Idea for Moris.

Well, the main idea is to treat moris like if they were cosmetics, this means you can get some at the store, some at events and you can equip them at the customize screen, perhaps being able to equip more than one and being able to select them while in game.

Moris could be divided in character specific and general. For example a general one would be a neck snap, that all characters are able to do, specific ones could be for certain characters, for example something to do with kenjutsu for the Oni and the Spirit, something for characters with blunt weapons, etc. and some that only one character can use, for example the Doctor going Raiden on survivors, and so on. This could also work with collabs like for honor, where Killers could get a for honor execution even if it doesn't make sense. (we have snowmen now)

The second idea is that Moris should be cheaper now, Mori on 3d hook are not worth the BP's they cost, and if they add multiple Moris, they should become more common so perhaps making a Mori part of the killer's base kit, perhaps the cypress, so you are able to Mori last survivor, or having to fullfill certain conditions in order to do a mori, and the mori offerings would just be to make it easier.


  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Before they do anything new with killer moris they should first allow survivors to kill the killer as well. The fact this isn't already a thing in the game is a bit ridiculous. If the killer can win the match by killing all of us then we should be able to escape for killing the killer. Its also usually how horror stories end anyway where the survivors end up killing the bad guy except if it was a thing in DBD then conditions would need to be met of course before this could happen. I've always been of the opinion that moris are just a toxic thing killers can use to further troll and harass survivors and would prefer they weren't in the game to begin with. I know why it makes sense they are there but to me it just seems like a very bully thing to do. Since they are in the game, make it fair for both sides. Allow survivors to kill the killer. That would make the game a lot more interesting for me.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    But isn't that what makes bdb different from games like evolve or Friday13 wich both by the way don't exist anymore. The survivors only can try to escape and the killer is this powerful monster that you can only slow down but never stop I think that's an integral part of Dbd.

    The VHS game that is coming out has that two and even my wife who is a total survivor main that only played killer in the tutorial was immediately Nah that sucks when she saw you can kill the monster in VHS.

    And about the mori I to think the should work on them I even heard the want to delet the offerings and make it so you earn the mori in the round and I think moris are oke like they are right know cause when the killer can mori you you are at death hook anyway so moris are some kind of counter to flashlights and Sabo bodyblock

  • Viamont
    Viamont Member Posts: 304

    Are you serious? cant be serious...thats one very dumb idea. DbD its about survivors "trying" to escape the killer or be killed, this isnt want to kill the killer go there. Its not ridiculous, it was never meent to be a thing, the whole core of the game its to escape the killer or be killed... thats it. No you shouldnt be allowed to, again core of the game, doesnt make a lick of sense. How moris are toxic mind me asking? the survivor has to be on a second stage hook meaning the killer has to work to get to that point, tis not given for free out of nowhere, how do moris allow to troll and harass? sorry but you make 0 sense with those coments about moris, old ones? maybe, new ones? not at all. Sorry but survivors have quite a lot more things to bully the killers with, and thats an actual fact, go to youtube, you can find a disgusting amount of videos of survivors squads all about bullyng the killer out of the games. For you perhaps, for the mayority of the player base not really, and given your track record of wanting to overly buff survivors and overly nerff killers...i would be weary of your ideas

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Yes, if change towards camping and tunneling doesn't come in time. If you read my post about that, you would know that and wouldn't have ignorantly said this as if I said I was quitting right after saying that. Now if you don't mind you would do well to stay on topic and stop trying to derail this one.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I am absolutely 100% serious when I say survivors should be able to kill the killers. It makes sense and it doesn't have to be easy. Its not about being able to "bully the killers." Its about giving survivors another means to win. Killers can hook, mori or win by the entity when time runs out. Survivors get the exit gate and hatch as a means to escape, which often means only 1 survives anyway.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    It's not that I'm being ignorant, I'm just too lazy to bother reading what somebody who only plays on easy mode types when it comes game balance

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    The whole point of the idea is that it would not be easy to do and give survivors another means to escape. It could make matches last longer and give something for the killers to be worried about too.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    But then you rip dbd out of its whole theme. We are in that otherworldly realm where the rules of our world don't count the entity don't want you to fight more then you already can otherwise characters like Leon Jill and Chris that would just demolish every killer. The whole theme of Dbd is that the survivors can only run or die and even death is no escape

  • laucters
    laucters Member Posts: 20

    This is funny if it's a joke and even funnier if it's not

  • Not_Music
    Not_Music Member Posts: 28

    I really like the idea of adding more moris! Reminds me of For Honor (although I really hope it doesn't become the same grind as For Honor).

    I could already see licensed killers doing some of their other icon moves from the movies/games that they're from.

    Also I thought they should have made that change to moris so long ago

  • Viamont
    Viamont Member Posts: 304

    Might make sense for you, but in all honesty doesnt make sense to most people who arent survivor mains and want more easier games that they already have. Sorry but doesnt make sense, the whole point of the game its to survive againts an unstopable murder machine, its eather run or die, simple as that. Sorry but it IS another potential way to bully killers, that you cant se that doesnt meen it isnt. Again, something you seem to ignore a lot, killers are meent to be unstopable, they ARE the power role (regardless that the game works diferently), they HAVE to fumble 4 players, its obvious they should have more ways to deal with the survivors. Hatch its a "last ditch efort" to give the last survivor one single chance, the game could easily screw the hatch and give the killer the last kill, but even so survivors are given one more way to get out, they dont need a "kill the killer" mechanic, thats quite honestly ridiculous and VERY out of place on this game, im going to repeat it, this isnt VHS

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    This is just a straight up awful idea and makes absolutely no sense for this game. The whole point of the game is that the survivors are trapped in this realm and are powerless, their only hope for survival is to repair the gens and escape from the Killers who are powered up by the Entity and told their sole purpose is to kill. And they are forced to do this repeatedly so the entity can feed off of that hope when the survivors fail. If you want to play a game where you can kill the power role, then go play literally any other asymmetric survival game since they pretty much all allow you to kill the power role.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Nice Idea for mori's but the second part I can't agree since giving the state the game is now it will be undoubtedly be abused by red mist survivors