tunnel, I will. If I want to camp, I will. If I want to bring a mori, force you to the second phase, and mori you off the hook, I will.
I exclusively main freddy with blood favor, ruin, fearmonger (swapping in lightborn or franklins when necessary) and pentimento. I win (3k or better) most games and sometimes I get annihilated. I try not to let the games that I get destroyed bother me. Especially the games when second chance perks are straight up carrying the other team.
Embrace the killer role for what it is. Your job is to kill survivors by any means necessary. Toss that survivor rule book into the trash where it belongs and enjoy your new found freedom. I found my fun in playing how I want to play and winning. I live up to the merciless killer title lol.
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Killer is more fun as it's more interactive, but yeah lately it's a sweatfest. Sadly you just have to accept the fact that you'll be lucky if you get more than one kill. I've had matches where I'm lucky to get more than three hooks. It's not balanced fairly, and we just need to accept it for what it is. But I would definitely run noed and hex pentimento. If they cleanse totems you can take advantage of the slowdown, and if they don't then you get noed.
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Try not to care as much about winning or losing. I get pissed off myself but rarely. Usually when I deal with Dead Hard all match from multiple survivors. I'll admit I quit a match yesterday after dealing with DH from all 4 survivors but I usually don't get that annoyed. You don't have to run meta perks. You're making yourself do that.
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I started having fun as killer again once I stopped thinking about the survivors as players and started thinking about them as just bots.
A lot of my frustration and anxiety of playing killer was due to thinking about how there's 4 other people judging my skills. Once I stopped thinking about that, even when I'm losing big time I still have fun because I don't have the stress of thinking about what the other side is thinking.
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I usually have fun.
my advice is:
- Get in character.
- Focus on having fun, not just winning. I find that if I play super meta, I get arrogant and I make stupid errors. if you play in a more relaxed way, you'll probably have more fun, and win more often. that's what I find at least.
- Remember that DBD is, at its heart, about shared storytelling. it's rare for a horror villain to kill everyone in the movie.
- MMR will (eventually) give you matches at your skill level. Don't artificially boost your mmr by using ultra powerful perks all the time, and you'll have more fun. (I recommend holding off on using ruin to achieve this, try swapping it for blood favour, which is more fun anyways*)
- If you're getting ultra frustrated, take a break for a bit.
- Remember that a t-bagging survivor is a survivor losing distance in chase.
so, my advice overall is to look let MMR do its thing, and not sweat too much. Don't smurf, just don't sweat to the point you don't have fun.
*in my opinion.
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did you just call Dead by Daylight a "competetive pvp game"?
DbD is about as competetively viable as Mario Party, its not a competetive game at all.
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lol, good answer.
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I tried just not running any slowdown and not really giving a ######### about gens popping off. Still would manage to get 2ks during games I got my ass kicked, but with the current state of the game as killer it really isn’t as much fun anymore. It’s not fun babysitting 4 survivors that just slam gens out as fast as they can. Thanks to escape to tarkov I’ve been more distant from dbd and hopefully I can just quit entirely until something with this game changes.
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When you get weak teams, it is enjoyable. I sometimes think to myself "I should not be winning this game." When survivors are slow on gens, or aren't crazy at looping, the game becomes winnable. They allow you to win.
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I have a good time.
Guess i'm built different.
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Why not play survivor then or play something else, I heard civilization is a good game (try VHS honestly, it's pretty good in balance department imo).
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I have fun playing killer, I only play survivor if my friends are on but I enjoy trying out random builds and switching between killers every few games it keeps things fresh and I don't feel burnt because I'm not doing the same thing every game.
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Everyone may have memed McCote to ######### when he said it, but he really was on to something when he said "just play something else for a week". I have hella hours on this game, but even I get burnt out on it and playing something else for a few days really does help me enjoy the game a bit more. Killer burnout is a real thing.
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Only fun I have is at rank reset going for adepts
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Nice, I have been having fun with demo and pyramid head
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Not saying it like it is a comp balanced game, but it is most definitely played with a competitive nature and it is player vs player.
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Easy steps to enjoying the game.
Step 1) Use the perks you want, ignore people who scream because they will never be happy.
Step 2) Play the game how you want. Wanna tunnel and camp? Fly at it. Just don't cheat or hold the game hostage.
Step 3) Survivors just fixed three gens in the first two minutes? Afk time! I usually watch bobs burgers when I've realized I've lost. I set myself up next to the gate, alt+tab, and just mouse over every so often to check if they have the gens done or not. When they do open the gate. You won't get reported because most survivors prefer these games.
Step 4) Remember that the rules people set for you are contradictory by design. Don't care what the person across from you considers a victory because their criteria can and frequently will change to exclude yours.
Once you realize these rules you are set! Have fun out there.
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Playing killer can probably be enjoyable when you lower your MMR by letting all survivors escape. Going for as many hooks as possible, enjoying being dominant in chases, in the end just letting everyone exit to avoid getting to higher MMR. It may be frustrating to let everyone out, but if you initially start a match with this intention, maybe then you won’t be so frustrated. Winning with four kills is fun and satisfying, but having a dynamic match, downing and hooking a lot is also a fun aspect of the game, even if they all survive eventually.
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Nope, this game is broken right now. Survivor's have more power than killers, and since SBMM playing killer sucks.
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It is possibly, just...much more difficult than it should.
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It is possible if you make your own fun and goal to play for.
Try out new killer you barely played, do some tome challenges or game trophy for killers, try out new builds and play for something else than kills.
Once you get into mindset you dont need to "win" by game standards but by your own, you are set to enjoy it.
And you cab always take a break from dbd or from killer and play survivor more
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I took his advice and have not played since spring 🤣
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The best is not to play killers once you realize your killers' MMR is high.
Not a joke.
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Yes if you let a lot of people go so your mmr doesn't give you swats.
I still get hard games from time to time but most of the time I have a chance to win with build that suits me. I mostly play weaker killers, pig and myers these days. With the right add ons it is manageable.
I also go for 4k's against douchebags because I feel obliged to it. But if people are not bming, I let two of them go most of the time. Or more.
If I dominated that is. If not, everything goes.
I usually do because crossplay off (no stretch and filters survs) and mmr not too crazy, so it is fine.